Image Titlesort descending Duration (hours) Description
Combating Sexual Harassment in the Workplace 1.00 Welcome to Combating Sexual Harassment in the Workplace. This course was created by CypherWorx in alignment with training materials developed by New York State. While nearly a dozen states have enacted sexual harassment legislation, New York is among those with the strongest and most stringent proposed sexual harassment laws in the nation. ( This course may be used as a general sexual harassment training, however, you should check with your state and local municipality for other important requirements.
Combating Sexual Harassment in the Workplace (Corrections) 1.00 Welcome to Combating Sexual Harassment in the Workplace. This course was created by CypherWorx in alignment with training materials developed by New York State. While nearly a dozen states have enacted sexual harassment legislation, New York is among those with the strongest and most stringent proposed sexual harassment laws in the nation. ( This course may be used as a general sexual harassment training, however, you should check with your state and local municipality for other important requirements.
"" Combating Sexual Harassment in the Workplace (IL) 1.00 In recent years, the topic of sexual harassment in the workplace has been brought into the national spotlight, bringing with it renewed awareness about the serious and unacceptable nature of these actions and the severe consequences that follow. This course will help you better understand what sexual harassment means and looks like in the workplace, and what you can do to prevent it.
Combating Sexual Harassment in the Workplace (ME) 1.00 This course was created by CypherWorx in alignment with training materials developed by New York State. While nearly a dozen states have enacted sexual harassment legislation, New York is among those with the strongest and most stringent proposed sexual harassment laws in the nation. ( This course also includes specific information from the state listed in the title. This course dives into the requirements and laws in Maine. However, please note you should check with your state and local municipality for other important requirements.
Combating Sexual Harassment in the Workplace (NY) 1.00 In recent years, the topic of sexual harassment in the workplace has been brought into the national spotlight, bringing with it renewed awareness about the serious and unacceptable nature of these actions and the severe consequences that follow. Under state law effective October 2018, every employer in New York is required to establish a sexual harassment prevention policy which includes annual training, pursuant to Section 201-G of the Labor Law. This course was created by CypherWorx based on the 2023 update of the training materials developed by the New York State Department of Labor and Division of Human Rights, and is designed to meet or exceed standards required by state law.
"" Combating Sexual Harassment in the Workplace (NY) (Short) 0.50 The purpose of this interactive training is to set forth a common understanding about what is and what is not acceptable in our workplace so that all employees can recognize sexual harassment and discrimination and understand their rights to a safe workplace.
Combating Sexual Harassment in the Workplace (NY) (Spanish) Combatir el Acoso Sexual en el Lugar de Trabajo 1.00 Según la ley estatal vigente en octubre de 2018, todos los empleadores de Nueva York deben establecer una política de prevención del acoso sexual que incluya capacitación anual, de conformidad con la Sección 201-G de la Ley Laboral. Este curso fue creado por CypherWorx en base a la actualización de 2023 de los materiales de capacitación desarrollados por el Departamento de Trabajo y la División de Derechos Humanos del Estado de Nueva York, y está diseñado para cumplir o superar los estándares requeridos por la ley estatal.
Combating Sexual Harassment in the Workplace (NY) Instructor Guide 1.00 In recent years, the topic of sexual harassment in the workplace has been brought into the national spotlight, bringing with it renewed awareness about the serious and unacceptable nature of these actions and the severe consequences that follow. Under a new law effective October 2018, every employer in New York State is required to establish a sexual harassment prevention policy which includes annual training pursuant to Section 201-G of the Labor Law. Through this Instructor Guide course, learners will: Gain a better understanding of what is considered sexual harassment; Learn how to report sexual harassment; and Learn about external reporting options. This course was developed by CypherWorx, Inc. in alignment with training materials developed by the Department of Labor and Division of Human Rights to exceed standards required by New York State.
Combating Sexual Harassment in the Workplace (NYC) 0.75 This course was created by CypherWorx in alignment with training materials developed by the Department of Labor and Division of Human Right to exceed standards required by law in New York State. In addition to sexual harassment in the workplace, this course covers workplace rights in New York City and includes resources specific to workers in New York City. By completing this course, you will: Gain a better understanding of what is considered sexual harassment; Learn how to report sexual harassment; Learn about external reporting options; Learn about workplace rights and resources specific to workers in New York City.
Combating Sexual Harassment in the Workplace (Spanish) (Corrections) 0.75 En los últimos años, el tema del acoso sexual en el lugar de trabajo se ha convertido en el centro de atención nacional, trayendo consigo una renovada conciencia sobre la naturaleza grave e inaceptable de estas acciones y las graves consecuencias que conllevan. Según la Ley del Estado de Nueva York (vigente en octubre de 2018), todos los empleadores del estado deben establecer una política de prevención del acoso sexual que incluya capacitación anual de conformidad con la Sección 201-G de la Ley Laboral. Este curso fue desarrollado por CypherWorx, Inc. en alineación con los materiales de capacitación desarrollados por el Departamento de Trabajo y la División de Derechos Humanos para superar los estándares requeridos por el estado de Nueva York. A través de este curso, los alumnos: Obtendrán una mejor comprensión de lo que se considera acoso sexual; Aprenda cómo denunciar el acoso sexual; y Obtenga información sobre las opciones de informes externos. Al completar este curso: Comprenderá mejor lo que se considera acoso sexual; Aprenderá cómo reportar el acoso sexual; Aprenderá sobre las opciones de informes externos.
"" Comenzar una Nueva Carrera (Spanish) Beginning a New Career 0.50 En este curso, aprenderá más sobre cómo determinar qué carrera es la adecuada para usted, qué considerar antes de cambiar de carrera, cómo evaluarse a sí mismo al considerar una carrera y más. In this course, you’ll learn more about how to determine what career is right for you, what to consider before changing careers, how to evaluate yourself as you consider a career, and more.
Command and Control Introduction #1432 (Instructor Guide) 1.00 This is the Instructor Guide for Lesson #1432 Introduction to Incident Command and Control. This Instructor Guide is intended to prepare a lead instructor to deliver this course curriculum. Included in this guide is a review of lesson content, and all required lesson materials. The lead instructor must pass this instructor guide course with a minimum score of 80% to receive the course materials for this lesson.
Commitment to Quality in School-Age Programs 2.00 National, state, and local organizations are working to educate the public about quality school-age childcare services and to assist school-age childcare professionals achieve quality programming in their communities. It is essential for today’s school-age professionals to be aware of the national and state organizations, research, and practices that focus on the development of quality school-age childcare programs. This makes it possible for school-age professionals to learn about the dimensions of quality programs and to participate in the important process of continuous improvement of their own programs.
Commotio Cordis 1.00 Paramedic Instructor Peter Bonadonna discusses his thoughts on Commotio Cordis in an effort to orient EMTs that are not familiar with the phenomena.
Communicating with Families 2.00 Communication and positive relationships with families improve when program staff recognize family members as partners. Staff can benefit from acknowledging their feelings about families and identifying how these feelings help or hinder working with families. This course provides participants the opportunity to identify their attitudes towards families, consider how their attitudes can enhance or detract from their ability to develop positive relationships with families, and examine how a program’s overall environment supports strong staff-family communication.
Communicating with Families for Paraprofessionals 1.00 Research shows that family involvement in schools can improve family engagement with student learning and develop better relationships between families and children. Another benefit of increased family communication with schools is that it can improve student outcomes, including behavior, health, and school success. Paraprofessionals play a critical role in the communication between schools and parents. To be a good communicator, paraprofessionals need to understand the components of communication, and how the communication process works.
Communicating with the Deaf Sign Language User 1.00 This training was developed by Dr. Jason Rotoli, Deaf Health Pathways Director, University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry in conjunction with Dr. Jeremy Cushman, Chief of the University of Rochester’s Division of Prehospital Medicine. Funding for the Care of the Culturally Deaf education was provided by Society of Academic Emergency Medicine. Continuing Education provided by EMSPlumbline Final Exam: This multiple-choice exam is designed to test your knowledge of the material you just reviewed. You have three attempts to gain an 80% or higher on this exam. Please take your time and answer each question carefully.
Communications for EMS Providers 1.00 Many providers view EMS Communications as the most basic of topics. At the same time, some experienced providers see this as one of the most in-depth issues that they may come across. How do you view the topic of EMS Communications? It is difficult to find a provider with a rich background in EMS Communications that John Merklinger brings to the table. His knowledge of the industry and his ability to breakdown complex issues makes this large topic very easy to digest. Final Exam: This multiple-choice exam is designed to test your knowledge of the material you just reviewed. You have two attempts to gain an 70% or higher on this exam. Please take your time and answer each question carefully.
Communications for the Fire and EMS Supervisor 1.00 So much of what we do in Fire and EMS is problem-solving. This CME is a fantastic means for managers to learn about the very technical field of Radio Communications. If you are a manager that is in the position of problem-solving, you will want to take time to review this material. Three experienced professionals succinctly discuss what you will need to know when preparing for a problem or reacting to problems in the Radio Communications realm. Final Exam: This multiple-choice exam is designed to test your knowledge of the material you just reviewed. You have two attempts to gain an 70% or higher on this exam. Please take your time and answer each question carefully.
Community Resource Mapping 2.00 English Learner families can often benefit from accessing low-cost/free services such as legal services, English classes, food banks etc. Afterschool Programs often do not have the resources to provide all of the services that they would like to provide to English Learners and their families. This course serves as a compliment to Healthy Cultural Identities and Engaging Families and Communities, an in-person training offered through CalSAC's English Learner Training and Professional Development Project. This online course can also be used by a wide audience to help participants engage with an example of what Community Resource Mapping looks like.
"" Cómo afrontar el llanto (CDA 1 & 3) (Spanish) Coping with Crying (CDA 1 & 3) 2.00 Los bebés lloran para comunicarse. A veces es la única forma en que los bebés pueden comunicarse. Lidiar con el llanto puede ser un desafío, especialmente para las personas que tienen poca o ninguna experiencia en el cuidado de bebés. Aprender a lidiar con el llanto es fundamental, ya que el llanto de un bebé es el desencadenante número uno para sacudirlo. En este curso, aprenderemos sobre el síndrome del bebé sacudido y sobre las formas de afrontar el llanto de un bebé. Babies cry to communicate. Sometimes it's the only way babies can communicate. Coping with crying can be a challenge, especially for people who have little or no experience caring for infants. Learning to cope with crying is critical, as infant crying is the number one trigger for shaking a baby. In this course, we will learn about shaken baby syndrome and about ways to cope with a crying infant.
"" Cómo afrontar las alergias alimentarias en los espacios de cuidado infantil (CDA 1) (Spanish) Coping with Food Allergies in Child Care Spaces (CDA 1) 2.00 Una alergia alimentaria es una reacción dentro del sistema inmunológico del cuerpo. Puede ser de leve a grave y, en algunos casos, puede poner en peligro la vida. Debemos comprender los síntomas y los desencadenantes de las alergias alimentarias, las formas de prevenir la exposición accidental a alimentos prohibidos y cómo cuidar a un niño que experimenta síntomas. A food allergy is a reaction within the body's immune system. It can be anywhere from mild to severe, and in some cases, it may be life-threatening. We must understand the symptoms and triggers of food allergies, the ways to prevent accidental exposure to prohibited foods, and how to care for a child experiencing symptoms.
"" Cómo mejorar la alfabetización emocional en niños de 3 a 5 años (CDA 3) (Spanish) Enhancing Emotional Literacy in Children Ages 3 Through 5 (CDA 3) 2.00 Este curso equipa a los profesionales de la primera infancia con prácticas basadas en evidencia extraídas del Modelo Pirámide y de los recursos del Centro sobre los Fundamentos Sociales y Emocionales para el Aprendizaje Temprano (CSEFEL). Descubra cómo apoyar eficazmente el desarrollo socioemocional de los niños, sentando una base sólida para la preparación escolar, el crecimiento saludable y el bienestar general. Observe a los niños convertirse en estudiantes conectados y confiados mientras los guía a través de habilidades esenciales como la regulación emocional, la empatía y la comunicación positiva. This course equips early childhood professionals with evidence-based practices drawn from the Pyramid Model and Center on the Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning (CSEFEL) resources. Discover how to effectively support children's social-emotional development, laying a solid foundation for school readiness, healthy growth, and overall well-being. Watch children blossom into confident, connected learners as you guide them through essential skills like emotional regulation, empathy, and positive communication.
"" Cómo mejorar la alfabetización emocional en niños desde el nacimiento hasta los 3 años (Spanish) Enhancing Emotional Literacy in Children from Birth to Age 3 (CDA 3) 2.00 Este curso equipa a los profesionales de la primera infancia con prácticas basadas en evidencia extraídas del Modelo Pirámide y de los recursos del Centro sobre los Fundamentos Sociales y Emocionales para el Aprendizaje Temprano (CSEFEL). Descubra cómo apoyar eficazmente el desarrollo socioemocional de los niños, sentando una base sólida para la preparación escolar, el crecimiento saludable y el bienestar general. Observe a los niños convertirse en estudiantes conectados y confiados mientras los guía a través de habilidades esenciales como la regulación emocional, la empatía y la comunicación positiva. Unlock the potential of your preschoolers! This course equips you with the Pyramid Model's and Center on the Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning's (CSEFEL) evidence-based strategies for nurturing their social and emotional development. Watch their confidence bloom as they build strong relationships, navigate emotions, and develop vital self-regulation skills. Invest in their school readiness and overall well-being with these powerful tools!
"" Competencia Cultural para Niños y Familias (CDA 4) (Spanish) Cultural Competency for Children and Families (CDA 4) 2.00 A medida que las aulas y las comunidades reflejan nuestro mundo cada vez más interconectado, la comprensión cultural se vuelve esencial para los educadores. Este curso le proporciona el conocimiento y las herramientas para navegar por el espectro de la conciencia, la sensibilidad, la capacidad de respuesta y la competencia culturales. Juntos, exploraremos prácticas impactantes para fomentar entornos inclusivos y enfoques culturalmente competentes que empoderen a los niños y las familias. As classrooms and communities reflect our increasingly interconnected world, cultural understanding becomes essential for educators. This course equips you with the knowledge and tools to navigate the spectrum of cultural awareness, sensitivity, responsiveness, and competence. Together, we'll explore impactful practices for fostering inclusive environments and culturally competent approaches that empower children and families.
