Image Titlesort descending Duration (hours) Description
Creating and Implementing an Effective Strategic Plan for Your Organization 1.00 Without strategic direction it is hard to get where you want the organization to go. This Webinar offers you a process for reaching your organizational goals. Strategic plans help your organization, or department, set the roadmap to make a significant mission impact. Through this Webinar you will learn a model for completing a Strategic Planning process in your organization. It covers the entire process from planning to defining the strategic framework and then creating a process for implementation activities. You will learn how to create a strategic framework that gives the activities coherence and direction, ensuring that your strategic plan becomes a living, breathing document that is fully utilized in the organization. You will also learn how to involve your board, staff, and other important constituencies in the process to increase your chances of successful implementation. In addition, you will receive leave-behinds that give you practical exercises and instructions to use during your strategic planning process.
Creating and Maintaining Healthy and Safe School Environments 1.00 Keeping school-age children healthy and safe is a major priority for schools. This requires careful attention to setting up the environment to promote healthy habits and using effective strategies for monitoring and maintaining a hygienic environment. It also requires setting up the classroom environment to promote safety and using effective strategies for monitoring and maintaining a safe environment. Because students are growing towards independence, it is also essential to help them develop habits and behaviors for living a healthy lifestyle and to help keep them safe from harm as they participate in school experiences.
"" Creating and Maintaining Healthy School-Age Environments 2.00 Keeping school-age children healthy is a major priority for school-age programs. This requires giving careful attention to setting up the environment in a way that promotes healthy habits, and using effective strategies for monitoring and maintaining a hygienic environment. Because school-age children are growing towards independence, it is also important to help them develop habits and behaviors for living a healthy life-style.
"" Creating and Maintaining Safe School-Age Environments 2.00 Keeping school-age children safe during out-of-school hours is a top priority for school-age programs. This requires giving careful attention to setting up the program environment in a way that promotes safety, and using effective strategies for monitoring and maintaining a safe environment. Because school-age children are growing towards independence, it is also important for staff to help them develop habits and behaviors that will keep them safe from harm as they participate in program experiences. Promoting and protecting children's safety is one of the major responsibilities of staff in school-age programs.
Creating and Managing Budgets in School-Age Programs 2.00 When program budgets are developed through a careful, step-by-step process, they become valuable planning tools. By using effective budget planning tools and strategies, school-age care professionals can make realistic projections about the programs financial stability, and design strategies for generating and allocating resources to support the programs vision and mission. It is important for school-age care professionals to understand that the budget process is ongoing. It involves linking financial goals to program goals, identifying program priorities, allocating resources effectively, using reliable methods for calculating potential expenses and revenues, monitoring performance against projections made, and making needed changes and adjustments for the future.
Creating Community Collaborations 2.00 Across the country, more and more communities are forming community collaborations to address the out-of-school needs of children and youth of all ages. When different segments of the community join together, share ideas, and pool their resources and efforts to create out-of-school time initiatives, children and youth benefit. What one organization or program may not be able to accomplish alone is often achievable when partnerships and collaborations among diverse groups and individuals are formed. When school-age care professionals are knowledgeable about what it takes to create and sustain successful collaborations, they can play an important leadership role in creating out-of-school time initiatives and programs that will meet the needs of children and youth in their communities now and in the future.
Creating Respect and Safety 2.00 Out-of-school time programs provide a safe space for children and youth, both physically and emotionally. Staff need to understand how to create safe environments to ensure that children and youth feel safe in order to fully participate in the program. This course will provide participants the opportunity to explore their own relationship to safety and support, set group agreements for the series, and discover their FRAME.
"" Creating Respect and Safety for Paraprofessionals 1.00 Keeping school-age children respectful and safe is a major priority for schools. It requires setting up the classroom environment to promote safety and using effective strategies for monitoring and maintaining a safe environment. Because students are growing towards independence, it is also essential to help keep them safe from harm as they participate in school experiences.
Creating Successful Clubs, Special Events, and Field Trips in School-Age Programs 2.00 Children who regularly attend school-age programs need many opportunities to participate in activities that help them connect with their communities and work together to build on their interests, talents, and abilities. Clubs, special events, and field trips are ideal vehicles for providing these opportunities. When staff know how to work with children to plan and implement these activities, children develop a sense of program ownership that helps them become productively engaged in a variety of meaningful activities that support their development.
Creatively Implementing a 360 Program on a Budget 1.00 360-degree feedback is feedback that comes from all around an employee - 360 degrees, with the employee being assessed figuratively in the center of the circle. Feedback is provided by subordinates, peers, and supervisors. It also includes a self-assessment and, in some cases, feedback from external sources such as customers and suppliers or other interested stakeholders. The results from a successful 360-degree assessment may be used by the person receiving the feedback for self improvement, or by some organizations in making administrative decisions, such as pay or promotion. However used, it can be very effective - yet can be very costly to administer. Learn how one large non-profit company utilizes 360 degree surveys internally - on a budget!
Creativity 0.50 In this course, you will learn about creativity, including what it is, how to encourage it, and how to utilize it for positive collaboration.
Creativity and Innovation: Creative Thinking Basics 1.34 Creativity is the ability to imagine new concepts or combine existing ideas in new and different ways. An old idea that was not applicable in the past might become practical if the factors that made it irrelevant have changed. These changes could be in the details of the idea, or in the situation in which it is to be applied. Creativity is a key factor in personal development. There are certain traits that are evident in creative thinkers. To be creative, you need to differentiate between the traits that enhance your creativity, and those that inhibit it. In this course you will: prepare yourself mentally and physically to be creative, use your experiences, innocence, intuition, and sense of adventure to increase your creativity.
Creativity and Innovation: Creative Thinking Basics (Instructor Guide) 1.34 Creativity is the ability to imagine new concepts or combine existing ideas in new and different ways. An old idea that was not applicable in the past might become practical if the factors that made it irrelevant have changed. These changes could be in the details of the idea, or in the situation in which it is to be applied. Creativity is a key factor in personal development. There are certain traits that are evident in creative thinkers. To be creative, you need to differentiate between the traits that enhance your creativity, and those that inhibit it. In this course you will: prepare yourself mentally and physically to be creative, use your experiences, innocence, intuition, and sense of adventure to increase your creativity. This Instructor's Edition of this course includes notes and suggestions to assist you in presenting the material, whether in an in-person classroom setting, or as an instructor-led online or distance-learning course. It also provides you with the answers to questions found in mid-lesson activities, as well as in the quiz that concludes the course.
Creativity and Innovation: Creativity In Organizations 1.34 Creativity in an organization depends on various factors, such as the distribution of authority, the flow of information, and the culture. Some organizations encourage creative thinking to a large extent, and others discourage it. You can recognize a creative organization from its leaders. A leader who can influence a team and inspire them to work creatively builds a creative workforce. Such teams look at problem solving as a means to develop creativity. Although there are certain organizational situations that can enhance creativity, you should also be aware of the organizational factors and job conditions that can inhibit your creativity. In this course you will learn to: develop creativity in an organization, and use creativity to generate ideas and solve problems.
Creativity and Innovation: Creativity In Organizations (Instructor Guide) 1.34 Creativity in an organization depends on various factors, such as the distribution of authority, the flow of information, and the culture. Some organizations encourage creative thinking to a large extent, and others discourage it. You can recognize a creative organization from its leaders. A leader who can influence a team and inspire them to work creatively builds a creative workforce. Such teams look at problem solving as a means to develop creativity. Although there are certain organizational situations that can enhance creativity, you should also be aware of the organizational factors and job conditions that can inhibit your creativity. In this course you will learn to: develop creativity in an organization, and use creativity to generate ideas and solve problems. This Instructor's Edition of this course includes notes and suggestions to assist you in presenting the material, whether in an in-person classroom setting, or as an instructor-led online or distance-learning course. It also provides you with the answers to questions found in mid-lesson activities, as well as in the quiz that concludes the course.
Creativity and Innovation: Fostering A Creative Environment 1.00 Creativity is the ability to look at a situation from every possible angle and determine potential ideas, solutions, or outcomes. Employees with this ability add value to an organization by increasing its efficiency and productivity. This is why board members, stockholders, managers, and other employees want to recruit and retain creative individuals. Everyone in an organization benefits from the recruitment of creative people. When a candidate begins to search for a job or becomes aware of available positions, the candidate will form an opinion about your company based on promotional material, media articles, stories, and word-of-mouth. Creative people look for flexibility. Although managers might hire creative people, some managers still tend to stifle employees’ creativity with excessive rules and directions. Creative candidates must believe that they will have the flexibility to be innovative, or they will look elsewhere for employment. In this course you will learn to: recruit and retain creative individuals, and maintain a creative environment.
Creativity and Innovation: Fostering A Creative Environment (Instructor Guide) 1.00 Creativity is the ability to look at a situation from every possible angle and determine potential ideas, solutions, or outcomes. Employees with this ability add value to an organization by increasing its efficiency and productivity. This is why board members, stockholders, managers, and other employees want to recruit and retain creative individuals. Everyone in an organization benefits from the recruitment of creative people. When a candidate begins to search for a job or becomes aware of available positions, the candidate will form an opinion about your company based on promotional material, media articles, stories, and word-of-mouth. Creative people look for flexibility. Although managers might hire creative people, some managers still tend to stifle employees’ creativity with excessive rules and directions. Creative candidates must believe that they will have the flexibility to be innovative, or they will look elsewhere for employment. In this course you will learn to: recruit and retain creative individuals, and maintain a creative environment. This Instructor's Edition of this course includes notes and suggestions to assist you in presenting the material, whether in an in-person classroom setting, or as an instructor-led online or distance-learning course. It also provides you with the answers to questions found in mid-lesson activities, as well as in the quiz that concludes the course.
Creativity and Innovation: Personal Creativity 1.34 Creativity is often considered a talent that some people have. Actually, creativity's a skill that everyone can nurture through exercise and practice. You can prepare yourself both mentally and physically to be creative. In this course you will learn to: prepare yourself mentally and physically to be creative, and use your experiences, innocence, intuition, and sense of adventure to increase your creativity.
Creativity and Innovation: Personal Creativity (Instructor Guide) 1.34 Creativity is often considered a talent that some people have. Actually, creativity's a skill that everyone can nurture through exercise and practice. You can prepare yourself both mentally and physically to be creative. In this course you will learn to: prepare yourself mentally and physically to be creative, and use your experiences, innocence, intuition, and sense of adventure to increase your creativity. This Instructor's Edition of this course includes notes and suggestions to assist you in presenting the material, whether in an in-person classroom setting, or as an instructor-led online or distance-learning course. It also provides you with the answers to questions found in mid-lesson activities, as well as in the quiz that concludes the course.
Creativity and Innovation: Promoting Team Creativity 1.34 The purpose of a team is to bring together people with diverse personalities, knowledge, education, and experience. This combined diversity encourages creativity and productivity to accomplish a common goal. Teams might consist of people from a single department or several departments. Teams can generate new ideas, expand on or improve current ideas, make decisions, and solve problems. Teams can also be assigned to a specific task or be made responsible for a broader area, such as responding to changing customer expectations. When team members recognize their roles in a team, and the manager performs his responsibilities, creativity has a better chance of flourishing. In this course you will learn to: identify characteristics of creative teams, and manage these teams effectively, conduct creative team sessions, and conduct brainstorming sessions, and use creativity to solve problems.
Creativity and Innovation: Promoting Team Creativity (Instructor Guide) 1.34 The purpose of a team is to bring together people with diverse personalities, knowledge, education, and experience. This combined diversity encourages creativity and productivity to accomplish a common goal. Teams might consist of people from a single department or several departments. Teams can generate new ideas, expand on or improve current ideas, make decisions, and solve problems. Teams can also be assigned to a specific task or be made responsible for a broader area, such as responding to changing customer expectations. When team members recognize their roles in a team, and the manager performs his responsibilities, creativity has a better chance of flourishing. In this course you will learn to: identify characteristics of creative teams, and manage these teams effectively, conduct creative team sessions, and conduct brainstorming sessions, and use creativity to solve problems. This Instructor's Edition of this course includes notes and suggestions to assist you in presenting the material, whether in an in-person classroom setting, or as an instructor-led online or distance-learning course. It also provides you with the answers to questions found in mid-lesson activities, as well as in the quiz that concludes the course.
Critical Thinking and Decision-Making 1.00 Critical thinking is an act in which you question, analyze, interpret, evaluate and make a judgment about what you read, hear, say, or write. Critical thinking helps you make better decisions on a daily basis. Learn strategies for solving everyday problems and making thoughtful, well-informed decisions.
Cross-Cultural Business Communication: Addressing Cross-Cultural Issues 1.00 When communicating with coworkers, it is very important to respect other cultures. You should refrain from using humor that might offend people from other cultures, and avoid stereotypes that might affect how you treat your coworkers. Before communicating with employees who belong to a different culture, it is important to research their cultures and understand clearly what is expected from your communication. You should determine what types of communication are most appropriate in specific situations. For example, you should investigate the most appropriate method for communicating a behavioral problem to an employee. Some cultures prefer profuse praise to cushion the constructive feedback, while others prefer a more direct approach. The most important thing to communicate to employees of different cultures is respect. By approaching them in accordance with their cultural standards and expectations, you’ll show respect for their cultures and your communication will be enhanced. In this course you will learn to: identify gestures used in different cultures and build a cross-cultural team, and discuss guidelines for writing cross-cultural documents and assembling a translation team.
Cross-Cultural Business Communication: Addressing Cross-Cultural Issues (Instructor Guide) 1.00 When communicating with coworkers, it is very important to respect other cultures. You should refrain from using humor that might offend people from other cultures, and avoid stereotypes that might affect how you treat your coworkers. Before communicating with employees who belong to a different culture, it is important to research their cultures and understand clearly what is expected from your communication. You should determine what types of communication are most appropriate in specific situations. For example, you should investigate the most appropriate method for communicating a behavioral problem to an employee. Some cultures prefer profuse praise to cushion the constructive feedback, while others prefer a more direct approach. The most important thing to communicate to employees of different cultures is respect. By approaching them in accordance with their cultural standards and expectations, you’ll show respect for their cultures and your communication will be enhanced. In this course you will learn to: identify gestures used in different cultures and build a cross-cultural team, and discuss guidelines for writing cross-cultural documents and assembling a translation team. This Instructor's Edition of this course includes notes and suggestions to assist you in presenting the material, whether in an in-person classroom setting, or as an instructor-led online or distance-learning course. It also provides you with the answers to questions found in mid-lesson activities, as well as in the quiz that concludes the course.
Cross-Cultural Business Communication: Communicating Across Cultures 1.00 When communicating across cultures, you could come across a number of barriers. In addition to language barriers, there might be more subtle obstacles, such as cultural biases and conflicting communication styles. Building relationships with people of other cultures will provide you with the incentive to work through those barriers and achieve effective communication. In this course you will learn to: establish rapport and build trust, and listen well and provide positive and constructive feedback.
