Image Titlesort descending Duration (hours) Description
GED: Math - Unit 4: Introduction to Geometry 1.00 Welcome to Unit 4: Introduction to Geometry. Geometry is an important part of math. It's also an important job skill. Carpenters, builders, and construction workers all use geometry, as do architects and landscape engineers. Even diamond cutters and jewelers use it. In this unit, we'll explore lines, angles, and shapes like triangles, circles, and quadrilaterals. We'll also learn about perimeter, area, volume, and surface area.
GED: Math - Unit 5: Coordinate Plane 1.00 Welcome to Unit 5: Coordinate Plane. If you've ever graphed points, or read a graph, you've worked with the coordinate plane. In this unit, we'll learn about points, the lines that connect them, and the equations used to create them.
GED: Math - Unit 6: Polynomials 1.00 Welcome to Unit 6: Polynomials. We first learned about polynomials in Unit 3 when we learned how to simplify expressions. We'll work with them again in this unit, where we'll learn how to perform more complex operations with them.
GED: Math - Unit 7: Rules of Exponents 1.00 Welcome to Unit 7: Rules of Exponents. We first learned about exponents, or powers, in Unit 2, when we first learned about basic operations. In this unit, we'll learn about the rules of exponents. We use them to help us simplify expressions that have exponents in them.
GED: Math - Unit 8: Linear Inequalities in One Variable 1.00 Welcome to Unit 8: Linear Inequalities in One Variable. In Unit 3 of this course, we learned about expressions and equations. In Unit 5, we learned about graphing lines. In this unit, we'll learn about inequalities: how to set them up, how to solve them, and how to graph them.
GED: Math - Unit 9: Statistics and Probability 1.00 Welcome to Unit 9: Statistics and Probability. Statistics is a broad field that allows us to collect, analyze, and interpret all kinds of data. It's used by people in all professions and all walks of life, even if they may never realize they're using it. Probability is a related field that helps us figure out how likely something is to happen. We use that in everyday life as well. The measures of central tendency include several different tools that help us analyze and interpret data. You'll need to know how to use these tools not just on the math test, but on the social studies and science tests as well. In this lesson, we'll learn about mean, median, mode, and range.
"" GED: Reasoning Through Language Arts - Unit 1: Strategies for Reading Comprehension 1.00 Welcome to Unit 1: Strategies for Reading Comprehension. The Reading and Language Arts (RLA) Test has three sections: reading, editing, and writing. We'll explore some of the strategies and skills related to reading comprehension, and work through practice questions like those you'll see on the test.
GED: Reasoning Through Language Arts - Unit 2: Vocabulary and Word Skills 1.00 Welcome to Unit 2: Vocabulary and Word Skills. We learned that reading comprehension is more about understanding the big picture than it is about understanding individual words. Even so, there are strategies for decoding individual words when we bump into ones we don't understand. In this unit, we'll identify and explore some of those strategies.
GED: Reasoning Through Language Arts - Unit 3: Reading Comprehension Skills 1.00 Welcome to Unit 3: Reading Comprehension Skills. Now that we've talked about some of the strategies associated with reading comprehension, let's talk about some of the skills you'll need to make sense of the readings you encounter. In this unit, we'll talk about main ideas, details, and inferences.
GED: Reasoning Through Language Arts - Unit 4: Patterns of Organization 1.00 Welcome to Unit 4: Patterns of Organization. Now that we've talked about the difference between an author's main idea and the details the author uses to support it, along with how we can make inferences based on those details, let's talk about how authors organize their writing. We'll start this unit by learning how to differentiate between facts and opinion. Then we'll talk about how writing can be used to show cause and effect, to compare and contrast, and to describe information.
GED: Reasoning Through Language Arts - Unit 5: Purpose and Tone 1.00 Welcome to Unit 5: Purpose and Tone. Now that we've talked about how authors organize their writing, let's talk about purpose and tone. In this unit, we'll explore different kids of writing, and identify ways to determine the effectiveness of an author's argument.
GED: Reasoning Through Language Arts - Unit 6: The Writing Process 1.00 Welcome to Unit 6: The Writing Process. Now that you're familiar with the skills and strategies required for reading comprehension, let's turn to writing. This section of the RLA will ask you to edit sentences and paragraphs to correct errors in grammar, punctuation, and style. In this unit, we'll cover the rules of the road when it comes to grammar and punctuation.
GED: Reasoning Through Language Arts - Unit 7: The Extended Response 1.00 Welcome to Unit 7: The Extended Response. The last part of the RLA section is the Extended Response, or essay. Here's how it works. You'll be given something to read - a source text or texts - and asked to write an essay in response to a prompt related to the reading. In this unit, we'll learn about two types of essays and take a look at an example of each one.
GED: Reasoning Through Language Arts - Unit 8: Post-Test 0.25 Welcome to Unit 8: Post-Test. This post-test covers reading comprehension, writing, and editing. At the end of this post-test is a table that matches each question to the content it covers. Use it to review any content that you haven't mastered.
"" GED: Science - Unit 1: Science Practices 1.00 Welcome to Unit 1: Science Practices. Science practices describe the ways we collect, process, and analyze information. Each question on the science test will incorporate science practice within the content area being tested. In this unit, we'll explore some of those science practices. We'll define scientific method, describe variables, and learn about sampling techniques. We'll also explore some of the ways scientists represent and analyze the data they collect.
GED: Science - Unit 2: Life Science 1.00 Welcome to Unit 2: Life Science. About 45% of the questions you'll see on the science test relate to Life Science. That's the study of living things. In this unit, we'll cover the building blocks of life, the form and function of living things, the basics of heredity, and the ways living things interact with one another and the environment.
"" GED: Science - Unit 3: Physical Science 1.00 Welcome to Unit 3: Physical Science. About 35% of the questions you'll see on the science test will cover Physical Science. In this unit, we'll explore some of the basic principles of physics and chemistry.
"" GED: Science - Unit 4: Earth and Space Science 1.00 Welcome to Unit 4: Earth and Space Science. About 20% of the questions on the science test relate to Earth and space systems. In this unit, we'll learn about our planet, and its place in the solar system. We'll also learn about stars and galaxies.
GED: Science - Unit 5: Post-Test 0.25 Welcome to Unit 5: Post-Test. This post-test covers life science, physical science, and earth and space science. At the end of this post-test is a table that matches each test question to the content it covers. Use it to review any content you haven't mastered.
"" GED: Social Studies - Unit 1: Civics and Government 1.00 Welcome to Unit 1: Civics and Government. Let's start with most heavily tested information. Civics and Government account for about 50% of the questions you'll see on the test. In this unit, we'll define government, ways governments are classified, and learn about the government of the United States.
"" GED: Social Studies - Unit 2: United States History 1.00 Welcome to Unit 2: United States History. United States history makes up about 20% of the questions you'll see on the test. They'll cover the time period from exploration and colonization through modern time. In this unit, we'll identify and explore some of those major periods. And while we won't be able to cover every detail, you should have a sense of what happened, and how various events shaped our country.
"" GED: Social Studies - Unit 3: Economics 1.00 Welcome to Unit 3: Economics. Economics accounts for about 15% of the questions you'll see on the test. In this unit, we'll cover the basics of both micro and macroeconomics. We'll work with graphs, and we'll explore consumer economics.
"" GED: Social Studies - Unit 4: Geography and the World 1.00 Welcome to Unit 4 - Geography and the World! World Geography accounts for about 15% of the questions you'll see on the test. There are five basic themes in geography - location, place, human-environment interaction, movement, and region. This Unit, we'll cover the basics of each one. We'll also learn about some of the maps geographers use to study the world.
GED: Social Studies - Unit 5: Post-Test 0.25 Welcome to Unit 5: Post-Test. This post-test covers civics and government, US history, economics, and world geography. At the end of this post-test is a table that matches each test question to the content it covers. Use it to review and content you haven't mastered.
Generational Differences - Managing The Complexity 1.00 Could dealing with people get any more difficult? Today’s business environment brings many challenges with four different generations working together for the first time. Communication, respect, recognition, retention, interaction with others, and work life balance mean something different to each generation. If not understood and managed effectively workplace conflict, poor communication, low morale, and high turnover can occur. Understand and discover the key values and contributions among these four generations. Each generation provides intrinsic value to an organization. You will learn how to capitalize on the strengths of the Traditionalists, the Baby Boomer’s, Generation X, or the Millennial Generation (Gen Y). By implementing effective strategies for communication, recognition, development, retention, and leadership you will uncover the hidden talents of each generation while minimizing the risk of knowledge transfer. You will learn the key generational differences and similarities in each of these areas. Join us as we share with you some of the many generational challenges in today’s work environment.
