Image Titlesort descending Duration (hours) Description
Koalas 1.00 This course provides an introduction to koalas, including an overview of physical characteristics, habitat, behavior, reproduction, and conservation.
"" La alfabetización en medios digitales (Spanish) Digital Media Literacy 1.50 En este curso, aprenderá a juzgar la información en línea, comprender e interpretar los medios y la relación de la sociedad con las redes sociales y los teléfonos inteligentes. In this course, you will learn about judging online information, understanding and interpreting the media, and society's relationship with social media and smartphones.
"" La Creatividad (Spanish) Creativity 0.50 En este curso, aprenderá sobre la creatividad, incluido qué es, cómo fomentarla y cómo utilizarla para una colaboración positiva. In this course, you will learn about creativity, including what it is, how to encourage it, and how to utilize it for positive collaboration.
Labor Law Round Up 1.00 This session will give you the latest employment law developments and answers to tough employment law questions, presented in a high energy, interactive session. You don't want to miss this one...
Ladder Safety 0.75 This course covers safe ladder practices, common hazards when using ladders, and the proper use of different ladder types.
Leading Teams and Organizations with Head and Heart 2.00 As leaders, we must ensure that we are not only modeling social-emotional and character skills ourselves, but creating program environments for staff to thrive in these areas. Organizations can intentionally embrace and uphold practices that create safe environments for staff to develop and hone such skills individually and collectively, especially amongst change. In this course, participants will understand three stages of change, and how staff experience each. Participants will also become familiar with adaptive leadership strategies for managing change within organizations.
Leading with Head and Heart 2.00 Those in leadership positions have a responsibility to both lead and manage.During this course, participants will understand the differences between the leadership and management, and the steps we can take to cultivate both. Participants will explore how leaders create safe, supportive environments by modeling self-awareness, interpersonal skills and growth mindset in how we lead and manage.
"" Learner Development and Individual Learning Differences 2.00 This course covers the different characteristics of students and their unique learning needs. It highlights the impact of disabilities on the development of individual students and their families and how best to support them. This course will help you develop new knowledge about students and help you understand your role as a paraprofessional. It is just one of the many paraprofessional courses we offer.
Learning Tips: How to Enjoy Learning 0.50 From the moment we are born, our mind is learning and developing at a rapid rate. From being taught how to walk to learning complex topics in calculus, our brains have always helped us to store and remember important information. However, in a lot of cases, learning can be very challenging. Because of this, people tend to dislike learning new things as it can wear them down and take up too much time. In this course, you will discover ways to enjoy learning and how to learn from your mistakes, as well as some useful study tips.
Lemurs 2.00 In this module, you'll learn about the natural history and conservation of a fascinating group of primates: lemurs.
LGBTQ+ Safe Zone Training 1.00 This course is just one out of several courses we offer in this series. This is our basic LGBTQ+ Safe Zone Training, created for anyone in any profession. If you work in a school setting, try taking our LGBTQ+ Safe Zone for School Settings. If you are a student, please take LGBTQ+ Safe Zone for Students. If you are interested in teaching others about this topic, try one of our Train the Trainer versions of this course! In this course, you will work through a number of activities in order to gain a better understanding of LGBTQ+ identities and experiences. These activities are going to be reflective and may feel uncomfortable or new, but that is okay. By the end of this course, you will be Safe Zone Certified! This course was developed using materials from The Safe Zone Project.
LGBTQ+ Safe Zone Training for School Settings 1.50 This course is just one out of several courses we offer in this series. This is our Safe Zone Training for School Settings, created for those who work in schools. If you don't work in a school setting, try taking our general LGBTQ+ Safe Zone course. If you are interested in teaching others about this topic, try one of our Train the Trainer versions of this course. If you are a student, please take our LGBTQ+ Safe Zone Training for Students. This course will help you develop new knowledge about the LGBTQ+ community and will help you understand what your role as a safe zone trained person might look like. In this training, you will work through a number of activities in order to gain a better understanding of LGBTQ+ identities and experiences. These activities are going to be reflective and may feel uncomfortable or new, and that is okay! We want this to be an engaging and interactive learning experience.
LGBTQ+ Safe Zone Training for Students 1.50 This course is just one out of several courses we offer in this series. This is our student version of our LGBTQ+ Safe Zone Training, created for students. If you are not a student, we also have a school setting version and a generic version if you don't work in a school. If you are interested in teaching others about this topic, try one of our Train the Trainer versions of this course. This course will help you develop new knowledge about the LGBTQ+ community and will help you understand what your role as a safe zone trained person might look like. In this training, you will work through a number of activities in order to gain a better understanding of LGBTQ+ identities and experiences. These activities are going to be reflective and may feel uncomfortable or new, and that is okay! We want this to be an engaging and interactive learning experience.
Lifting and Moving—Lesson 1 0.50 There are several disciplines of healthcare that require proficiency in lifting and moving. Prehosital medicine and fire-service-related rescue requires a proficiency in this area that is beyond any other area of healthcare. Our team of experts discuss the challenges that we face in our community. In this first session of the series, we explore the mindset and preparation that must take place in order to achieve success. Final Exam:This multiple choice exam is designed to test your knowledge of the material you just reviewed. You have two attempts to gain a 70% or higher on this exam. Please take your time and answer each question carefully.
Lifting and Moving—Lesson 2 0.50 In the second session, we will discuss body mechanics and what you can do to properly train to perform in a safe manner. Final Exam: This multiple choice exam is designed to test your knowledge of the material you just reviewed. You have two attempts to gain an 80% or higher on this exam. Please take your time and answer each question carefully.
Light-Footed Clapper Rails: A Successful Ex-Situ Conservation Program 1.00 This webinar provides a detailed overview of the collaborative efforts of different organizations to save this highly endangered bird species. It will enable participants to understand the process involved in setting up a captive breeding and release program for a very elusive bird.
Lightning Safety Awareness 0.50 This course covers the basics of lightning, lightning injury prevention, and how to help lightning strike victims.
Lions 2.00 This course explores the natural history of lions along with current conservation efforts. You’ll learn about the lion’s physical characteristics, habitat, behavior, reproduction, and who is working to protect these animals.
Lithium-Ion Battery - INTRODUCTION 1.50 This introductory course is an awareness-level presentation that educates firefighters on the impact of lithium-ion batteries on fire service operations. The course defines the lithium-ion battery, describes the chemistry of the battery, and identifies the applications using this technology. The lessons of this course assess the hazards of the lithium-ion battery, evaluate the associated risk, and identify operational mitigations to reduce firefighter risk exposure when encountering fires related to this technology.
Lockout-Tagout: Control of Hazardous Energy 0.50 This course covers the procedures of Lockout-Tagout. You will learn what Lockout-Tagout is, when to apply it, as well as the process that goes along with it.
"" Los beneficios de conectar a personas mayores y niños pequeños (CDA 3) (Spanish) Benefits of Connecting Seniors and Young Children (CDA 3) 1.00 Este curso se enfoca en involucrar a adultos mayores en programas de educación y cuidado infantil. Descubra los beneficios para los niños, los adultos mayores, su programa y para usted cuando participan personas mayores. This course focuses on involving senior adults in child care and education programs. Discover the benefits to the children, senior adults, your program, and you when seniors are involved.
Machine Guarding and Amputation Hazards 1.00 This course covers the sources of amputation hazards as well as the possible protection methods against them. Different machine guarding for various types of machines and tools will also be discussed.
Machinery and Vehicular Safety 1.00 This course covers how to safely operate machinery and work vehicles. You will learn about the hazards of vehicles and machinery. You will also learn about precautions you should take while operating vehicles and machinery and how to protect yourself.
Making Educators Partners in Suicide Prevention 0.75 This course covers Making Educators Partners in Suicide Prevention. It is just one of many educational courses we offer. This course will help you develop new knowledge about children and help you better understand your role. This course will give you a broad overview of suicide statistics and the disparities that come with it. It will then give you an understanding of what educational professionals can do to help their students who are at risk and provide you with strategies recommended by the CDC.
Making Plans and Developing Policies 2.00 Planning and policy-making are closely linked to the development of quality school-age care programs. When school-age staff are skilled as planners and policy-makers, they can use these skills to design and implement high quality programs that benefit children, youth, and families. It is essential for school-age care professionals to recognize that it is important for policies to grow out of a vision of quality, and a mission that supports that vision. Therefore, creating a vision for quality, developing a program philosophy, and writing a clear mission statement are the first steps in program planning. It is also important for school-age care professionals to use a systematic process to develop goals and objectives, set priorities for accomplishing goals and objectives, and develop goal-based action plans that will help the school-age program achieve its mission. High quality school-age programs are led by professionals who understand how to use effective strategies for creating a continuous cycle of planning and evaluation that supports ongoing program improvement.
