Image Titlesort descending Duration (hours) Description
Microsoft Outlook 2019 Complete 16.00 Outlook 2019 Complete provides the concepts and skills to be productive with Microsoft Outlook 2019, starting with fundamentals and working up to advanced tools and techniques. This course maps to the objectives of the Microsoft Office Specialist exam for Outlook 2019. Objective coverage is marked throughout the course, and you can download an objective map.
Microsoft Outlook 2021/365 Complete 8.00 Microsoft Outlook 2021/365 Complete provides the basic and advanced concepts and skills to be productive with Microsoft Outlook: how to communicate via email messages, organize your contacts, and arrange your schedule. It also covers how to organize Outlook items, use advanced message properties, and collaborate with others. You will benefit most from this course if you want to accomplish basic workplace tasks in Outlook, or if you want to have a solid foundation for continuing on to become an Outlook expert. The course assumes you know how to use a computer and that you're familiar with Microsoft Windows. It does not assume that you've used a different version of Outlook or a similar desktop application before.
"" Microsoft PowerPoint - Basic: Getting Started 0.75 This course will focus on how to open a presentation, identify PowerPoint interface components, switch between views, and zoom in and out.
Microsoft PowerPoint 2019 Complete 16.00 PowerPoint 2019 Complete covers the concepts and skills needed for maximum productivity in PowerPoint, starting with fundamentals and working up to advanced tools and techniques. This course maps to the objectives of the Microsoft Office Specialist exams for PowerPoint 2019. Objective coverage is marked throughout the course, and you can download an objective map for the series. Students will benefit most from this course if they want to start with the basics and become power users of 2019. The course covers how to create, navigate, format, and customize PowerPoint presentations, as well as advanced features such as animation, transition techniques, adding and formatting media, track corrections, working with multiple presentations, creating custom slide shows, and working with security and sharing options. The course assumes students know how to use a computer, and that they're familiar with Microsoft Windows. It does not assume that they've used a different version of PowerPoint or any other presentation program before.
Microsoft PowerPoint 2021/365 Complete 8.00 Microsoft PowerPoint 2021/365 Complete provides the basic and advanced concepts and skills that you need to be a power user of Microsoft PowerPoint: How to create, navigate, format, and customize PowerPoint presentations, use advanced formatting features and animation and transition techniques, add and format media, track corrections and work with multiple presentations, create custom slide shows, and work with security and sharing options. You will benefit most from this course if you want to build your PowerPoint skills to become a power user, or if you want to have a solid foundation in PowerPoint's advanced features. The course assumes you know how to use a computer, and that you're familiar with Microsoft Windows. It does not assume that you've used a different version of PowerPoint or any other presentation program before.
Microsoft Project 2019 Complete 16.00 Project 2019 Complete covers the concepts and skills needed for maximum productivity in Project, starting with fundamentals and working up to advanced tools and techniques. Students will benefit most from this course if they have at least some prior knowledge of project management procedures and practices. It is intended to support you in applying this knowledge through the use of Microsoft Project as a project management tool. Some of the topics covered are: - Creating a new project schedule from scratch - Understanding and working with task types, scheduling options, and task constraints - Working with resources, including scheduling and assignment - Managing the project schedule in accordance with the critical path and project baseline - Printing project views, dashboards, and various other kinds of reports. - Working with the Quick Access Toolbar and advanced calendar topics - Setting resource working-time exceptions, pooling resources for sharing, and creating resource budget cost items - Working with multiple baselines and interim plans - Resolving resource conflicts and scheduling issues - Consolidating projects using Master projects and Subprojects - Working with Project Server, Project Online, and SharePoint - Using Project data in other applications - Creating final reports There are no specific prerequisites for this course. However, general computer user knowledge is assumed. Any additional experience having worked with forms and/or databases will be helpful.
Microsoft Project 2021/365 Complete 16.00 30 Bird Media's Microsoft Project 2021/365 Complete courseware covers the concepts and skills needed for maximum productivity in Project, starting with fundamentals and working up to advanced tools and techniques. There are no specific prerequisites for this course. However, general computer user knowledge is assumed. Any additional experience having worked with forms and/or databases will be helpful. You will benefit most from this course if you have at least some prior knowledge of project management procedures and practices. It is intended to support you in applying this knowledge through the use of Microsoft Project as a project management tool.
Microsoft Windows 10 8.00 Microsoft Windows 10 provides the basic knowledge needed to use and perform basic configuration of a computer running Windows 10; this includes basic operating system features, using and installing apps, managing files and common external devices, using network connections and applications, configuring system settings, and personalizing Windows environment and privacy features. You will benefit most from this course if you are the primary user of a Windows 10 computer and wish to become proficient with its features, but are not yet a power user or computer technician. This course assumes you are familiar with using a keyboard and mouse, accessing the internet with a web browser, and other basic aspects of using a modern computer. It does not assume you have used earlier editions of Windows or other specific operating systems, or that you have owned or managed a computer before.
Microsoft Windows 11 8.00 30 Bird Media's Microsoft Windows 11 course provides the basic knowledge needed to use and perform basic configuration of a computer running Windows 11; this includes basic operating system features, using and installing apps, managing files and common external devices, using network connections and applications, configuring system settings, and personalizing Windows environment and privacy features. You will benefit most from this course if you are the primary user of a Windows 11 computer and wish to become proficient with its features, but are not yet a power user or computer technician. This course assumes you are familiar with using a keyboard and mouse, accessing the internet with a web browser, and other basic aspects of using a modern computer. It does not assume you have used earlier editions of Windows or other specific operating systems, or that you have owned or managed a computer before.
"" Microsoft Word - Basic: Getting Started 1.25 This course will focus on how to use the elements of the Word window, create and save documents, and navigate a document and select text by using the keyboard and the mouse.
Microsoft Word 2019 Complete 24.00 Word 2019 Complete provides the basic concepts and skills to be productive with Microsoft Word 2019, starting with fundamentals and working up to advanced tools and techniques. This course maps to the objectives of the Microsoft Office Specialist and Expert exams for Word 2019. Objective coverage is marked throughout the course, and you can download an objectives map from Students will benefit most from this course if they want to accomplish basic tasks in Word and then build on fundamental skills to become a power user. The course also provides a solid foundation in Word's advanced features before continuing on to more complex document management or VBA programming topics. The course assumes that students know how to use a computer, and that they are familiar with Microsoft Windows. It does not assume that they’ve used a different version of Word or another word processing program.
Microsoft Word 2021/365 Complete 24.00 Microsoft Word 2021/365 Complete provides the basic concepts and skills to be productive with Microsoft Word, starting with fundamentals and working up to advanced tools and techniques. Students will benefit most from this course if they want to accomplish basic tasks in Word and then build on fundamental skills to become a power user. The course also provides a solid foundation in Word's advanced features before continuing on to more complex document management or VBA programming topics. The course assumes that students know how to use a computer, and that they are familiar with Microsoft Windows. It does not assume that they’ve used a different version of Word or another word processing program.
Mindfulness 1.00 The goal of this course is to educate caregivers about the benefits of incorporating mindfulness into the activities of elderly care patients. Practicing mindfulness can promote improvements in both physical and psychological symptoms as well as positive changes in health attitudes and behaviors in both elderly care patients and caregivers alike.
Mobile Apps: The Next Level of Patron Engagement 1.00 Mobile Apps: The Next Level of Patron Engagement discusses how attractions are using apps to enhance the communication with its visitors and provide a more interactive experience while on site. With people constantly having their device within arms reach, zoos and aquariums have a direct line of communication with its audience.
Mobile Equipment 0.50 This course covers how to identify and avoid hazards associated with mobile equipment in the workplace. You will be able to identify the common hazards and take the necessary steps to prevent them.
"" Moderate to Vigorous Physical Activity (MVPA) (CDA 2) 2.00 This course tackles the sobering reality that 25% of children lack enough moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) in their daily lives. It explores the crucial role MVPA plays in fostering healthy habits, happiness, and overall well-being. Discover evidence-based strategies to ignite movement in children, empowering them to develop strength, maintain a healthy weight, and cultivate lifelong vitality.
Mold Safety Awareness 0.50 This course covers a variety of topics on mold that will prepare you to handle any situation you should come upon. These topics include identifying and analyzing mold hazards, protective measures, and rules and regulations for mold.
Money Basics 2.00 In this course, you'll learn tips for creating a budget, staying out of debt, managing bank accounts, planning for retirement, and buying a home.
Monthly Knot Activity 0.50 This is course is the instructor guide for monthly knot delivery. The guide includes a description of each knot and a schedule for presenting a single knot each month and practicing the previous month's knots. This course is Completion based and does not include a final exam.
Motivation: Identifying, Planning, and Implementing: Basics Of Motivation 1.00 If you’re going to take a trip by driving from New York to Los Angeles, you’ll need several tanks of gas. Similarly, if you plan to take a trip that will move you closer to a personal or professional goal, you can expect that you will need several refills of your motivation tank to give you the energy to get there. People say that a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, but it’s extremely difficult to continue taking steps when your personal-motivation fuel tank is empty. In this course you will learn to: describe the basics of motivation, define motivation as a process, and describe some theories about how motivation can affect your productivity.
Motivation: Identifying, Planning, and Implementing: Basics Of Motivation (Instructor Guide) 1.00 If you’re going to take a trip by driving from New York to Los Angeles, you’ll need several tanks of gas. Similarly, if you plan to take a trip that will move you closer to a personal or professional goal, you can expect that you will need several refills of your motivation tank to give you the energy to get there. People say that a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, but it’s extremely difficult to continue taking steps when your personal-motivation fuel tank is empty. In this course you will learn to: describe the basics of motivation, define motivation as a process, and describe some theories about how motivation can affect your productivity. This Instructor's Edition of this course includes notes and suggestions to assist you in presenting the material, whether in an in-person classroom setting, or as an instructor-led online or distance-learning course. It also provides you with the answers to questions found in mid-lesson activities, as well as in the quiz that concludes the course.
Motivation: Identifying, Planning, and Implementing: Positive Mental Attitude 1.00 Your attitude affects every aspect in your life—from your family relationships to your interactions with strangers to your connections with business coworkers. Your attitude could determine the difference between getting a promotion and getting fired, and between a happy marriage and divorce. Stanford Research Institute (SRI) conducted a study that found that success is 88% attitude, and 12% education. In this course you will learn to: improve your self-confidence, recognize your fears and work to overcome them, and identify the difference between perceptions and reality.
Motivation: Identifying, Planning, and Implementing: Positive Mental Attitude (Instructor Guide) 1.00 Your attitude affects every aspect in your life—from your family relationships to your interactions with strangers to your connections with business coworkers. Your attitude could determine the difference between getting a promotion and getting fired, and between a happy marriage and divorce. Stanford Research Institute (SRI) conducted a study that found that success is 88% attitude, and 12% education. In this course you will learn to: improve your self-confidence, recognize your fears and work to overcome them, and identify the difference between perceptions and reality. This Instructor's Edition of this course includes notes and suggestions to assist you in presenting the material, whether in an in-person classroom setting, or as an instructor-led online or distance-learning course. It also provides you with the answers to questions found in mid-lesson activities, as well as in the quiz that concludes the course.
Motivation: Identifying, Planning, and Implementing: The Core Four 1.00 Surrounding the positive mental attitude are the Core Four components. These key areas of focus are critical to your motivation and your success. The Core Four elements are health, competence, relationships, and organization. Each of these elements requires focused attention. Without attention to one area, your life will be out of balance. Each area complements the other and is powered by your positive attitude. In this course you will learn to: strive for good health to foster a positive mental attitude, maintain your competence to nurture a positive mental attitude, improve your relationships to indirectly improve a positive mental attitude, and strive to be organized to encourage a positive mental attitude.
Motivation: Identifying, Planning, and Implementing: The Core Four (Instructor Guide) 1.00 Surrounding the positive mental attitude are the Core Four components. These key areas of focus are critical to your motivation and your success. The Core Four elements are health, competence, relationships, and organization. Each of these elements requires focused attention. Without attention to one area, your life will be out of balance. Each area complements the other and is powered by your positive attitude. In this course you will learn to: strive for good health to foster a positive mental attitude, maintain your competence to nurture a positive mental attitude, improve your relationships to indirectly improve a positive mental attitude, and strive to be organized to encourage a positive mental attitude. This Instructor's Edition of this course includes notes and suggestions to assist you in presenting the material, whether in an in-person classroom setting, or as an instructor-led online or distance-learning course. It also provides you with the answers to questions found in mid-lesson activities, as well as in the quiz that concludes the course.
