Image Titlesort descending Duration (hours) Description
Overview of the Americans with Disabilities Act 0.50 The Americans with Disabilities Act prohibits discrimination based on disability by protecting qualified individuals with disabilities from employment discrimination, and by requiring employers to provide reasonable accommodations. The Americans with Disabilities Act also protects qualified persons with disabilities from discrimination in many areas of higher education, including admission, academics, and research. It applies to all post-secondary educational programs, whether or not they receive federal financial assistance.
Overview of the Americans with Disabilities Act Topic 1: Overview of the ADA (Corrections) 0.25 Welcome to the Overview of the Americans with Disabilities Act, Topic 1: Overview of the ADA.
Overview of the Americans with Disabilities Act Topic 2: Reasonable Accommodations (Corrections) 0.25 Welcome to the Overview of Americans with Disabilities Act, Topic 2: Reasonable Accommodations.
Pain Self Management 1.00 Many older adults suffer from pain that is so bothersome it interferes with their daily activities. Often the pain is chronic, sometimes persisting for many months or even years, and is associated with depression, isolation, and decreased quality of life. This program covers five techniques that can be helpful in taking the edge off of pain to improve life quality. While this presentation is designed for home health aides, nursing assistants, and personal care aides, any member of the care team (including families!) can help older adults learn these strategies to help control their pain. Presenter Katherine Beissner is Professor of Physical Therapy, and Gerontology Institute Fellow at Ithaca College. Her primary clinical interest is the improvement of function in older adults. Recent research has focused on the impact of using pain self-management strategies on the function, activity level, and quality of life of older adults.
"" Para-Educator Teaching Team 1.50 This course is designed for both paraprofessionals and teachers. Throughout this course, you will acquire the skills and knowledge necessary to foster a collaborative environment that enhances the learning experience for your students. The goal of this course is to ensure every child is supported by a cohesive team of professionals striving to help the child find success in their education. This course will help you develop new knowledge about your student's team members and will help you understand what your role as a paraprofessional or teacher is.
Paraprofessional Math Skills 1: Number Sense and Basic Algebra 3.00 This course covers Paraprofessional Math Skills: Number Sense and Basic Algebra. It is just one out of three Paraprofessional Math Skills courses, and one out of eight ParaPro prep courses that will prepare you on K-12 topics. This course will help you develop your knowledge of these mathematical concepts and help you apply them to abstract and real-life situations. After taking these prep courses, you should be prepared for the ETS ParaPro Assessment. This course can be taken as a stand-alone learning event, as part of a broader paraprofessional curriculum, or in preparation for the ParaPro Assessment. After completing this course, you will be able to: Evaluate basic addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division expressions with whole numbers, fractions, and decimals Recognize multiplication as repeated addition and division as repeated subtraction Interpret mathematical symbols Understand basic mathematical terms Recognize the position of numbers in relation to each other Understand equivalent forms of a number Understand place value for whole numbers and decimal numbers Compute percentages Understand basic concepts of exponents Use the order of operations to evaluate math expressions Use mental math and solve problems by estimation Solve word problems Solve one-step, single-variable linear equations Understand the sequence of numbers
Paraprofessional Math Skills 2: Geometry and Measurement 2.50 This course covers Paraprofessional Math Skills: Geometry and Measurement. It is just one out of three Paraprofessional Math Skills courses, and one out of eight ParaPro prep courses that will prepare you on K-12 topics. This course will help you develop your knowledge of these mathematical concepts and help you apply them to abstract and real-life situations. After taking these prep courses, you should be prepared for the ETS ParaPro Assessment. This course can be taken as a stand-alone learning event, as part of a broader paraprofessional curriculum, or in preparation for the ParaPro Assessment. After completing this course, you will be able to: Understand and represent time and money in more than one way. Convert between units or measures in the same system. Identify basic geometrical shapes. Perform computations related to area, volume, and perimeter for basic shapes. Graph data on an xy-coordinate plane.
Paraprofessional Math Skills 3: Data Analysis 1.50 This course covers Paraprofessional Math Skills: Data Analysis. It is just one out of three Paraprofessional Math Skills courses, and one out of eight ParaPro prep courses that will prepare you on K-12 math topics. This course will help you develop your knowledge of these mathematical concepts and help you apply them to abstract and real-life situations. After taking these prep courses, you should be better prepared for the ETS ParaPro Assessment. This course can be taken as a stand-alone learning event, as part of a broader paraprofessional curriculum, or in preparation for the ParaPro Assessment. After completing this course, you will be able to: Interpret information from tables, charts, and graphs Interpret trends over time, given a table, chart, or graph with time related data Create basic tables, charts, and graphs Compute the mean, median, and mode
Paraprofessional Math Skills Applied to Classroom Instruction 2.00 This course will focus on how to use the information learned in our Math Skills and Knowledge courses. If you haven't taken them, we recommend you take the three skills courses before completing this one: Paraprofessional Math Skills 1: Number Sense and Basic Algebra Paraprofessional Math Skills 2: Geometry and Measurement Paraprofessional Math Skills 3: Data Analysis This course will help you build on all those skills, teach you a few more skills, and show you what using these skills might look like in the classroom with students. The math application questions in this course will assess your ability to apply the three categories of math skills listed in a classroom setting or support classroom instruction. The questions focus on testing the mathematical competencies needed to assist the teacher with instruction.
Paraprofessional Reading Skills 1.00 This course covers Paraprofessional Reading Skills. It is just one out of two Paraprofessional Reading courses, and one out of eight ParaPro prep courses that will prepare you on K-12 topics. This course will help you understand, interpret, and analyze a wide range of text. After taking these prep courses, you should be prepared for the ETS ParaPro Assessment. This course can be taken as a stand-alone learning event, as part of a broader paraprofessional curriculum, or in preparation for the ParaPro Assessment.
Paraprofessional Reading Skills Applied to Classroom Instruction 2.00 This course is designed to meet your professional development needs. It can be taken as a stand-alone learning event, as part of a broader paraprofessional curriculum, or in preparation for the ParaPro Assessment. This course covers Paraprofessional Reading Skills Applied to Classroom Instruction. It is just one out of two Paraprofessional Reading courses, and one out of eight ParaPro prep courses that will prepare you on K-12 topics. This course will help you develop your knowledge of these reading concepts and help you apply them to abstract and real-life situations. After taking these prep courses, you should be prepared for the ETS ParaPro Assessment.
Paraprofessional Writing Skills 2.00 This course is designed to meet your professional development needs. It can be taken as a stand-alone learning event, as part of a broader paraprofessional curriculum, or in preparation for the ParaPro Assessment. This course covers Paraprofessional Writing Skills. It is designed to help you review and further develop fundamental writing skills. This course is one of two paraprofessional writing courses, and one of eight ParaPro prep courses that cover various K-12 topics. After completing these prep courses, you will be better prepared for the ETS ParaPro Assessment.
Paraprofessional Writing Skills Applied to Classroom Instruction 2.00 This course is designed to meet your professional development needs. It can be taken as a stand-alone learning event, as part of a broader paraprofessional curriculum, or in preparation for the ParaPro Assessment. This course covers Paraprofessional Writing Skills Applied to Classroom Instruction. It is one out of two Paraprofessional Writing Skills courses, and one out of eight ParaPro prep courses that will prepare you on K-12 topics. This course will help you develop your knowledge of these writing concepts and help you apply them to abstract and real-life situations. After taking these prep courses, you should be prepared for the ETS ParaPro Assessment.
"" Parent-Teacher Communications 1.50 This course covers the importance of building an effective and open line of communication between teachers and parents. It is one of many educational professional courses we offer. This course will help you understand your role in parent communication and how to facilitate it through strategies and collaboration techniques. Positive and productive learning environments can be nurtured through the combined efforts of teachers and parents.
"" Parenting: ADHD (Corrections) 0.50 Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder affecting 11 percent of children (Visser, et al., 2014). People with ADHD tend to be visionaries, dreamers, explorers, inventors, and trendsetters. In this course, we will explore ADHD as a disorder that can negatively affect a child’s life and as a trait that may be beneficial in helping a child grow into a successful adult.
"" Parenting: Art and Sensory Experiences that Foster Creativity (Corrections) 0.75 How do art projects differ from crafts? Learn about the art process, how to provide a variety of sensory experiences for children, and how art is more about “doing” than the finished project. Discover how parents can get ideas for art experiences and how they foster the creative process in children.
"" Parenting: Autism and Bullying (Corrections) 0.75 This course covers Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and Bullying. The course will begin by going over what autism is, and then it will continue to teach you about the bullying that may occur along with it, and how you can assist. This content will help you increase your knowledge about children with ASD and will help you understand how you might support your children.
"" Parenting: Children's Temperament: A Practical Approach to Meeting Individual Needs (Corrections) 1.00 Every child comes into this world as a unique individual with unique ways of responding to the world through their emotions and actions. This is called temperament. Recognizing and understanding differences in temperament is crucial for nurturing a child's social-emotional health.
"" Parenting: Coping with Crying (Corrections) 0.50 Babies cry to communicate. Sometimes, it's the only way babies can communicate. Coping with crying can be challenging, especially for people with little or no experience caring for infants. Learning to cope with crying is critical, as infant crying is the number one trigger for shaking a baby. In this course, we will learn about Shaken Baby Syndrome and ways to cope with a crying infant.
"" Parenting: Cultural Competency for Children and Families (Corrections) 0.50 Culture influences every aspect of a child’s development and learning. As society becomes more culturally diverse, there is a need to embrace cultural understanding–to be culturally aware, culturally sensitive, culturally responsive, and culturally competent. This course explores how to reflect on and cultivate practices to build cultural understanding and culturally competent approaches with children and families.
"" Parenting: Cyberbullying (Corrections) 0.75 In this course, you will learn the definition of cyberbullying, discover tactics for preventing cyberbullying, and find tips for parents as well as how to report instances of cyberbullying.
"" Parenting: Down Syndrome (Corrections) 0.75 This course will provide you with a basic understanding of what Down syndrome is and ways in which a parent can implement changes to accommodate their child with this condition in the best way possible.
"" Parenting: Dyslexia (Corrections) 0.75 The purpose of this course is to provide parents with a basic understanding of dyslexia and what they can do to effectively help their children with this language-processing disability.
"" Parenting: Enhancing Emotional Literacy in Children from Birth to Age 3 (Corrections) 0.50 Supporting children’s social and emotional development is key to overall healthy growth and development. This course introduces evidence-based social-emotional practices for use with children ages birth to three, suggested by the Pyramid Model and resources from the Center on the Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning (CSEFEL).
"" Parenting: Exploring Developmental Needs and Characteristics of Different Age Groups (Corrections) 1.25 Certain developmental needs and traits are associated with younger children, while others are typical of older children and youth. While the differences between children of different ages are not clear-cut, there are some general traits and tasks that are often associated with younger (ages 5–7), middle (ages 8–10), and older (ages 11–12) children and youth. Understanding these differences helps parents plan appropriate activities and guidance strategies for children of different ages.
