Image Titlesort descending Duration (hours) Description
"" Parenting: Exploring Four Areas of Child Development (Corrections) 1.25 One of the most helpful ways to gain an understanding of the needs and interests of youth between 5 and 12 is to examine their development from four different perspectives: Physical Development, Cognitive Development, Social Development, and Emotional Development. It is important to keep all four of these areas in mind when planning and implementing activities and experiences. Keeping the four areas of development in mind leads parents to engage their children in experiences that nurture growth and development.
"" Parenting: Food Safety Practices (Corrections) 0.50 Providing healthy and safe food for children is an important part of parenting. Preventing foodborne illness (FBI) and keeping children safe from choking risks and other food-related injuries requires awareness and planning. This course describes guidelines for food safety practices that will enable parents to make food healthy and safe for their children.
"" Parenting: Growth and Development of Infants and Toddlers (Corrections) 0.75 A home environment that supports the growth and development of infants and toddlers needs nurturing parents, a healthy and safe environment, good relationships within the family, and appropriate activities. This takes planning and knowledge of the growth and development of infants and toddlers. Find ways to enhance your home environment and build quality relationships with infants and toddlers.
"" Parenting: Growth and Development of Preschoolers (Corrections) 0.75 A home that supports the growth and development of children ages 3-5 needs nurturing parents, a healthy and safe environment, good relationships within the family, and appropriate activities. This takes planning and knowledge of the growth and development of children ages 3-5. Find ways to enhance your home environment and build quality relationships with your children.
"" Parenting: Guiding the Behavior of Individual Children (Corrections) 0.75 This knowledge and understanding will help parents develop strategies for creating activities that encourage children to develop self-discipline and self-direction, establish positive relationships with others, and exhibit respect for materials and equipment and the rights of others.
"" Parenting: Helping Children with ADD Succeed (Corrections) 1.00 Children with ADD regularly experience struggles and challenges at home, in school, and in the community. Without the help of knowledgeable, understanding, and supportive people, they often experience multiple failures and frustrations on a daily basis. Typically, they lack the self-confidence that stems from learning how to do things well. Their lack of social skills and self-control makes it hard for them to make friends with schoolmates and children they meet. By the age of five, many of these children do not feel good about themselves. They feel lonely and ostracized. Their self-esteem sinks a little lower every day. Parents are in a position to make a positive difference in the lives of their children with ADD. Armed with important information and management tools, they can help reverse the cycle of failure and frustration that results in low self-esteem in their children. They can make life easier, happier, and more satisfying for their children with ADD, other children, and themselves.
"" Parenting: Homework Assistance (Corrections) 0.50 Research tells us that time spent doing homework directly affects a child or youth's achievement. This course will help you as a parent better support your child with their homework needs.
"" Parenting: Incentives and Motivation (Corrections) 0.50 Parents need to be creative in designing incentives and rewards. At the same time, incentives on their own are not enough. That's why opening up the lines of communication between you and your children should be a major goal. When your children feel their opinions or concerns are valued, they will be motivated to work hard. They should know they can discuss issues with you without fear of being ignored, patronized, or punished. The least expensive motivational tool is giving your children more say in how and when their tasks need to be completed. Find out what family rules children think can be changed and discuss making those changes, if possible.
"" Parenting: SIDS and Safe Sleep (Corrections) 0.50 This course is based on information contained in Caring for Our Children, a collection of national standards that represents the best evidence, expertise, and experience on health and safety policies and practices, and is focused on the American Academy of Pediatrics best practice recommendations for reducing the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) and Sudden Unexpected Infant Death (SUID) and for promoting safe sleep in infant care settings. The recommendations in this course are based on the latest research regarding safe sleep. As research uncovers new findings, these recommendations may change. Therefore, it will always be important to check with the American Academy of Pediatrics and the US Consumer Product Safety Commission for the most up-to-date recommendations.
"" Parenting: Stop Bullying (Corrections) 0.75 In this course, you will learn the role children play in bullying, why some children bully, who is at risk, warning signs and effects of bullying, and targeted groups (race, religion, LGBTQ, and youth with disabilities).
"" Parenting: Strategies for Dealing with Anger (Corrections) 0.75 Important life skills for children include learning effective ways to handle their anger. This course takes a developmental look at anger and examines the common roots of angry feelings in children, infants, preschoolers, and parents. This course will provide you with strategies to handle anger in positive ways and to reduce anger triggers in your home.
"" Parenting: Supporting Children and Families Through Transitions (Corrections) 0.33 A child experiences many transitions in life—Not just moving from one activity to another, but also moving into and out of groups and programs. This course looks at the different transitions a child may experience, such as enrolling in a new childcare program, moving to a new room in an existing childcare program, or leaving a program. Learn how parents and practitioners can support children during these transitions.
"" Parenting: Supporting Growth Mindset and Self-Efficacy (Corrections) 0.50 There is no one-to-one correlation between personal competencies and implementation. However, our understanding of our own beliefs, values, and experiences is a key component of developing our personal competencies around social awareness and interpersonal skills. This course will help you better support your child as they develop their own growth mindset and self-efficacy skills.
"" Parenting: Supporting Self-Awareness and Self-Management (Corrections) 0.75 This course will help you to better support your child as they develop self-awareness and self-management.
"" Parenting: Supporting Social Awareness and Interpersonal Skills (Corrections) 0.75 Children develop social-emotional skills and character over time and through a variety of experiences. Young people have a capacity for empathy, and are able to consider and appreciate the diverse feelings, perspectives, and personal context of others. Young people use effective communication and collaboration skills to establish productive relationships. This course will help you as a parent better support your child in this development.
"" Parenting: Youth Development Trends: Focus on Older Youth (Corrections) 1.25 The Center for Early Adolescence at the University of North Carolina and the Search Institute have found that early adolescence is a time of rapid change in child development and developmental needs. For many children, the characteristic needs of early adolescence begin to emerge as early as age nine. Parents who understand these emerging needs are better equipped to create successful experiences with their older children. Parents who are knowledgeable about adolescent development and developmental needs and are knowledgeable about child development research and trends can play important roles in helping their children thrive.
Part-time Jobs 0.50 A part-time job is one that involves working fewer hours than a full-time job in one week. This course will teach you some of the pros and cons of working part-time jobs, as well as things to keep in mind when considering this career choice.
Pay for Performance 1.00 Pay-for-Performance continues to be a major challenge for the majority of organizations as they try to find ways to make these programs meaningful to employees . Four years ago, the San Diego Zoo was struggling with how to best measure performance, manage goals and transform the organization into a pay-for-performance driven culture. Under the leadership of Tim Mulligan, the San Diego Zoo implemented a complete overhaul of its employee performance and talent management processes and systems, including appraisals and pay-for-performance. The end result was complete transformation of the Zoo's culture. Now the organization's more than 3,000 employees have clear goals and a link between day to day performance and their compensation which has resulted in greater accountability, increased productivity and higher employee morale.
Peer Mentoring for K-12 Staff 1.00 School staff are all professionals. As a result, many can benefit from peer mentoring. When mentoring other staff with head and heart, everyone feels respected and valued. It is important to understand when mentoring is appropriate versus coaching, and the qualities of staff that make them a good candidate to receive mentoring or to be a mentor themselves.
Peligros De Excavaciones Y Zanjas (Spanish) Excavation and Trenching Awareness 1.25 El Conocimiento de la Excavacion & Zanjas por la Industria de la Construccion: Este curso cubre muchos temas de excavación y zanjeo concienciación dirigidas a los de la industria de la construcción. Los temas cubiertos incluyen leyes de excavación, reglamentos y normas, clasificación de suelos, análisis de suelos, las responsabilidades de la persona competente, los riesgos asociados a las trincheras, y los sistemas de protección.
"" Penguins 2.00 Penguins delight and fascinate zoo visitors, but there's more to these ocean-dwelling birds than meets the eye. From Antarctica to the equator, birds in the order Spheniscidae have adapted to a unique existence that is tied to the land and to the sea.
"" Pensamiento Crítico y la Toma de Decision (Spanish) Critical Thinking and Decision-Making 1.00 Aprenda estrategias para resolver problemas cotidianos y tomar decisiones reflexivas y bien informadas. Learn strategies for solving everyday problems and making thoughtful, well-informed decisions.
Permit-Required Confined Spaces 1.00 This course covers the safety basics while working in permit-required confined spaces. You will learn the differences between a confined space and a permit-required space, as well as how to identify potential hazards in confined spaces and the safeguards that go along with them.
Pesticides and Chemical Safety 0.50 This course covers the safe use of pesticides, including pesticide selection, safe storage, and disposal, as well as recommendations for preventing pesticide poisoning. The advice provided in this course is equally applicable to household use of pesticides as it is to commercial or agricultural uses. It is just one of many health and safety courses we offer. This course will help you learn about best practices to keep yourself safe and healthy when on the job or at home.
"" Photoshop Basics 1.50 This course covers the basics of Photoshop and the features you can use.
