Image Titlesort descending Duration (hours) Description
"" Presentations: Using Humor and Visual Aids 0.75 This course covers how to facilitate a question-and-answer session and maintain control of your audience. You will also learn how to use humor to help your audience process your message and use visual aids to improve your presentations.
"" Presentations: Using What You’ve Learned 0.25 This course covers how to use resources, including Web sites and books, to continue working on your presentation skills. You will also learn how to take advantage of your strengths by using the 21-day habit and satori.
"" Prevención de la violencia en el lugar de trabajo (California) (Spanish) Workplace Violence Prevention (California) 0.50 Este curso cubre incidentes de violencia en el lugar de trabajo y planes de prevención de la violencia en el lugar de trabajo. Para prevenir y mitigar los incidentes de violencia en el lugar de trabajo, aprenderá sobre los peligros típicos de la violencia, cómo valorar y evaluar los factores de riesgo y la amenaza que representa la violencia en el lugar de trabajo. Los planes de prevención de la violencia en el lugar de trabajo (WVPP) son guías importantes para la oficina en caso de un incidente de violencia. En este curso, aprenderá cómo configurar un WVPP eficaz y cómo involucrar a los empleados para garantizar que el WVPP sea más eficaz. This course covers workplace violence incidents and workplace violence prevention plans. In order to prevent and mitigate workplace violence incidents you will learn about typical violence hazards, how to assess and evaluate risk factors, and the threat workplace violence poses. Workplace violence prevention plans (WVPP) are important guides for the office in the event of a violence incident. In this course, you will learn how to set up an effective WVPP and get employees involved to ensure the WVPP can be most effective.
Preventing Cuts, Scrapes, and Punctures 0.25 This course covers how to protect yourself from scrapes, cuts, and punctures. You will learn how to operate sharp objects and tools safely and what to do in case you accidentally harm yourself using these objects. You will also learn how to categorize different sharp objects so that you can be aware of the specific dangers they present.
Preventing Needlesticks and Other Sharps Injuries 1.00 A sharps injury is a penetrating stab wound from a needle, scalpel, or another sharp object that may result in blood or additional body fluids exposure. Sharps injuries are typically the result of using sharp equipment in a fast-paced, stressful, and potentially understaffed environment. This course covers the causes of needlestick and sharps injuries in the healthcare workplace, how to prevent such injuries and the prevention strategies that can be implemented.
Preventing Sexual Harassment and Understanding California Law 0.50 This course will teach California employees how to recognize sexual harassment, defines the rights and responsibilities of employers and employees, and provides an overview of the legal remedies available in sexual harassment lawsuits.
Preventing Sexual Harassment and Understanding California Law (Corrections) 0.50 This course will teach California employees how to recognize sexual harassment, defines the rights and responsibilities of employers and employees, and provides an overview of the legal remedies available in sexual harassment lawsuits.
Preventing Slips, Trips and Falls: A Training Program for Small Business 0.67 The Preventing Slips, Trips and Falls course focuses on helping small business owners and their employees identify, evaluate and control the hazards in their workplaces that may cause slips, trips and falls. Designed to increase and improve participants' knowledge, skills and access to valuable resources, this course will assist them in establishing systems that can help them prevent slips, trips and falls. Participants will learn how to prevent, recognize, evaluate, and control slip, trip and fall hazards, as well as develop their own learning goals and action plans.
Preventing Slips, Trips and Falls: A Training Program for Small Business (Corrections) 0.67 The Preventing Slips, Trips and Falls course focuses on helping small business owners and their employees identify, evaluate and control the hazards in their workplaces that may cause slips, trips and falls. Designed to increase and improve participants' knowledge, skills and access to valuable resources, this course will assist them in establishing systems that can help them prevent slips, trips and falls. Participants will learn how to prevent, recognize, evaluate, and control slip, trip and fall hazards, as well as develop their own learning goals and action plans.
Preventing Violence at the Workplace 0.50 This course covers the basics of workplace violence protection, including the four types of workplace violence and the appropriate responses to each.
Preventing Violence at the Workplace - Retail 0.50 This course addresses workplace violence, including its factors and types, and provides strategies for preventing it.
Principles of Geriatric Pharmacotherapy 1.00 Principles of Geriatric Pharmacotherapy, designed for health care professionals, teaches you how to identify treatment goals in older adults. Problems of aging are covered, such as the physiologic changes of the older population. Furthermore, this module identifies tools available to prevent inappropriate prescribing of medication, specifically highlighting the Medication Appropriateness Index, the Beers Criteria, and the STOPP/START Criteria. Some specific medications are discussed that require special care when prescribing them. Finally, you will learn how to ensure safe medication use in older adults.
Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) 1.00 This course covers the Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) and its standards and regulations for adults and juveniles serving time in facilities. The purpose of the act is to “provide for the analysis of the incidence and effects of prison rape in federal, state, and local institutions and to provide information, resources, recommendations, and funding to protect individuals from prison rape." The overall goal of the PREA standards are to help inmates, both adult and juvenile, stay safe and protected from sexual abuse during their time in a correctional facility.
Professional Learning and Ethical Practice for Paraprofessionals 1.00 This course covers what paraprofessionals need to know about professional learning and ethical practice. This course will help you develop new knowledge about professional roles and responsibilities as a paraprofessional. It will help you understand what your role as a paraprofessional is regarding certain protocols that you must follow. It is just one out of many paraprofessional courses we offer.
Professional Learning and Ethical Practice for Teachers 1.00 This course covers what teachers need to know about professional learning and ethical practice. This course will help you develop new knowledge about professional roles and responsibilities as a teacher. It will help you understand what your role as a teacher is regarding certain protocols that you must follow.
"" Professional Selling Over the Phone: Closing a Sale 0.75 This course covers how to maximize your telesales performance by using cross-selling and gaining customer feedback. You will also learn how to resolve customer’s objections and address any rejections and follow the closing process to close a sale.
"" Professional Selling Over the Phone: Essentials of Telesales 0.75 This course covers how to communicate effectively with customers during telesales calls. You will also learn how to manage telesales calls to maximize their effectiveness.
"" Professional Selling Over the Phone: Preparing for Telesales 0.50 This course covers how to prepare your teleselling workspace and effectively use teleselling aids. You will also learn how to write an effective telesales script for a sales proposal.
"" Professional Selling Over the Phone: Prospecting 0.75 This course covers how to implement the soft sell approach and maintain a positive attitude. You will also learn how to develop a list of prospective telesales customers and how to build and maintain relationships with prospects.
"" Project Management - Advanced: Contract Administration and Closeout 0.50 This course will cover how to administer a contract and identify contract administration structures. You will also learn how to identify the elements of contract administration, and close out a contract.
"" Project Management - Advanced: Execution, Control, and Project Closeout 0.75 This course will cover how to identify the steps in the executing process group, close out a project, identify the importance of writing closeout reports, and identify methods to terminate a project. You will also learn how to measure, monitor, and adjust aspects of a project to produce a desired outcome.
"" Project Management - Advanced: Implementing Plans and Controlling Change 0.75 This course will cover how to use a project management information system, implement a work authorization system, and conduct mid-project evaluation. You will also learn how to identify the information and supplies needed to control project change, implement a change control system, and identify control maintenance methods.
"" Project Management - Advanced: Planning, Soliciting, and Selecting 0.50 This course will cover how to plan to solicit contractors. You will also learn how to evaluate proposals and identify the importance of negotiation in selecting contractors.
"" Project Management - Advanced: Procurement Planning 1.00 This course will cover how to identify the components of the contracts and procurement variable and define contract types. You will also learn how to identify the role of procurement planning in project management and identify factors that influence procurement planning.
"" Project Management - Advanced: Project Integration and Plan Development 0.50 This course will cover how to measure data during project integration and differentiate between project and product life cycles. You will also learn how to identify the importance of developing a project plan, the elements of a project plan, the key input required for project plan development, and methods used in project plan development.
