Image Titlesort descending Duration (hours) Description
Safety Training for Supervisors 0.75 This course covers the different challenges that supervisors face on the job site. You will also learn how to properly identify hazards within your work site and be able to investigate incidents where hazards harmed a worker. Finally, you will learn how to install safe practices in your team so that everyone is protected and the job runs safely.
"" Sales Management: Effective Sales Performance 1.50 This course will focus on training sales professionals, setting performance standards, evaluating performance, and conducting a sales meeting.
"" Sales Management: Effective Sales Teams 1.50 This course will focus on identifying the skills and daily tasks of a sales manager, interviewing sales professionals, identifying relationship-building processes, and identifying trust-building processes.
"" Sales Management: Forecasting Sales Revenue 0.50 This course will focus on identifying sales forecast factors and types of sales forecasts as well as discussing various types of forecasting approaches.
"" Sales Management: Managing Sales Territories 0.50 This course will focus on identifying the steps for choosing the best territory strategy and identifying the factors to consider when conducting territory reviews.
"" Sales Management: Motivating Sales Teams 1.00 This course will focus on motivating sales professionals, monitoring and increasing motivation levels, and addressing substandard sales performance.
"" Sales Skills: Advanced: Developing a Winning Strategy 0.50 This course will focus on examining consulting strategies and developing solutions for clients.
"" Sales Skills: Advanced: Effectively Closing a Sale 0.75 This course will focus on demonstrating the benefits of your product or service to others, confirming the client’s commitment by recognizing and responding to signals, and closing the sale and following up with the client.
"" Sales Skills: Advanced: Gaining Customer Commitment 1.00 This course will focus on building relationships with clients, identifying the stages of need, helping clients envision their needs, and satisfying needs through negotiation.
"" Sales Skills: Advanced: Studying the Market 0.75 This course will focus on using sales strategies, analyzing markets and competitors, and researching clients.
"" Sales Skills: Basic: Handling Clients 1.50 This course will focus on finding your clients by prospecting, making sales calls, and networking; connecting with your clients by increasing your visibility, developing business allies, and putting them at ease; and examining the problem-solving process, and finding solutions for clients’ problems.
"" Sales Skills: Basic: Sales Fundamentals 0.75 This course will focus on describing and implementing the sales process, working with clients to understand their decision-making process, and defining common sales terminology.
"" Sales Skills: Basic: The Sales Presentation 1.00 This course will focus on identifying any client objections, creating a sales presentation to influence clients’ perceptions, and responding to objections effectively.
"" Sales Skills: Basic: Your Professional Self 0.75 This course will focus on developing positive personal characteristics, establishing credibility, and behaving professionally with clients.
"" Sales: Completing 0.75 In this course, you will learn how to negotiate with the prospect to reach a sale agreement. You will also learn how to complete a sale by preparing trial closing questions and a final closing question.
"" Sales: Introduction to Selling 0.50 In this course, you will learn to identify the barriers to selling, discuss the history of selling, and identify the different types of selling. You will also learn to describe the sales process.
"" Sales: Presenting 1.00 In this course, you will learn how to create a selling strategy by defining the players, relationships, and personal stakes; how to identify the five types of buyers; and how to prepare to deliver a presentation by writing an elevator pitch and handling customers’ objections.
"" Sales: Prospecting 0.75 In this course, you will learn how to define your target market and customers for effective prospecting, how to identify various prospecting methods that can be used to obtain leads and sales, and how to develop a script for phone calls.
"" Sales: Qualifying 0.50 In this course, you will learn how to improve your listening skills to better understand customers’ needs and decision-making criteria. You will also learn how to use questioning techniques to help customers recognize the benefits of your products and services.
"" Sales: Sales Skills 1.50 In this course, you will learn how to use time management techniques to organize and prioritize your tasks, how to effectively communicate by using verbal and non-verbal language, and how to identify sources of your own personal motivation.
"" Sales: Servicing 0.33 In this course, you will learn to foster customer loyalty by providing service that exceeds your customers’ expectations. You will also learn how to define customer service as a process with four phases and discuss the Responsive CARE customer service method.
"" Sales: The Sales Process 0.50 In this course, you will learn about the benefits of a sales process and identify its five phases. You will also learn about the five phases of the buying process.
"" Sales: Using What You've Learned 0.75 In this course, you will work toward improving your sales skills by using the 21-day habit and satori. You will also learn to use resources to continue working on your sales skills.
Salvage Operations 1.00 This introductory level course introduces the concept of salvage operations. The course defines salvage operations and describes techniques used to protect buildings and contents from damage caused by fire suppression operations and preserve evidence of fire origin. This course is evaluated with a final quiz. The clock time for this course is approximately one clock hour.
San Diego Zoo - Interpretation Basics: Module 1 2.50 An understanding of interpretation techniques is increasingly important for professionals and volunteers in zoos, aquariums, museums, and a variety of other tourism and hospitality organizations. This course will introduce the basics of interpretation, including the origins of interpretation, Tilden’s Six Principles of Interpretation, connecting tangibles with intangibles, and understanding visitors’ needs and motivations.
