Image Titlesort descending Duration (hours) Description
Careers Without College 1.00 There are many different ways to be successful in life. What might be the right career path for some may not be the right choice for you. Finding your niche is important. When selecting the right career path, it’s important to weigh all of your options. In this course, we will explore a wide range of careers available to anyone with various skills and a high school education.
"" Carreras sin universidad (Spanish) Careers Without College 0.75 Hay muchas maneras diferentes de tener éxito en la vida. Lo que podría ser la carrera profesional adecuada para algunos puede no ser la opción adecuada para usted. Encontrar tu nicho es importante. Al seleccionar la carrera profesional adecuada, es importante sopesar todas las opciones. En este curso, exploraremos una amplia gama de carreras disponibles para cualquier persona con diversas habilidades y educación secundaria. There are many different ways to be successful in life. What might be the right career path for some may not be the right choice for you. Finding your niche is important. When selecting the right career path, it’s important to weigh all of your options. In this course, we will explore a wide range of careers available to anyone with various skills and a high school education.
"" Cartas de Presentación (Spanish) Cover Letters 0.75 A medida que avance en este curso, aprenderá consejos y trucos sobre cómo escribir una carta de presentación. También aprenderá la importancia de una carta de presentación y cómo puede ayudarle a conseguir el trabajo de sus sueños. Haga clic en las tarjetas a continuación para saber cómo cada persona utilizó su carta de presentación para conseguir el trabajo de sus sueños. As you go through this course, you will learn tips and tricks on how to write a cover letter. You'll also learn the importance of a cover letter and how it can help you get your dream job. Click the cards below to learn how each person used their cover letter to land their dream job.
Cats 1.00 This course will provide an introduction to cats, including an overview of physical characteristics, habitat, behavior, reproduction and the conservation efforts dedicated to protecting this taxonomic group.
CERT Firefighter Rehab Operations 1.00 This course is designed to train Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) members to recognize signs of physiological distress in firefighters. It seeks to provide information on how to set up safely and perform non-medical functions of firefighter rehabilitation. You will specifically learn what to do at the incident scene, in the rehab area, and during the rehab process.
CERT Unit 1: Disaster Preparedness 1.00 The Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) program educates volunteers about disaster preparedness for the hazards that may occur where they live. This course covers the functions of CERT and how CERT fits into your community's emergency preparedness structure. The types of hazards that can affect communities and the hazard's potential to impact people, health, and infrastructure are discussed in this course. In addition, this course also will teach you how to face a potential disaster. It is just one of many health and safety courses we offer. This course will help you learn the best practices for keeping yourself safe and healthy when on the job.
CERT Unit 2: Organization 0.75 This course covers the CERT organizational structure, the Incident Command System (ICS), the one-scene size-up process, and how to use CERT standard documents.
CERT Unit 3 and 4: Disaster Medical Operations 1.50 This course covers life-saving measures CERT volunteers can take when responding to an emergency scene, such as; controlling bleeding and using direct pressure or a tourniquet, maintaining normal body temperature, opening an airway, and positioning a victim correctly.
CERT Unit 5: Disaster Psychology 0.75 This course covers disaster psychology and how it can be used to improve disaster response. You will also learn about the psychological impact of a disaster on responders and survivors and how this impact can be remedied through psychological first aid. Finally, you will learn about steps to take before, during, and after a disaster as part of a CERT.
CERT Unit 6: Fire Safety and Utility Controls 1.00 This course covers fire safety and the controls you can use to ensure that safety. You will also learn about the different priorities of fire service that need to be taken into account when responding to fires. These priorities include but are not limited to life safety, incident stabilization, and property conservation.
CERT Unit 7: Light Search & Rescue Operations 1.00 This course covers how to operate in an effective manner for emergency response and rescue. You will learn how to size up the situation in which the search and rescue team will operate, as well as how to conduct search and rescue operations. Being able to use safe techniques for rescue gives a CERT volunteer a better chance to remove survivors from dangerous situations as well as prevent a CERT volunteer from putting themselves in danger.
Chainsaw Safety 0.50 This course covers Chainsaw Safety. You will learn the proper ways to start a chainsaw, what it can cut, and how to operate a chainsaw safely.
"" Change Management: Adapting to Change 0.75 This course will cover how to identify the truths and misconceptions about change and understand the difference between change and transition. You will learn how to identify the factors that affect the response to change and list the styles of response. You will also learn how to identify the feelings arising during the endings phase and identify the strategies to manage the endings phase.
"" Change Management: Change Process 0.50 This course will cover how to identify the steps of a change process, analyze a change situation and identify important aspects of change, and choose an action and identify the restraining and driving forces. You will also learn how to create a sense of urgency, set goals, motivate employees, delegate, and prevent failure as well as how to identify the methods of monitoring the progress of a change.
"" Change Management: Coping with Uncertainty 0.50 This course will cover how to understand the emotions and responses experienced during the exploration phase, and identify what people need during the exploration phase. You will also learn how to identify the strategies to manage the exploration phase and identify the steps to manage the uncertainty in the exploration phase.
"" Change Management: Fundamentals of Change Management 0.50 This course will cover how to identify the levels of change and the misconceptions about change and identify the importance and benefits of change. You will also learn to identify the behaviors and traits of a change leader, and role of resilience during change.
"" Change Management: Managing Change 0.50 This course will cover how to encourage creativity in employees and develop a commitment to change in employees. You will also learn how to communicate change effectively, improve listening skills, and control grapevine.
"" Change Management: Moving Forward 0.50 This course will cover how to identify the information required and the common responses to the new beginnings phase and identify what people need during this phase. You will also learn how to identify the strategies and communication guidelines to manage the new beginnings phase.
"" Change Management: Obstacles to Change 0.75 This course will cover how to identify the causes of resistance and the negative reactions to change and the methods for managing them. You will also learn how to identify the causes of complacency and prepare for crisis.
Cheetahs 1.00 The module covers an overview of cheetah physical characteristics, distribution and habitat, behavior and ecology, and reproduction as well as important conservation efforts dedicated its protection. Remarkable images show cheetahs in ways you’ve never seen before, and video provides insights into their behavior.
Chest Pain - Beyond MONA 1.00 A review of atypical etiologies for chest pain, provided for an intended audience of prehospital care providers. This course refreshes physiology and pathophysiology for various cardiac and non-cardiac causes of chest pain, including definitions, disease morbidity and mortality, and prehospital treatments. This training is primarily designed to assist paramedic providers as they care for patients in the prehospital environment
Child Abuse Prevention and Awareness 1.25 Unfortunately, child abuse is a prevalent issue in today's world. Child care workers and volunteers, coaches, and others who work with children must be knowledgeable about the topic to ensure children's safety. This course will make you aware of the many issues related to child abuse and help you recognize and prevent child abuse within and outside of program walls. It offers advice about how to respond to a child who divulges abusive information and what to do with this information. As someone who works with children you will learn how to protect the child, your organization, and yourself from accusations of abuse.
"" Child Abuse Prevention and Awareness for K-12 1.50 This course covers child abuse and prevention awareness. This course will help you develop new knowledge about students and will help you understand how children who may be abused can be helped within schools.
Child Abuse Prevention and Awareness for Supervisors and Managers 1.50 If a staff member or volunteer in a child-related program approaches his or her supervisor with a case of suspected child abuse the supervisor must know how to handle the situation to ensure the safety of everyone in the program. This course provides supervisors with a wealth of information about how to recognize and prevent child abuse within program walls, and furthermore, the steps to take when a situation of child abuse arises. In addition, you will learn best practices for yourself, your staff and your organization.
Child Abuse Prevention and Awareness for Supervisors and Managers (Corrections) 1.50 If a staff member or volunteer in a child-related program approaches his or her supervisor with a case of suspected child abuse the supervisor must know how to handle the situation to ensure the safety of everyone in the program. This course provides supervisors with a wealth of information about how to recognize and prevent child abuse within program walls, and furthermore, the steps to take when a situation of child abuse arises. In addition, you will learn best practices for yourself, your staff and your organization.
