Image Title Duration (hours) Descriptionsort descending
"" E-Mail Etiquette: E-Mail Basics 1.00 E-commerce has become one of the most effective ways of doing business. Most companies conduct some of their communications online, so it is important for their employees to write effective electronic mail, or e-mail, messages. E-mail is the exchange of text messages by using computers. To send e-mail messages, users need to type in the address of the person to whom they want to send the message, write the message, and click "Send."
"" E-Mail Etiquette: Netiquette Guidelines 0.50 E-mail, a relatively new way of communicating, has changed the culture of communication. Online communication has its own rules regarding acceptable and unacceptable behavior. Netiquette refers to the set of rules you should follow when communicating online.
How to Escape Survival Mode 1.00 Each day presents new challenges for educators in the pandemic: student attendance, staff shortages, concerned parents, and the demands of our personal lives can leave us feeling like we’re just living to get through the day (or the hour!). It’s called “survival mode.” While knowing how to live in survival mode is necessary through these times, we do not want it to become our new normal. The good news is that we can make small physical and mental adjustments each day that will keep us from being driven by the chaos of external forces.
"" Positive Guidance Toward Problem-Solving (CDA 3) 2.00 Early interactions in infancy and toddlerhood often involve exploring boundaries through behaviors like grabbing toys, pulling hair, or biting. This course delves into the reasons behind these behaviors and equips professionals with positive guidance strategies to help children learn conflict resolution without resorting to harm. Through self-assessment tools, you can evaluate your current practices and identify areas for improvement, ultimately enhancing the quality of care for infants and toddlers in your setting.
How to Nurture Wholistic Wellbeing 1.00 Educators are nurtures, which means they make tremendous sacrifices to empower their students to grow and develop. That is a significant part of why education is commonly considered the noblest profession. Self-sacrifice, though, can become a liability when not considered in proper context; just as a cell phone battery must be recharged regularly so as not to lose all capacity, so too must the life of the educator be recharged so as not to lose the passion for this noble calling. The good news is that not only is personal balance attainable, but as we nurture it, we will find yourself maximizing our impact—both instructionally and relationally—in the classroom and beyond. Based on material from the book The Power of a Teacher, this workshop guides participants through the five areas of wellbeing: physical, occupational, emotional, financial, and spiritual. Not only does the workshop empower educators with a mandate for self-care, it offers practical, actionable strategies to achieve and maintain wellbeing. One of the most loving things we can do for those depending on us is to offer them the best version of ourselves Let’s get our recharge on!
Course 31: The Six "Ps" of Marketing School-Age Programs 2.00 Effective marketing of OST programs is a systematic process that involves research, analysis, assessment of market trends and needs, short-term and long-term planning, and development of effective strategies to promote OST program services and develop a positive image of the program in the community. It is important for OST leaders to recognize that marketing is a far reaching process that includes, but is not limited to, advertising and publicity. When OST leaders take a comprehensive approach to marketing, their programs and projects have an excellent chance of success. Knowledge and understanding of the marketing process is an invaluable tool for OST leaders as they plan and implement new programs and projects, assess the stability and need for improvement of current programs, develop plans for new or expanded programs, and develop a positive public image of the program and its services.
The Six Ps of Marketing School-Age Programs 2.00 Effective marketing of school-age programs is a systematic process that involves research, analysis, assessment of market trends and needs, short-term and long-term planning, and development of effective strategies to promote school-age program services and develop a positive image of the program in the community. It is important for school-age care leaders to recognize that marketing is a far reaching process that includes, but is not limited to, advertising and publicity. When leaders take a comprehensive approach to marketing, their programs and projects have an excellent chance of success. Knowledge and understanding of the marketing process is an invaluable tool for leaders as they plan and implement new programs and projects, assess the stability and need for improvement of current programs, develop plans for new or expanded programs, and develop a positive public image of the program and its services.
Effective Prehospital Patient Handoffs Between Providers 0.50 Effective Prehospital Patient Handoffs Between Providers was designed to provide a common process for reporting patient information during the prehospital care process. Communication of the patient's prehospital care from all level of providers is essential in ensuring the continuation of care in a unified and effective manner and to help provide a seamless transition in their care. This course expands on the idea of effective patient handoffs to the field providers that often transfer patients between various levels of care from first-responder through advanced paramedics. Very often, initial observations of those initial responders are unavailable to subsequent responders - either because the patient has been moved, or the scene itself has been altered. Without an effective process to communicate these details, important information can and will be lost.
Effective Presentations: Fundamentals of Presentation (Instructor Guide) 0.67 Effective presentations provide the opportunity to communicate important, specific information in a succinct manner that is beneficial to the audience members. To create this benefit, the information or processes described in the presentation must be presented in a manner that allows the audience to understand and use them. Effective presentations are comprised of several elements, including support materials, presentation skills, and relevant content. It is important that all irrelevant content is eliminated from the presentation, so the listener is not overloaded with data. This Instructor's Edition of this course includes notes and suggestions to assist you in presenting the material, whether in an in-person classroom setting, or as an instructor-led online or distance-learning course. It also provides you with the answers to questions found in mid-lesson activities, as well as in the quiz that concludes the course.
"" Adaptarse al Cambio (Spanish) Adapting to Change 0.25 El cambio siempre está ocurriendo, nos demos cuenta o no. Nuestros cuerpos generan constantemente nuevas células para reemplazar las viejas. Los precios de las acciones suben y bajan. En este curso, descubrirá diferentes estrategias para reaccionar y afrontar los cambios en la vida. Change is always happening, whether we realize it or not. Our bodies are constantly generating new cells to replace old ones. Stock prices are rising and falling. In this course, you will discover different strategies for reacting to and dealing with change in life.
Peligros De Excavaciones Y Zanjas (Spanish) Excavation and Trenching Awareness 1.25 El Conocimiento de la Excavacion & Zanjas por la Industria de la Construccion: Este curso cubre muchos temas de excavación y zanjeo concienciación dirigidas a los de la industria de la construcción. Los temas cubiertos incluyen leyes de excavación, reglamentos y normas, clasificación de suelos, análisis de suelos, las responsabilidades de la persona competente, los riesgos asociados a las trincheras, y los sistemas de protección.
"" TDAH (CDA 8) (Spanish) ADHD (CDA 8) 2.00 El trastorno por déficit de atención con hiperactividad (TDAH) es un trastorno del desarrollo neurológico que afecta al 10 por ciento de los niños estadounidenses de entre 3 y 17 años (Bitsko, et al., 2022). Las personas con TDAH tienden a ser visionarios, soñadores, exploradores, inventores y creadores de tendencias. En este curso, exploraremos el TDAH como un trastorno que puede afectar negativamente la vida de un niño y como un rasgo que puede ser beneficioso para ayudarlo a convertirse en un adulto exitoso. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder affecting 10 percent of U.S. children aged 3-17 (Bitsko, et al., 2022). People with ADHD tend to be visionaries, dreamers, explorers, inventors, and trendsetters. In this course, we will explore ADHD as a disorder that can negatively affect a child’s life and as a trait that may be beneficial in helping a child grow into a successful adult.
Construction Safety & Prevention Program: Emergency Planning Response Procedures 0.50 Emergency Planning Response Procedures is part of a twelve-part construction safety and prevention program. This course covers emergency planning for construction sites, how to create an emergency action plan, and special considerations to take when planning for emergencies. In this course, you will learn how to protect yourself, your employees, and your business by preparing a response to emergency situations before they arise.
Scene Safety Series: Part 1—Emotionally Disturbed Persons 1.50 Emotionally Disturbed Persons (EDPs) is a term that covers a wide range of situations. Although the responses are frequent, some become dangerous. Psychology professor Drew Anderson and Law Enforcement Officer/EMT Instructor James Walker provide expert commentary supported by a cast of experienced prehospital providers. Final Exam: This multiple choice exam is designed to test your knowledge of the material you just reviewed. You have two attempts to gain an 70% or higher on this exam.
Conducting World Class Employee Investigations 1.00 Employment litigation and claims in recent years have cost employers billions of dollars. Employers must find ways to reduce their vulnerability to such claims. Often times, employer liability hinges on the quality of the company's investigation into complaints of discrimination, harassment, or other claims of workplace misconduct. In fact, an important consideration in an employee's decision to ultimately file a lawsuit or claim is whether the employer conducted an effective workplace investigation. Join San Diego Zoo Global's Associate Director of Human Resources for a dynamic and informative workshop on how to conduct effective workplace investigations that will protect your organization and reduce potential litigation costs. This comprehensive webinar will include a discussion about: - A step-by-step approach on how to plan and conduct workplace investigations - A practical demonstration of effective interview techniques - How to anticipate and respond to legal and practical issues that frequently arise during the course of investigations - Preparing bullet-proof documentation to support the investigation findings and recommended actions
"" La alfabetización en medios digitales (Spanish) Digital Media Literacy 1.50 En este curso, aprenderá a juzgar la información en línea, comprender e interpretar los medios y la relación de la sociedad con las redes sociales y los teléfonos inteligentes. In this course, you will learn about judging online information, understanding and interpreting the media, and society's relationship with social media and smartphones.
"" Habilidades Básicas de Computación (Spanish) Basic Computer Skills 2.23 En este curso, aprenderá cómo comenzar con su primera computadora, incluido el aprendizaje sobre archivos, configuración y mantenimiento de la computadora e instalación de software. In this course, you will learn how to get started with your first computer, including learning about files, computer setup and maintenance, and installing software.
"" Comenzar una Nueva Carrera (Spanish) Beginning a New Career 0.50 En este curso, aprenderá más sobre cómo determinar qué carrera es la adecuada para usted, qué considerar antes de cambiar de carrera, cómo evaluarse a sí mismo al considerar una carrera y más. In this course, you’ll learn more about how to determine what career is right for you, what to consider before changing careers, how to evaluate yourself as you consider a career, and more.
"" La Creatividad (Spanish) Creativity 0.50 En este curso, aprenderá sobre la creatividad, incluido qué es, cómo fomentarla y cómo utilizarla para una colaboración positiva. In this course, you will learn about creativity, including what it is, how to encourage it, and how to utilize it for positive collaboration.
"" Comunicación Empresarial (Spanish) Business Communication 1.00 En este curso, aprenderá sobre la influencia del lenguaje corporal, los conceptos básicos de la redacción comercial y más, en relación con la comunicación en el mundo empresarial. In this course, you'll learn about the influence of body language, the essentials of business writing, and more, as they relate to communicating in the business world.
"" Planificación de Carrera y Salario (Spanish) Career Planning and Salary 1.00 En este curso, aprenderemos consejos sobre cómo descubrir sus necesidades profesionales, explorar diferentes opciones profesionales, investigar salarios, adquirir habilidades laborales esenciales y cómo planificar su carrera. In this course, we'll learn tips on how to discover your career needs, explore different career options, research salaries, gain essential job skills, and how to plan your career.
"" Experiencias Profesionales (Spanish) Career Experiences 0.75 En este curso, escuchará relatos de primera mano de las experiencias profesionales de otros, así como consejos para afrontar el fracaso y sugerencias para buscar la felicidad en el lugar de trabajo. In this course, you will hear firsthand accounts of the professional experiences of others, as well as advice for dealing with failure and tips for pursuing happiness in the workplace.
"" Habilidades del siglo XXI en la primera infancia (CDA 2, 3 y 8) (Spanish) 21st Century Skills in Early Childhood (CDA 2, 3, and 8) 2.00 En este curso, identificará las habilidades que se consideran esenciales para el éxito en el siglo XXI y examinará la conexión fundamental entre estas habilidades y el aprendizaje académico. También explorará áreas clave de aprendizaje de los estándares de aprendizaje para la primera infancia (desarrollo social y emocional y enfoques para el aprendizaje a través del juego) que pueden ayudarlo a promover el desarrollo de habilidades del siglo XXI en los niños con quienes trabaja.
Combating Sexual Harassment in the Workplace (Spanish) (Corrections) 0.75 En los últimos años, el tema del acoso sexual en el lugar de trabajo se ha convertido en el centro de atención nacional, trayendo consigo una renovada conciencia sobre la naturaleza grave e inaceptable de estas acciones y las graves consecuencias que conllevan. Según la Ley del Estado de Nueva York (vigente en octubre de 2018), todos los empleadores del estado deben establecer una política de prevención del acoso sexual que incluya capacitación anual de conformidad con la Sección 201-G de la Ley Laboral. Este curso fue desarrollado por CypherWorx, Inc. en alineación con los materiales de capacitación desarrollados por el Departamento de Trabajo y la División de Derechos Humanos para superar los estándares requeridos por el estado de Nueva York. A través de este curso, los alumnos: Obtendrán una mejor comprensión de lo que se considera acoso sexual; Aprenda cómo denunciar el acoso sexual; y Obtenga información sobre las opciones de informes externos. Al completar este curso: Comprenderá mejor lo que se considera acoso sexual; Aprenderá cómo reportar el acoso sexual; Aprenderá sobre las opciones de informes externos.
Engaging Your Employees in a World Famous Way 1.00 Engaged employees are not just committed. They are not just passionate or proud. They have a line-of-sight on their own future and on the organization's mission, vision, and goals. They are "enthused" and "in gear," using their talents and discretionary effort to make a difference in their employer's quest for sustainable business success. Join us for this ENGAGING webinar on how the World Famous San Diego Zoo proactively turned Employee Engagement into a top organization objective - with stunning results!
