Image Title Duration (hours) Descriptionsort descending
Coping with Crying (CDA 1 & 3) 2.00 Babies cry to communicate. In fact, sometimes it's the only way babies can communicate. Coping with crying can be a challenge, especially for people who have little or no experience care for infants. Learning to cope with crying is critical, as infant crying is the number one trigger for shaking a baby. In this course, we will learn about Shaken Baby Syndrome, and about ways to cope with a crying infant. This course is designed to be part of a Child Development Associate (CDA) Credential™ curriculum. It covers CDA Subject Area 1, Planning a Safe and Healthy Environment and CDA Subject Area 3: Supporting Children's Social and Emotional Development. This course can also be taken as a stand-alone learning event, or as part of a broader early childhood education curriculum.
"" SIDS and Safe Sleep (CDA 1) 2.00 Based on national standards representing the best evidence, expertise, and experience on health and safety policies and practices, and, focused on the American Academy of Pediatrics’ best practice recommendations, this course provides information on reducing the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) and Sudden Unexpected Infant Death (SUID) and for promoting safe sleep in infant care settings. This course is designed to be part of a Child Development Associate (CDA) Credential™ curriculum. It covers CDA Subject Area 1: Planning a Safe, Healthy Environment to Invite Learning. This course can also be taken as a stand-alone learning event, or as part of a broader early childhood education curriculum.
Effective Presentations: Question-and-Answer Session (Instructor Guide) 0.67 Because audience members usually ask questions that reflect their own situation and experiences, you’ll have the opportunity to apply your topic directly to their lives, which will improve your audience’s understanding and retention of the information you present. This Instructor's Edition of this course includes notes and suggestions to assist you in presenting the material, whether in an in-person classroom setting, or as an instructor-led online or distance-learning course. It also provides you with the answers to questions found in mid-lesson activities, as well as in the quiz that concludes the course.
Correcting Performance Problems: Investigating Performance Problems (Instructor Guide) 1.00 Before addressing a performance problem, you should confirm the existence of the problem itself. An interview is a useful method for doing this. During the interview, you might encounter facts that you were previously unaware of and excuses that you didn’t expect. It's important to follow a definite process, and expect the unexpected during the interview. In this course you will learn to: identify the causes for an employee’s performance problem by interviewing, and question an employee regarding attendance issues, describe the factors affecting achievement, and apply conduct investigation techniques. This Instructor's Edition of this course includes notes and suggestions to assist you in presenting the material, whether in an in-person classroom setting, or as an instructor-led online or distance-learning course. It also provides you with the answers to questions found in mid-lesson activities, as well as in the quiz that concludes the course.
Correcting Performance Problems: Investigating Performance Problems 1.00 Before addressing a performance problem, you should confirm the existence of the problem itself. An interview is a useful method for doing this. During the interview, you might encounter facts that you were previously unaware of and excuses that you didn’t expect. It's important to follow a definite process, and expect the unexpected during the interview. In this course you will learn to: identify the causes for an employee’s performance problem by interviewing, and question an employee regarding attendance issues, describe the factors affecting achievement, and apply conduct investigation techniques.
Setting & Maintaining Brand Standards: Guest Feedback & Survey Tools 1.00 Before an organization can hold itself accountable it needs to develop standards based on its brand. These Brand Standards then become the tool against what actual performance is measured. Brand Standards contain policies that run organizational wide down to specific department procedures. Once the standards have been researched for organizational policies that are "as is"; they can then be documented, reviewed, adjusted, etc., and then put into a document which reflects the current operation and expectations of the organization. To maintain the standards, there are numerous processes that can be implemented to ensure compliance. Feedback from guests is the most important method of gathering information from large numbers of people who visit. Kiosk survey systems can be placed near the exit, or throughout the experience. Other online survey systems can also be implemented. For specific areas of concern, such as high value premium experiences, a more detailed survey can also be developed. Responses can be either online or based on an e-mail response system. Other methods also need to be in place to gather feedback in an organized fashion. Examples are a web based feedback system from the organizations web site or a more personal approach where a guest will visit with a Guest Relations Ambassador to voice their concerns. A system also needs to be in place to capture information on a consistent basis from guests who phone in commentary on their visit or experiences. A further approach to maintaining the Brand Standards is to put into place a Mystery Shop program which is an organized process of testing the standards by someone who is specifically looking at the standards during a non-scheduled surprise visit. Finally, to keep the standards up, it's critical to conduct regular customer service training through a variety of methods that will be discussed.
Quality Management: The Costs of Quality (Instructor Guide) 0.50 Before the quality revolution that began in the United States in the 1980s, quality was frequently viewed as a goal that came at a higher price for production. However, the reality is that poor quality is a result of the ineffective use of resources, including wasted material and labor. Therefore, improved quality means better use of resources and lower costs. In this course you will learn to: identify the relationship between quality and cost, the benefits of establishing quality requirements, management’s responsibilities for achieving conformance, and the costs of customer dissatisfaction. This Instructor's Edition of this course includes notes and suggestions to assist you in presenting the material, whether in an in-person classroom setting or as an instructor-led online or distance-learning course. It also provides you with the answers to questions found in mid-lesson activities, as well as in the quiz that concludes the course.
Quality Management: The Costs Of Quality 0.50 Before the quality revolution that began in the United States in the 1980s, quality was frequently viewed as a goal that came at a higher price for production. However, the reality is that poor quality is a result of the ineffective use of resources, including wasted material and labor. Therefore, improved quality means better use of resources and lower costs. In this course you will learn to: identify the relationship between quality and cost, the benefits of establishing quality requirements, management’s responsibilities for achieving conformance, and the costs of customer dissatisfaction.
Strategic Decision Making: Decision Options 1.17 Before you begin generating options for a business decision, you should take time to understand the decision you’re going to make. You can increase and improve your options by using available techniques and by avoiding pitfalls. When planning to make a decision, you might generate other options, and compare them without considering which approach you should use to make the decision. By failing to consider your approach, you might select one of the options without considering all the necessary information. This lack of information can prevent you from recognizing and considering some of the best options. In this course you will learn to: identify the techniques for generating options and improving the quality of your options, and evaluate your options and identify the techniques for making a final decision.
Strategic Decision Making: Decision Options (Instructor Guide) 1.17 Before you begin generating options for a business decision, you should take time to understand the decision you’re going to make. You can increase and improve your options by using available techniques and by avoiding pitfalls. When planning to make a decision, you might generate other options, and compare them without considering which approach you should use to make the decision. By failing to consider your approach, you might select one of the options without considering all the necessary information. This lack of information can prevent you from recognizing and considering some of the best options. In this course you will learn to: identify the techniques for generating options and improving the quality of your options, and evaluate your options and identify the techniques for making a final decision. This Instructor's Edition of this course includes notes and suggestions to assist you in presenting the material, whether in an in-person classroom setting or as an instructor-led online or distance-learning course. It also provides you with the answers to questions found in mid-lesson activities, as well as in the quiz that concludes the course.
Human Relations Skill Development: Communication and Team Building for Paraprofessionals 1.00 Being able to communicate effectively is an essential human relations skill for paraprofessionals. To be a good communicator, paraprofessionals need to understand the components of communication, and how the communication process works. They need to identify barriers to clear communication and develop strategies for minimizing or eliminating barriers to communication. Assessing the current status of personal human relations skills helps each professional identify priorities for making improvements to these skills.
Human Relations Skill Development: Good Communication Skills 0.67 Being able to communicate effectively is an essential human relations skill for school-age care professionals. To be a good communicator, school-age professionals need to understand the components of communication and how the communication process works. They need to identify barriers to clear communication and develop strategies for minimizing or eliminating barriers to communication. School-age care professionals also need to work cooperatively with other team members to solve problems and conflicts. In this course, we will explore good communication skills.
Course 08: Human Relations Skill Development 2.00 Being able to communicate effectively is an essential human relations skill for school-age care professionals. To be a good communicator, school-age professionals need to understand the components of communication and how the communication process works. They need to identify barriers to clear communication and develop strategies for minimizing or eliminating barriers to communication. School-age care professionals also need to work cooperatively with other team members to solve problems and conflicts. This requires an understanding of how teams work and the characteristics of effective teams. Assessing the current status of personal human relations skills helps each professional identify priorities for making improvements to these skills.
"" Human Relations Skill Development 2.00 Being able to communicate effectively is an essential human relations skill for school-age care professionals. To be a good communicator, school-age professionals need to understand the components of communication and how the communication process works. They need to identify barriers to clear communication and develop strategies for minimizing or eliminating barriers to communication. School-age care professionals also need to work cooperatively with other team members to solve problems and conflicts. This requires an understanding of how teams work and the characteristics of effective teams. Assessing the current status of personal human relations skills helps each professional identify priorities for making improvements to these skills.
Human Relations Skill Development (Collection) 2.00 Being able to communicate effectively is an essential human relations skill for school-age care professionals. To be a good communicator, school-age professionals need to understand the components of communication and how the communication process works. They need to identify barriers to clear communication and develop strategies for minimizing or eliminating barriers to communication. School-age care professionals also need to work cooperatively with other team members to solve problems and conflicts. This requires an understanding of how teams work and the characteristics of effective teams. Assessing the current status of personal human relations skills helps each professional identify priorities for making improvements to these skills.
Human Relations Skill Development: Cultivating Communication Skills 0.67 Being able to communicate effectively is an essential human relations skill for school-age care professionals. To be a good communicator, school-age professionals need to understand the components of communication, and how the communication process works. They need to identify barriers to clear communication, and develop strategies for minimizing or eliminating barriers to communication. School-age care professionals also need to work cooperatively with other team members to solve problems and conflicts. In this course, we will explore strategies for cultivating good communication skills.
Human Relations Skill Development: Team Building Skills and Strategies 0.67 Being able to communicate effectively is an essential human relations skill for school-age care professionals. To be a good communicator, school-age professionals need to understand the components of communication, and how the communication process works. They need to identify barriers to clear communication, and develop strategies for minimizing or eliminating barriers to communication. School-age care professionals also need to work cooperatively with other team members to solve problems and conflicts. In this course, we will explore skills and strategies for team building.
Basic Health & Safety Requirements for Certification 6.00 Best practices and standards for health and safety are the foundation of quality child care. Meeting the basic health and safety needs of all children sets the stage for positive child outcomes. This health and safety orientation module provides an overview of the basic health and safety requirements and best practices in nine of the topic areas outlined in the Child Care and Development Block Grant (CCDBG) Reauthorization of 2015. The topics are as follows: Safe spaces; Transportation safety; Handling and storage of hazardous materials; Emergency preparedness; Prevention and control of infectious disease; Food and allergic reactions and how to respond; Administration of medication; Shaken baby syndrome/abusive head trauma; Safe sleep and SUIDS prevention. This course is designed to meet your professional development needs. It can be taken as a stand-alone learning event, or as part of a broader early childhood education curriculum. In addition to state child care regulations, there may be other health and safety measures required by your municipality, township, or county. Check with county or local offices for information on local health and safety requirements.
A Student Guide to Fire Safety 0.50 Between January 2000 and May 2015, 85 fatal fires in dorms, fraternities, sororities, and off-campus housing took the lives of 118 people. This course offers students a refresher about fire safety, including the main causes of campus fires, the actions students can take to prevent fires, and the importance of working smoke alarms and knowing two ways out.
"" Foundation for School Success (CDA 6) 2.00 Beyond simply academic skills, "school readiness" encompasses the holistic development of young children, encompassing social, emotional, physical, and cognitive domains. This course empowers early childhood professionals to support this development from infancy through preschool, laying a strong foundation for future success in kindergarten and beyond.
Biomimicry/Bioinspiration: a novel activity to further conservation involving engineers, business, and San Diego Zoo Global 1.00 Bioinspiration, also known as biomimicry, is an interdisciplinary process in which biological principles and elements are studied in order to draw analogies to be applied to human innovation. Learn how we introduce students to the concept of bioinspiration through a variety of education programs. We will also describe our approach when working with students to foster creativity and think in new and innovative ways.
Bioinspiration: A Novel Activity to Engage Students in Creativity and STEM 1.00 Bioinspiration, also known as biomimicry, is an interdisciplinary process in which biological principles and elements are studied in order to draw analogies to be applied to human innovation. We will first define bioinspiration through examples of past successes. Next, we will discuss why conservation organizations like San Diego Zoo Global are interested in this field and how conservation may benefit from the involvement of engineers and industry. Participants will enjoy an adaptation tour of some of San Diego Zoo Global’s diverse plant and animal collections, highlighting examples of how the natural world can inspire engineering. His talk will include an interactive exercise to help stimulate creative thinking based around bioinspiration.
Brain Development in Infants and Toddlers (CDA 8) 2.00 Brain development has changed over the last 20 years. Early brain development focused mainly on the intellectual aspects of the brain, but over the last 10 years, more focus has been placed on the social emotional exchanges in infancy and how that affects brain development. Early experiences predispose how children see the world. This course is designed to be part of a Child Development Associate (CDA) Credential™ curriculum and covers CDA Subject Area 8, Understanding Principles of Child Development and Learning. This course can also be taken as a stand-alone learning event or as part of a broader early childhood education curriculum.
Quality Management: Ideas and Organization (Instructor Guide) 0.84 Brainstorming works best when used by a group of four to nine people. When brainstorming, team members’ goals should be to break their existing patterns of thought by generating original and creative ideas. In this course you will learn to: sequence and follow the steps for brainstorming, identify the purpose of affinity diagrams, construct activity network diagrams, and identify the benefits of using CPM and PERT charts to understand the critical path of a project. This Instructor's Edition of this course includes notes and suggestions to assist you in presenting the material, whether in an in-person classroom setting or as an instructor-led online or distance-learning course. It also provides you with the answers to questions found in mid-lesson activities, as well as in the quiz that concludes the course.
Quality Management: Ideas and Organization 0.84 Brainstorming works best when used by a group of four to nine people. When brainstorming, team members’ goals should be to break their existing patterns of thought by generating original and creative ideas. In this course you will learn to: sequence and follow the steps for brainstorming, identify the purpose of affinity diagrams, construct activity network diagrams, and identify the benefits of using CPM and PERT charts to understand the critical path of a project.
