Image Title Duration (hours)sort ascending Description
Quality Management: The Costs Of Quality 0.50 Before the quality revolution that began in the United States in the 1980s, quality was frequently viewed as a goal that came at a higher price for production. However, the reality is that poor quality is a result of the ineffective use of resources, including wasted material and labor. Therefore, improved quality means better use of resources and lower costs. In this course you will learn to: identify the relationship between quality and cost, the benefits of establishing quality requirements, management’s responsibilities for achieving conformance, and the costs of customer dissatisfaction.
"" Sales Management: Forecasting Sales Revenue 0.50 This course will focus on identifying sales forecast factors and types of sales forecasts as well as discussing various types of forecasting approaches.
Combating Sexual Harassment in the Workplace (NY) 1.00 In recent years, the topic of sexual harassment in the workplace has been brought into the national spotlight, bringing with it renewed awareness about the serious and unacceptable nature of these actions and the severe consequences that follow. Under state law effective October 2018, every employer in New York is required to establish a sexual harassment prevention policy which includes annual training, pursuant to Section 201-G of the Labor Law. This course was created by CypherWorx based on the 2023 update of the training materials developed by the New York State Department of Labor and Division of Human Rights, and is designed to meet or exceed standards required by state law.
"" Business Accounting: Stockholders' Equity 1.50 This course will cover how to identify various types of stocks and calculate the value of a corporation’s stock as well as how to use financial ratios to calculate book value and market value per share. You will also learn how to identify the components of stockholders’ equity and report stockholders’ equity on financial statements.
Understanding the CDA Credential and Process (CDA 6) 2.00 This course introduces the CDA Credential™, a nationally recognized pathway for early childhood professionals to bolster their knowledge, hone their skills, and advance their careers. Explore the CDA process, its diverse pathways, and its potential alignment with your professional development goals. Discover how well-equipped caregivers, empowered by the CDA, contribute to nurturing environments that foster optimal learning and development for young children.
Making Plans and Developing Policies 2.00 Planning and policy-making are closely linked to the development of quality school-age care programs. When school-age staff are skilled as planners and policy-makers, they can use these skills to design and implement high quality programs that benefit children, youth, and families. It is essential for school-age care professionals to recognize that it is important for policies to grow out of a vision of quality, and a mission that supports that vision. Therefore, creating a vision for quality, developing a program philosophy, and writing a clear mission statement are the first steps in program planning. It is also important for school-age care professionals to use a systematic process to develop goals and objectives, set priorities for accomplishing goals and objectives, and develop goal-based action plans that will help the school-age program achieve its mission. High quality school-age programs are led by professionals who understand how to use effective strategies for creating a continuous cycle of planning and evaluation that supports ongoing program improvement.
Understanding the Behavior of Children and Youth 2.00 The development of children and youth can cause them to behave in ways that can be trying for even the most knowledgeable and experienced staff. When staff understands what is driving the behavior, they can help to guide and encourage acceptable behaviors. This course will provide participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to prevent unwanted behavior by meeting the needs of children and youth before they act out.
Basic Health & Safety Requirements for Certification 6.00 Best practices and standards for health and safety are the foundation of quality child care. Meeting the basic health and safety needs of all children sets the stage for positive child outcomes. This health and safety orientation module provides an overview of the basic health and safety requirements and best practices in nine of the topic areas outlined in the Child Care and Development Block Grant (CCDBG) Reauthorization of 2015. The topics are as follows: Safe spaces; Transportation safety; Handling and storage of hazardous materials; Emergency preparedness; Prevention and control of infectious disease; Food and allergic reactions and how to respond; Administration of medication; Shaken baby syndrome/abusive head trauma; Safe sleep and SUIDS prevention. This course is designed to meet your professional development needs. It can be taken as a stand-alone learning event, or as part of a broader early childhood education curriculum. In addition to state child care regulations, there may be other health and safety measures required by your municipality, township, or county. Check with county or local offices for information on local health and safety requirements.
California Harassment Prevention Training for Team Members 1.00 Harassment cases have resulted in organizations being liable for hundreds of millions of dollars in legal fees and lost revenue annually. The information presented here enables employees in the organization to create a harassment-free culture.
Down Syndrome 0.50 This course will help you understand the unique characteristics that children with Down syndrome possess and the challenges that they face. It will provide you with knowledge on how to create the best learning environment possible to meet their needs by giving you specific ways to plan your curriculum and ways in which you can encourage communication. You will feel prepared to make accommodations to welcome children with Down syndrome into your classroom.
Motivation: Identifying, Planning, and Implementing: Using What You've Learned 0.50 In life, to be a successful, you must have a plan. Napoleon Hill, author of Think and Grow Rich, said, “Create a definite plan for carrying out your desire and begin at once, whether you ready or not, to put this plan into action.” This course has provided you with the information and—we hope—the inspiration to improve your motivational skills and work toward personal success. The final two steps are up to you: You must implement what you have learned and continue to work on improving your skills. In this course you will learn to: work toward improving your motivational skills by using the 21-day habit and satori, and use resources, including websites and books, to continue working on your motivational skills.
Lions 2.00 This course explores the natural history of lions along with current conservation efforts. You’ll learn about the lion’s physical characteristics, habitat, behavior, reproduction, and who is working to protect these animals.
Lifting and Moving—Lesson 1 0.50 There are several disciplines of healthcare that require proficiency in lifting and moving. Prehosital medicine and fire-service-related rescue requires a proficiency in this area that is beyond any other area of healthcare. Our team of experts discuss the challenges that we face in our community. In this first session of the series, we explore the mindset and preparation that must take place in order to achieve success. Final Exam:This multiple choice exam is designed to test your knowledge of the material you just reviewed. You have two attempts to gain a 70% or higher on this exam. Please take your time and answer each question carefully.
Safety and Survival in an Active Shooter Event in School Settings 0.75 Welcome to Safety and Survival in an Active Shooter Event in School Settings. Recent national tragedies in schools remind us that the risk is real: an active shooter incident can happen in any place at any time in any school district. The best way to make sure you are safe is to prepare ahead of time and be ready. Warning: Some of this content may be disturbing, if you need to take a break, please do so. If you exit and then come back into the course later, it will resume where you left off.
"" Project Management - Advanced: Project Integration and Plan Development 0.50 This course will cover how to measure data during project integration and differentiate between project and product life cycles. You will also learn how to identify the importance of developing a project plan, the elements of a project plan, the key input required for project plan development, and methods used in project plan development.
Becoming Tech Savvy 1.50 This course was designed to help you learn various tips and tricks to use your devices as efficiently as possible. This includes tech skills, safety & security information, and keyboard and mouse shortcuts.
Hazard Communication Basic 1.00 This course covers the basics when it comes to hazard communication. The topics will range from the Hazard Communication Standard to the labeling of hazardous materials.
SIDS and Other Sleep-Related Infant Deaths: Keeping Babies Safe 1.50 This course will give participants a brief overview of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) and other sleep-related deaths. Participants will learn about recent research and statistics, the importance of child care providers, AAP SIDS Task Force recommendations, and how to implement polices in child care.
"" Observation and Assessment of the Learning Environment (CDA 7) 2.00 Research finds that the quality of a child’s early learning environment has a significant impact on his well-being and ability to learn. This course focuses on two significant aspects of environmental quality: the relationships and rich interactions that happen in the classroom, and the physical setting and learning materials. Special emphasis is placed on observation and assessment of the learning environment to make improvements and support positive outcomes for children. The course covers how professionals who work with young children can use observation and assessment as a way to support children’s development (social, emotional, cognitive, physical, and approaches to learning), inform teaching practices, enhance interactions with children, and plan activities for young children. This course is designed to be part of a Child Development Associate (CDA) Credential™ curriculum, and covers CDA subject area 7: Observation and Assessment. It can also be taken as a stand-alone learning event or as part of a broader early childhood education curriculum.
Presentation Methods and Debriefing Activities 2.00 There is no "one size fits all" approach to working with children and youth, and this is especially true when it comes to how we present and debrief activities. During this course, participants will understand the importance of the delivery and debriefing of an activity to help children and youth make meaning, as well as some specific methods that can be incorporated into the program right away.
"" Project Management Essentials: Activities and Dependencies 0.75 This course will focus on how to identify project activities and recognize the types of project activities and the categories of dependencies and dependency relationships, analyze activities by creating an activity analysis form, and estimate the time duration and cost of project activities.
Zoom Meeting Basics 0.50 Zoom is a web-based video conferencing tool with a local, desktop client and a mobile app that allows users to meet online, with or without video. Zoom users can choose to record sessions, collaborate on projects, and share or annotate on one another’s screens, all with one easy-to-use platform. In this course we will go through the major features of Zoom Meetings.
"" Project Management - Intermediate: Risk Analysis, Response, and Control 1.00 This course will cover how to identify the goals and benefits of risk assessment and follow the qualitative risk analysis process and how to use the quantitative analysis techniques and draw a decision tree. You will also learn how to follow the risk response process and identify the categories for possible risk response plans and how to use the methods of monitoring and controlling project risks and identify the outcomes of monitoring and control.
Creativity and Innovation: Personal Creativity 1.34 Creativity is often considered a talent that some people have. Actually, creativity's a skill that everyone can nurture through exercise and practice. You can prepare yourself both mentally and physically to be creative. In this course you will learn to: prepare yourself mentally and physically to be creative, and use your experiences, innocence, intuition, and sense of adventure to increase your creativity.
Developing Effective Outdoor Environments and Interest Areas: Assessing Space and Planning Activities 1.00 School-age children need daily opportunities to exercise, relax, and participate in a wide range of outdoor activities. The hours children spend in after school programs are often the best hours of the day for getting fresh air and enjoying the outdoors while it's still daylight. School-age programs can provide safe, secure settings where children can enjoy the outdoors. In this course, we will explore how to assess space and plan activities in outdoor environment and interest areas.
