Image Titlesort descending Duration (hours) Description
Basic Building Construction (NYS04) 1.00 This is a basic lesson for the introduction or review of building construction for the firefighter. The lesson defines five types of building construction and identifies the risks and hazards associated with fighting fires in these structures. The lesson is evaluated with a final multiple-choice quiz. A grade of 80% or better is required to pass this course.
Bloodborne Pathogens and HIV (Human) 1.00 In this course, you will learn about the characteristics of bloodborne pathogens, diseases caused by these pathogens, such as HIV, and how they are transmitted. You will also learn the elements of an exposure control plan and how to prevent contact with or infection from contaminated body fluids. In addition, you will learn how to handle exposure incidents involving blood, and the signs, labels, and color-coding used to warn of biohazards and bloodborne pathogens. This training is provided to help employers provide a safe and healthful work environment for their employees and minimize the possibility of employee exposure to bloodborne pathogens.   This course is labeled with (Human) to indicate that it is not animal-related.
Combating Sexual Harassment in the Workplace (NY) 1.00 In recent years, the topic of sexual harassment in the workplace has been brought into the national spotlight, bringing with it renewed awareness about the serious and unacceptable nature of these actions and the severe consequences that follow. Under state law effective October 2018, every employer in New York is required to establish a sexual harassment prevention policy which includes annual training, pursuant to Section 201-G of the Labor Law. This course was created by CypherWorx based on the 2023 update of the training materials developed by the New York State Department of Labor and Division of Human Rights, and is designed to meet or exceed standards required by state law.
Combating Sexual Harassment in the Workplace (NY) (Spanish) Combatir el Acoso Sexual en el Lugar de Trabajo 1.00 Según la ley estatal vigente en octubre de 2018, todos los empleadores de Nueva York deben establecer una política de prevención del acoso sexual que incluya capacitación anual, de conformidad con la Sección 201-G de la Ley Laboral. Este curso fue creado por CypherWorx en base a la actualización de 2023 de los materiales de capacitación desarrollados por el Departamento de Trabajo y la División de Derechos Humanos del Estado de Nueva York, y está diseñado para cumplir o superar los estándares requeridos por la ley estatal.
Emergency Response Guidebook 2024 (NYS18) 2.00 This course introduces the Emergency Response Guidebook and describes how to use the book to identify hazardous materials during an emergency operation. This course defines each section of the guidebook and includes activities that require the student to apply the book's contents to simulated emergency scenarios. This course is based on the latest edition of the Emergency Guidebook and identifies the changes included in this edition.
Emergency Response Guidebook Activity 1.50 This course is an activity that requires the first responder to utilize the Emergency Response Guidebook to solve a variety of problems. The solution to each of these problems can be found using the 2020 Emergency Response Guidebook Version. Students will need to have a copy of the Emergency Response Guidebook Version 2020 to complete this activity. A 2020 Emergency Guidebook PDF is available for download in this lesson if a copy of the book is not available to the student. It should be noted that this is an in-service training activity. The student must have prior knowledge and training regarding the Emergency Response Guidebook prior to engaging this activity.
Fire Behavior Basics (NYS02) 1.00 This lesson introduces the basic chemistry and physics of fire behavior. The lesson defines combustion, reviews the fire triangle and components of the fire tetrahedron. The stages of fire develop and accompanying characteristics are discussed with a focus on heat transfer and how it plays a part in fire develop. The lesson is evaluated using a brief quiz covering the material included in the lesson.
Fire Extinguishers (NYS03) 1.00 This lesson reviews the identification, selection, and use of different types of fire extinguishers. The lesson begins with a review of the basic science of fire. The classifications are defined and described and the extinguishers that meet those classifications are identified. Fire extinguisher maintenance is described and reviewed. Finally, the PASS method of fire extinguisher operation is defined and described.
Fire Origin and Cause – Basic 2.00 This course is an introductory level course that defines fire cause and origin investigation and arson awareness. This course explains fire origin, cause, and arson and a description of common fire causes. Fire cause classifications are defined, and arson motives are described. Signs of arson are identified, and methods for evidence preservation are outlined. The course is evaluated with a final exam that requires a passing score of 80%. The clock time for this course is approximately 2-hour.
Fire Prevention Principles 1.00 This course will introduce the firefighter to the modern principles of fire safety. Just as the fire service has evolved since colonial times, so has the professional approach to fire prevention and safety. The fire service is at the heart of the current fire safety program, and firefighters must understand the concepts and principles at the core of these programs. This introductory course will describe these concepts and principles as well as identify where and how the firefighter fits into these programs. The clock time for this course is approximately one hour.
Fire Service Ground Ladders - BASIC 1.00 This course is a basic-level introduction and review of fire service ground ladders. This course introduces the seven types of fire service ground ladders as defined by NFPA. The course includes a review of ground ladder construction, ground ladder selection by task, and safe operation of the fire service ground ladder. The course is evaluated with a multiple-choice exam that requires a passing score of 80%. The course length is approximately one hour.
Fire Suppression Tactics 1.00 No other tactic on the fireground has a higher potential for saving lives and protecting property than Fire Suppression. Suppression on the fireground can be deployed in multiple strategies and performed through a variety of methods. This course will discuss the application of suppression tactics and tasks while operating in different operational modes under strategies selected as a result of assessed risk. Application of these suppression tactics are matched with the appropriate strategy and task methods are introduced. Each type of suppression task method is described in detail along with a review of its specific strengths and weakness.
Fireground Communications - BASIC 2.00 This course is an introductory-level presentation that introduces the firefighter to the concept of fireground operations. Fireground communication is integral to effective fireground operations, and proper communications are critical to firefighter safety. This course describes the standard communication model, identifies the communication system, and provides a procedure for conducting proper radio communications, from receiving the alarm, through operating the fireground, to terminating incident command. The course is evaluated with a final exam requiring a score of 80%. Firefighters who complete the course are provided with course materials to aid learning and further their education. The clock time for this course is approximately two hours.
Fireground Operations - Strategy Tactic Task 2.00 This course introduces a common language for fireground operation; strategy, tactics, and tasks in an effort to create a standardized interpretation of terminology. This course describes safe strategy selection, defines prioritized tactical objectives, and lists assigned tasks for each tactical objective dependent on strategy. This course introduces the idea of five primary tactical objectives, five secondary tactical objectives, and five functions of command that must be accomplished on every fireground. The course concludes with a procedure for the application of selecting a safe strategy, prioritizing effective tactical objectives, and assigning efficient tasks through the function of command.
Fireground Operations: Safe Strategy 2.00 This introductory course describes fireground strategy selection to create a safe operation. The course introduces the concept of safe fireground strategy and presents a procedure for selecting a strategy through risk assessment. Two operational modes are established, and five strategic plan options are defined for each mode. The course focuses on fire safety principles and scene safety awareness. The course is evaluated with a multiple-choice exam and requires a passing score of 80%. The clock time for this course is approximately two hours.
Ground Cover Fires 1.50 This course is an introductory level course that introduces the basic concepts of fighting fires that involve natural ground cover. This course describes fire behaviors associated with ground cover fires, identifies the types of equipment as well as methods used to combat these fires. The lesson also identifies specific hazards associated with ground cover fires and describes methods for mitigating the risk of those hazards.
Initiating an Emergency Response 0.50 This course describes a procedure for responding to the report of an emergency. This course will describe how to initiate an emergency response when receiving alarms via the firehouse non-emergency-phone, a walk up to quarters, and reporting an emergency that occurs in the firehouse. This course reviews the skills required to use equipment to receive, record, and transmit an incoming alarm. This course also includes several scenarios during which the student uses a simulated procedure to initiate a response to several types of reported emergencies. The clock time for this course is approximately one-half hours.
Introduction to Fireground Communications 0.50 This course defines communication and identifies five components of a fireground communication model. Each component is described in detail and a procedure for implementing the components is reviewed. The different types of common fireground communications are described and examples of each are given.
Introduction to Fireground Size-up 2.00 This course is an extensive introduction to fireground size-up and is a prerequisite for all other Vigilant size-up courses. This lesson defines the term size up and describes its purpose in fireground operations. The elements of a proper size-up are defined and described. The course introduces a five-step procedure for implementing the size-up process on the fireground. Each step of this procedure is defined and described with an explanation of the elements that are identified during each step. The lesson concludes with an overall summary and final evaluation.
Introduction to Incident Command and Control 1.50 This course is based on the National Incident Management System (NIMS). This course uses lessons to describes a phased process for the implementation of NIMS management characteristics into an Incident Command System. This phased process is a common-sense approach to emergency scene incident command based on the typical timeline for fireground development. It is important that you review local municipal law and organizational policies for implementing Incident Command. This course presents a system for implementing incident command during emergency operations. Incident Command does not have to be implemented using this system however, it needs to be implemented using a system.
Introduction to Risk Management 1.00 This an introductory course that introduces the firefighter to the concepts of risk management. The concepts introduced in this course are intended to create a healthy attitude regarding safety and begins a process of developing a safety-minded culture. The definitions of hazard and risk are defined and the concept of risk management is explained. This explanation of risk management is intended for firefighters who need a rapid and effective method for identifying and mitigating dangers on the fire ground.
Lithium-Ion Battery - INTRODUCTION 1.50 This introductory course is an awareness-level presentation that educates firefighters on the impact of lithium-ion batteries on fire service operations. The course defines the lithium-ion battery, describes the chemistry of the battery, and identifies the applications using this technology. The lessons of this course assess the hazards of the lithium-ion battery, evaluate the associated risk, and identify operational mitigations to reduce firefighter risk exposure when encountering fires related to this technology.
PPE Care and Maintenance 1.00 This course describes the required care and maintenance necessary to keep your personal protective equipment in service and able to afford you the highest level of protection. The objective is to promote competency in personal protective equipment inspection procedures based on NFPA 1851 standards. Students should also familiarize themselves with agency guidelines, policies, procedures, and best practices for documenting and reporting concerns with issued personal protective equipment.
Preventing Violence at the Workplace 0.50 This course covers the basics of workplace violence protection, including the four types of workplace violence and the appropriate responses to each.
Safe Apparatus Response 0.50 More than four thousand firefighters are injured each year in the United States while responding to and returning from emergency scenes. Response injuries account for roughly 7% of all fireground related injuries, however, they accounted for 29% of the line of duty deaths in 2020. This statistic exhibits the severity potential of unsafe apparatus response to and from emergencies. This course will identify hazards and risks associated with apparatus response and describe methods for reducing those risks.
