Image Title Duration (hours)sort descending Description
"" Change Management: Fundamentals of Change Management 0.50 This course will cover how to identify the levels of change and the misconceptions about change and identify the importance and benefits of change. You will also learn to identify the behaviors and traits of a change leader, and role of resilience during change.
"" Change Management: Change Process 0.50 This course will cover how to identify the steps of a change process, analyze a change situation and identify important aspects of change, and choose an action and identify the restraining and driving forces. You will also learn how to create a sense of urgency, set goals, motivate employees, delegate, and prevent failure as well as how to identify the methods of monitoring the progress of a change.
"" Change Management: Obstacles to Change 0.75 This course will cover how to identify the causes of resistance and the negative reactions to change and the methods for managing them. You will also learn how to identify the causes of complacency and prepare for crisis.
"" Change Management: Managing Change 0.50 This course will cover how to encourage creativity in employees and develop a commitment to change in employees. You will also learn how to communicate change effectively, improve listening skills, and control grapevine.
"" Change Management: Adapting to Change 0.75 This course will cover how to identify the truths and misconceptions about change and understand the difference between change and transition. You will learn how to identify the factors that affect the response to change and list the styles of response. You will also learn how to identify the feelings arising during the endings phase and identify the strategies to manage the endings phase.
"" Change Management: Coping with Uncertainty 0.50 This course will cover how to understand the emotions and responses experienced during the exploration phase, and identify what people need during the exploration phase. You will also learn how to identify the strategies to manage the exploration phase and identify the steps to manage the uncertainty in the exploration phase.
"" Change Management: Moving Forward 0.50 This course will cover how to identify the information required and the common responses to the new beginnings phase and identify what people need during this phase. You will also learn how to identify the strategies and communication guidelines to manage the new beginnings phase.
"" Customer Relationship Management: Customer Loyalty 1.00 This course will cover how to identify the benefits of loyal customers, and create loyal customers. You will also learn to develop customer relationships, and implement the goals of market intelligent enterprises.
"" Customer Relationship Management: CRM Basics 1.00 This course will cover how to identify the types of customer relationship management and their goals. You will learn how to develop a customer relationship management program.
"" Customer Relationship Management: Preparations for CRM 1.00 This course will cover how to manage and reduce costs associated with CRM implementation. You will also learn how to plan CRM implementation.
"" Customer Relationship Management: CRM Implementation 0.50 This course will cover how to redesign your work processes, and identify reasons to implement CRM in stages. You will also learn how to implement CRM.
"" Customer Relationship Management: eCRM 1.00 This course will cover how to identify the features and disadvantages of eCRM and how to automate CRM through eCRM.
"" Customer Relationship Management: eCRM Customization and Goals 0.50 This course will cover how to customize eCRM and how to achieve CRM goals through eCRM.
"" Customer Service: Resolving Issues 0.50 This course will cover how to show appreciation to customers, especially those who have been difficult. You will also learn how to follow up with customers after resolving customer service problems.
"" Effective Presentations: Fundamentals of Presentation 0.75 This course will cover how to identify and use effective presentations. You will also learn how to plan a presentation and determine primary and secondary objectives.
"" Effective Presentations: Audience Analysis and Supporting Material 0.50 This course will cover how to analyze the audience and identify the benefits of audience analysis. You will also learn how to determine the supporting material and the types of supporting material.
"" Effective Presentations: Building Presentations 0.50 This course will cover how to build a presentation, develop an introduction and capture the attention of the audience, and organize the body of the presentation and use transitions. You will also learn how to conclude the presentation.
"" Effective Presentations: Presentation Mechanics 0.50 This course will cover how to incorporate visual aids and understand the types of visual aids. You will also learn how to display and create visual aids.
"" Effective Presentations: Presentation Process 1.00 This course will cover how to use a presentation process, prepare before making the presentation and overcome the fear of speaking, and deliver a presentation by using different aspects of voice. You will also learn how to use nonverbal communication aids.
"" Effective Presentations: Question-and-Answer Session 0.50 This course will cover how to prepare to answer questions and conduct a question-and-answer session. You will also learn how to handle challenging questions and audiences.
"" Effective Presentations: Fundamentals of Persuasion 1.00 This course will focus on persuasion and the goals of persuasion. You will also learn how to organize a persuasive presentation and use the methods of persuasion.
"" Excellence in Service - Basic: Customer Service Fundamentals 1.00 This course will cover customer types and the importance of customer service. You will also learn how to build rapport and communicate with customers as well as how to respond to customers and exceed their expectations.
"" Excellence in Service - Basic: Customer Service Skills 1.00 This course will cover how to develop customer service skills and provide high quality customer service. You will also learn how to solve customer service problems.
"" Excellence in Service - Basic: Customer Management 1.00 This course will focus on how to identify the basics of managing dissatisfied customers and handle angry customers. You will also learn how to work with upset customers and reduce customer service stress.
"" Excellence in Service - Basic: Customer Communication 1.00 This course will cover how to identify the importance of effective communication and the importance of interpersonal communication. You will also learn how to provide good service on the telephone and compose effective e-mail messages.
