Image Titlesort descending Duration (hours) Description
"" Call Center Management: Customer Management 0.75 This course will cover how to identify customer expectations and manage customer relationships.
"" Call Center Management: Employee Management 1.00 This course will cover how to reduce employee turnover, manage employee stress, and train employees.
"" Call Center Management: Employee Motivation and Monitoring 1.25 This course will cover how to motivate employees, communicate effectively with employees, and evaluate employee performance. You will also learn to identify methods for monitoring employees.
"" Call Center Management: Managing for Excellent Service 1.00 This course will cover how to set service levels, achieve service levels, and use reports.
"" Call Center: Effective Call Handling 1.00 This course will cover how to satisfy customer needs effectively and handle challenging calls and close calls.
"" Call Center: Telephone Service Fundamentals 0.75 This course will focus on how to analyze the importance of good telephone service and develop a positive attitude and interpersonal skills. You will also learn how to greet customers.
"" Career Development: Career Aspirations 0.75 This course will cover how to identify career preferences and seek professional career counseling and how to recognize the types of skills that promote employability, identify your skills, and develop new skills. You will also learn how to explore career options to meet your personal and professional needs, and avoid pitfalls in career exploration.
"" Career Development: Career Excellence 1.25 This course will cover how to maintain productivity, develop self‑discipline, and be professional. You will also learn how to establish a professional image and promote yourself within and outside of your organization. You will also learn how to take advantage of skills and talents, learn new skills, and compete with yourself.
"" Career Development: Career Strategies 1.00 This course will cover how to define, set, and maintain career goals and avoid career goal-setting pitfalls. You will also learn how to identify the stages of the career development cycle, plan a career strategy, and identify the types of career moves in your organization.
"" Career Development: Professional Networking 1.25 This course will cover how to network effectively to advance your career and define your needs, choose a mentor or a coach, and find a sponsor to seek career guidance. You will also learn to communicate effectively and build strong relationships to develop your career network.
"" Change Management: Adapting to Change 0.75 This course will cover how to identify the truths and misconceptions about change and understand the difference between change and transition. You will learn how to identify the factors that affect the response to change and list the styles of response. You will also learn how to identify the feelings arising during the endings phase and identify the strategies to manage the endings phase.
"" Change Management: Change Process 0.50 This course will cover how to identify the steps of a change process, analyze a change situation and identify important aspects of change, and choose an action and identify the restraining and driving forces. You will also learn how to create a sense of urgency, set goals, motivate employees, delegate, and prevent failure as well as how to identify the methods of monitoring the progress of a change.
"" Change Management: Coping with Uncertainty 0.50 This course will cover how to understand the emotions and responses experienced during the exploration phase, and identify what people need during the exploration phase. You will also learn how to identify the strategies to manage the exploration phase and identify the steps to manage the uncertainty in the exploration phase.
"" Change Management: Fundamentals of Change Management 0.50 This course will cover how to identify the levels of change and the misconceptions about change and identify the importance and benefits of change. You will also learn to identify the behaviors and traits of a change leader, and role of resilience during change.
"" Change Management: Managing Change 0.50 This course will cover how to encourage creativity in employees and develop a commitment to change in employees. You will also learn how to communicate change effectively, improve listening skills, and control grapevine.
"" Change Management: Moving Forward 0.50 This course will cover how to identify the information required and the common responses to the new beginnings phase and identify what people need during this phase. You will also learn how to identify the strategies and communication guidelines to manage the new beginnings phase.
"" Change Management: Obstacles to Change 0.75 This course will cover how to identify the causes of resistance and the negative reactions to change and the methods for managing them. You will also learn how to identify the causes of complacency and prepare for crisis.
Coaching: Coaching Diverse Employees 1.34 People are different. Beliefs, behavior, learning pace, and personality vary from person to person. Some employees require extensive support to complete a project, while others perform better with fewer guidelines and more control. Still other employees need constant motivation to keep them focused on achieving goals. As a coach, you must assess each employee’s situation, and determine the most effective coaching approach to implement. This versatility will help you recognize your employees’ needs, improve your communication skills, and make you a better coach. In this course you will learn to: motivate employees by identifying their individual personality types, and build trusting relationships between employees and their coaches.
Coaching: Communication 1.00 Language is an important coaching tool. The use of suitable words during coaching will help you create relationships, repair employee confidence, and establish plans for employee success. As a coach, you must select words that directly influence your employees’ attitude, behavior, and performance. The use of appropriate language during your coaching sessions will help you convey your messages in a clear and encouraging manner. In this course you will learn to: clearly express your message by using appropriate language, identify and use nonverbal methods of communication, and receive the desired information by asking effective questions.
Coaching: Fundamentals Of Coaching 1.00 Coaching is the continuous effort to help employees maximize their abilities through personalized counseling and advice. The coaching process not only trains employees to become familiar with business procedures and expectations, but also motivates them to reach both individual and company goals. Coaching is beneficial to employees because it encourages them to discover their worth and potential. Through proper coaching sessions, employees build confidence, improve their work habits, and increase their productivity. In this course you will learn to: 1. Define coaching and identify the qualities of an effective coach 2. Build a coaching foundation and plan a coaching strategy.
Coaching: Interpersonal Meetings 0.75 As a coach, your communication skills are critical to your success and the employees you are coaching. In many office environments, it can be tempting to get through the day without much personal contact by relying on technology. However, nothing can replace the benefits of personal interaction, or face-to-face communication.
Coaching: The Coaching Process 1.50 In this course you will learn to: establish a solid coaching foundation by creating and maintaining healthy coach-employee relationships, be an effective coach by understanding your coaching objectives and communicating the expectations and goals to employees, and provide employees with positive and constructive feedback by monitoring and evaluating their performance.
Combating Sexual Harassment in the Workplace 1.00 Welcome to Combating Sexual Harassment in the Workplace. This course was created by CypherWorx in alignment with training materials developed by New York State. While nearly a dozen states have enacted sexual harassment legislation, New York is among those with the strongest and most stringent proposed sexual harassment laws in the nation. ( This course may be used as a general sexual harassment training, however, you should check with your state and local municipality for other important requirements.
Conducting Meetings: Communicating As Meeting Leaders 0.50 Clarity is crucial for conducting an efficient and productive meeting. By communicating clearly, you’ll be able to express ideas, overcome barriers to understanding, and specify expectations. Your ability to communicate clearly will facilitate interactions among participants, and minimize confusion and conflict. In this course you will learn to: identify the ways to communicate clearly in a meeting, and identify communication styles to avoid, and the ways to enhance relationships with participants.
Conducting Meetings: Communicating Nonverbally 0.50 Individuals are always sending messages, unconsciously or consciously, through nonverbal communication. When verbal and nonverbal communication contradicts one another, nonverbal cues are usually believed. Therefore, it is important that you understand what different types of nonverbal communication can mean, and how these messages can influence the productivity of your meetings. Learning Objectives: Identify the different ways nonverbal messages can be sent. Interpret nonverbal communication and identify the steps to improve nonverbal communication.
