Image Title Duration (hours) Descriptionsort ascending
"" Arte y Experiencias Sensoriales que Fomentan la Creatividad (CDA 5) (Spanish) Art and Sensory Experiences that Foster Creativity (CDA 5) 2.00 ¿En qué se diferencian los proyectos de arte de las manualidades? Aprenda sobre el proceso artístico, cómo brindar una variedad de experiencias sensoriales a los niños y cómo el arte se trata más de ""hacer"" que del proyecto terminado. Descubra cómo los profesionales de la primera infancia obtienen ideas para experiencias artísticas y cómo fomentan el proceso creativo en los niños. How do art projects differ from crafts? Learn about the art process, how to provide a variety of sensory experiences for children, and how art is more about “doing” than the finished project. Discover how early childhood professionals get ideas for art experiences and how they foster the creative process in children.
A Critical Look at Family Child Care Spaces (CDA 1) 2.00 When play problems occur over and over, child care practitioners need to be able to step back and look critically at their space arrangement to see if that is the source of the problem. Explore some key elements to consider in child care space arrangement that include types of spaces and their uses, and arranging activity areas in a room to meet the goals of your program. This course is designed to be part of a Child Development Associate (CDA) Credential™ curriculum. It covers CDA Subject Area 1: Planning a Safe, Healthy Environment to Invite Learning. This course can also be taken as a stand-alone learning event, or as part of a broader early childhood education curriculum.
"" Food Allergy Basics in Early Childhood (CDA 1 and 5) 3.00 Welcome to Food Allergy Basics in Early Childhood. This course is focused on ways to prevent accidental exposure to foods that can cause an allergic reaction. You will be able to describe ways to prevent accidental exposure to foods that cause an allergic reaction. You will also be able to demonstrate how to read a food label to reduce the risk of accidental exposure to foods that can cause an allergic reaction. In addition, you will learn how to use a Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Emergency Care Plan to care for a child with a food allergy and identify the symptoms and triggers of food allergies. This course is also designed to be part of a Child Development Associate (CDA) Credential™ curriculum. It covers Subject Area 1: Planning a Safe, Healthy Environment to Invite Learning and Subject Area 5: Managing an Effective Program Operation.
"" Management of Effective Preschool Child Care Environments (CDA 1) 2.00 Unlocking preschool potential through nurturing environments: This course equips you with the knowledge and skills to create spaces that ignite young minds and support healthy development. Explore how to design engaging, child-centered environments and routines that adapt to individual needs, cultural influences, and developmental milestones. Learn to assess your current preschool environment and craft targeted strategies for improvement, fostering a dynamic learning space where every child thrives.
"" Enhancing Emotional Literacy in Children from Birth to Age 3 (CDA 3) 2.00 Unlock the potential of your preschoolers! This course equips you with the Pyramid Model's and Center on the Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning's (CSEFEL) evidence-based strategies for nurturing their social and emotional development. Watch their confidence bloom as they build strong relationships, navigate emotions, and develop vital self-regulation skills. Invest in their school readiness and overall well-being with these powerful tools!
"" Developing Important and Successful Communication Skills (CDA 3) 2.00 Unleash the communication superpowers of your young learners! This course equips you with age-appropriate tips to help infants, toddlers, preschoolers, and school-age children blossom. Watch their language and social-emotional skills soar as they confidently navigate transitions, engage in enriching play and learning, build meaningful relationships, and become empowered problem-solvers.
"" Child Care in Mixed-Age Groupings (CDA 1 & 5) 2.00 Transform your family child care program into a haven for diverse learners! Unleash the magic of mixed-age learning with this practical course. Discover innovative activities, explore creative environment design, and unlock the power of age-appropriate resources. Watch your program blossom as you nurture the individual growth and development of every child.
"" Art and Sensory Experiences that Foster Creativity (CDA 2) 2.00 This session equips you with the knowledge and tools to differentiate art projects from crafts in your early childhood setting. Learn how to cultivate the "doing" over the "having," crafting captivating experiences that engage multiple senses. Discover expert strategies for sparking imagination, nurturing creativity, and providing your young learners with endless opportunities for artistic expression.
"" Moderate to Vigorous Physical Activity (MVPA) (CDA 2) 2.00 This course tackles the sobering reality that 25% of children lack enough moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) in their daily lives. It explores the crucial role MVPA plays in fostering healthy habits, happiness, and overall well-being. Discover evidence-based strategies to ignite movement in children, empowering them to develop strength, maintain a healthy weight, and cultivate lifelong vitality.
"" Take it Outside!: The Importance of Outdoor Play (CDA 2) 2.00 This course tackles the alarming decline in outdoor play and empowers you to reclaim its critical role in children's well-being. Explore research-backed evidence highlighting the benefits of outdoor time on healthy habits, physical development, and cognitive growth. Discover practical strategies to motivate children to embrace fresh air, movement, and connection with nature, fostering happier, healthier, and stronger youngsters who thrive in the great outdoors.
"" Planning and Implementing Everyday Physical Activities (CDA 2) 2.00 This course recognizes that physical activity is just as crucial to young children's development as healthy eating habits. Discover how to introduce movement with engaging, inclusive activities that benefit all, featuring clear instructions and smooth transitions. Explore the joy of outdoor play and activities that foster participation regardless of ability.
Safe Infant Sleep in Early Childhood (CDA 1 and 4) 2.00 This course is focused on the American Academy of Pediatrics’ best practice recommendations for reducing the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) and Sudden Unexpected Infant Death (SUID) and for promoting safe sleep in infant care settings as well as safe infant sleep policies, and how to communicate best practice for safe sleep with the families of infants in your care. This course is also designed to be part of a Child Development Associate (CDA) Credential™ curriculum. It covers Subject Area 1: Planning a Safe, Healthy Environment to Invite Learning and Subject Area 4: Building Productive Relationships with Families.
"" Understanding the CDA Credential and Process (CDA 6) 2.00 This course introduces the CDA Credential™, a nationally recognized pathway for early childhood professionals to bolster their knowledge, hone their skills, and advance their careers. Explore the CDA process, its diverse pathways, and its potential alignment with your professional development goals. Discover how well-equipped caregivers, empowered by the CDA, contribute to nurturing environments that foster optimal learning and development for young children.
"" Fundamental Tools to Monitor Child Development (CDA 7) 2.00 This course immerses early care and education professionals in the powerful trio of observation, documentation, and assessment. Discover how these tools allow you to closely monitor each child's progress, identify individual needs and interests, and tailor support accordingly. Dive deeper into using assessment activities to refine and elevate the quality of preschool care, ensuring every child reaches their full potential.
"" The Importance of Sensory Rich Play (CDA 2) 2.00 This course explores the research-backed benefits of this exciting form of play, from fostering essential developmental skills to sparking joy and curiosity. However, navigating regulations and concerns in early care settings can be tricky. Dive into practical strategies to empower young children in making choices and assessing risks amidst sensory-rich, highly physical activities, nurturing confident explorers with a deep love for learning.
"" The Purpose for Ethical Commitment (CDA 6) 2.00 This course explores the NAEYC Code of Ethical Conduct, equipping you to uphold your responsibilities and moral obligations towards children, families, colleagues, and the wider community. Discover how this essential framework guides your interactions and decisions, fostering a foundation of trust, respect, and professionalism in your work.
"" Multi-Age Learning and Interaction (CDA 1 & 5) 2.00 This course explores the dynamic world of mixed-age childcare groupings. Discover how these environments expand learning opportunities for children of all stages, fostering social, emotional, and cognitive development. Delve into the benefits for both children and adults, including a deeper understanding of individual learners and intentional support facilitated through multi-age interactions. Navigate the advantages, challenges, and unique considerations of working with mixed-age groups, equipping yourself to create a thriving learning space for all.
"" Supporting Children and Families Through Transitions (CDA 5) 2.00 This course explores the diverse transitions young children encounter within a child care setting, from joining a new program to moving between rooms or saying farewell. Gain valuable insights into the emotional and developmental impact of these experiences, and discover practical strategies to help children smoothly adjust and thrive. Empower yourself to become a champion of positive transitions, fostering a sense of security and belonging for every child under your care.
"" Advocating for Early Childhood Care (CDA 6) 2.00 This course equips you with the tools and knowledge to become a powerful advocate in the early childhood system. Explore various advocacy roles, tap into a wealth of resources, and dive deep into your responsibilities as an advocate. Prepare to take action, make your voice heard, and be a transformative force for young learners.
"" Benefits of Connecting Seniors and Children (CDA 3) 2.00 This course equips you with the knowledge and tools to integrate senior adults into childcare and education programs. Discover how this approach benefits children, seniors, your program, and you, enriching lives across generations.
"" Social Emotional Development – Problem Solving (CDA 3 & 8) 2.00 This course equips you with a step-by-step approach to cultivating problem-solving skills in children. Delve into recognizing emotions, identifying conflict resolution strategies, and implementing techniques that adapt to children's social and emotional development. Watch their self-confidence soar as they learn to overcome challenges independently, fostering lifelong resilience and emotional intelligence.
"" Enhancing Emotional Literacy in Children Ages 3 Through 5 (CDA 3) 2.00 This course equips early childhood professionals with evidence-based practices drawn from the Pyramid Model and Center on the Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning (CSEFEL) resources. Discover how to effectively support children's social-emotional development, laying a solid foundation for school readiness, healthy growth, and overall well-being. Watch children blossom into confident, connected learners as you guide them through essential skills like emotional regulation, empathy, and positive communication.
"" Successfully Implementing STEAM into the Curriculum (CDA 2) 2.00 This course empowers early learning providers to integrate Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts, and Math (STEAM) into their programs, fostering engaging and impactful experiences for young minds. Discover best-practice strategies for implementing early investigative and expressive activities, transforming your preschool into a vibrant hub where excitement and learning go hand-in-hand. Watch your little learners blossom as they develop essential skills and prepare for future academic success, one playful STEAM adventure at a time!
"" Understanding Poverty and Practical Strategies (CDA 3 & 4) 2.00 This course empowers early care and education professionals to build strong relationships with families facing economic challenges. Delve into the realities of poverty and its impact on family dynamics. Discover practical communication strategies tailored to bridge understanding and effectively connect families with essential resources and support networks. Watch trust and collaboration flourish as you create a truly inclusive and supportive learning environment for every child.
"" The Importance of Stimulating and Focused Interaction (CDA 8) 2.00 This course empowers early care and education (ECE) professionals to nurture young minds and hearts through meaningful connections. Explore the profound impact interactions have on children's learning, development, and relationships with teachers and peers. Discover research-backed strategies to cultivate stimulating, focused interactions from infancy onwards, setting the stage for positive outcomes and a lifelong love of learning.
