Current Trends and Issues in Out-of-School Time Programs (Collection)

Certificate Course
CEUs: 0.2
Clock Hours: 2Hr
659 learners enrolled

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It is important for OST professionals to understand how the field has developed since its inception and to be knowledgeable about the current status of the OST field. With this knowledge and understanding, it is possible for OST professionals to participate in shaping the field as it grows in the future.

The field of OST is growing and changing as national researchers learn more about what works best in OST programs for a wide range of children and youth, their families, and their communities. Other positive changes are occurring as advocates for OST succeed in creating more public awareness about the need to make quality OST services available to all children and youth across the country. In addition, the OST field is undergoing a metamorphosis as experienced professionals in several different disciplines and fields share and contribute their knowledge, skills, and insights with the goal of creating national models that represent the best possible OST programs.

In this climate of change, OST programs face a number of important issues, revolving around the availability, affordability, and accountability of programs. Many national trends and issues have implications for OST at the state and local level. When OST professionals are well informed about national developments in the field, they can become more effective OST advocates as they design and implement high quality, sustainable programs that are responsive to youth, family, and community needs.