Defensive Driving Techniques - Your Ticket to Safety (20 mins)

Certificate Course
CEUs: 0
Clock Hours: 24Min
Mastery Score: 75%
9 learners enrolled

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Motor vehicles traffic crashes are the leading cause of unintentional injury death in the U.S., and the leading cause of death for American workers. Each year, car crashes cause over 40,000 deaths, more than 250,000 injuries requiring hospitalization and more than three million visits to emergency rooms across the nation. For employers, this equates to serious injury or death of employees, as well as substantial direct and indirect costs. Most motor vehicle crashes can be avoided if drivers and passengers take simple steps to reduce the likelihood of a crash and increase the chances of surviving a crash. This video program is designed to train your employees in basic defensive driving techniques they can practice each time they get behind the wheel, whether for business or personal reasons.

Topics covered also include:

Use of seat belts
Stopping & following distances
Adverse weather conditions
Proper adjustment and use of mirrors
The need to stay alert at all times.