TDOC Overview

Certificate Course
CEUs: 0
Clock Hours:
Mastery Score: 80%
99 learners enrolled

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The Tennessee Department of Correction (TDOC) exists for the purpose of operating safe and secure prisons and providing effective community supervision in order to protect the public. The department fulfills its obligations through the incarceration of offenders in a variety of secured institutional settings and providing supervision of offenders in the community throughout seventeen (17) districts in the state. All facilities and the Tennessee Correction Academy are all fully accredited by the American Correctional Association. During this class participants will receive a basic overview of the agency, its mission, each institution, Community Supervision, and certain special programs.


Upon successful completion of this class, the participant will:
- Quote the stated mission of the TDOC.
- List at least two (2) values of the TDOC.
- Identify at least five (5) institutions in the Department of Correction and their primary mission and function.
- Cite the locations of at least ten (10) of the Community Supervision District Offices.


- Introduction
- Course Objectives
- Department Overview
- Executive Level Staff
- Correctional Administrators
- Mission, Vision, and Values
- Overview of TDOC and CCA Facilities
- Community Supervision
- Offender Workforce Development
- Reentry
- Review Course Objectives
- Summary