VAD Educational Updates for the Prehospital Care Provider

Certificate Course
CEUs: 0.1
Clock Hours: 1Hr
Mastery Score: 75%
1704 learners enrolled

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To earn CEUs, learners must complete all course activities and achieve a minimum score of 75% on the final exam.


Ventricular Assist Devices (VADs) are not new devices. In fact, the first successful use of such a device was described in 1966. Since then, and particularly in the past few years, VAD design and safety has improved significantly and are now commonly implanted devices.

This course strives to bring prehospital providers current with the most commonly implanted devices at the time - this course will not cover every device that a prehospital provider may encounter.

Following successful completion of the material, the provider should feel comfortable recognizing the VAD patient when encountered in the community, have an understanding of the basic VAD components, be able to assess the VAD patient's hemodynamic status, and be able to deliver care in the prehospital setting.