Serving Nutritious Meals and Snacks Using CACFP Meal Patterns (CDA 1)

Certificate Course
CEUs: 0.2
Clock Hours: 2Hr
2202 learners enrolled

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This course covers recently revised CACFP (Child and Adult Care Food Program) meal pattern changes. Participants will learn how to identify whole grain-rich products and low-sugar yogurts through label reading, practice planning infant meals and snacks utilizing the new meal pattern requirements and brainstorm nutritious substitutions for grain-based desserts as part of a CACFP reimbursable breakfast or snack. This course is designed to be part of a Child Development Associate (CDA) Credential™ curriculum. It covers CDA Subject Area 1: Planning a Safe, Healthy Environment to Invite Learning. This course can also be taken as a stand-alone learning event, or as part of a broader early childhood education curriculum.