Image Title Duration (hours) Descriptionsort ascending
Project Teams: Communicating in a Project Team 1.00 Although most people think of communication as the act of speaking, the act of receiving a message, or listening, is an extremely vital part of communication. Seventy to 90 percent of your time is spent listening, not speaking. Active listening includes not only hearing words that are spoken, but interpreting the verbal message and nonverbal communication as well. During a project team meeting, you need to communicate with clarity to ensure that the entire team understands what is said. In this course you will learn to: use good listening skills when communicating within a project team, understand and use good verbal communication skills and empowerment to communicate effectively within a project team, and receive and give feedback.
Advanced Interpersonal Communication: First Impressions and Building Rapport 0.67 Although it only takes 30 to 45 seconds to formulate a first impression, it often requires four or five additional encounters to change someone's first impression. Many times, once you've made a first impression, you will not have a second opportunity to change that impression. Therefore, it's important to make your best impression on the first try. In this course you will learn: to identify the elements that influence a first impression, to build rapport, and establish credibility with others, and to build positive relationships.
Advanced Interpersonal Communication: First Impressions and Building Rapport (Instructor Guide) 0.67 Although it only takes 30 to 45 seconds to formulate a first impression, it often requires four or five additional encounters to change someone's first impression. Many times, once you've made a first impression, you will not have a second opportunity to change that impression. Therefore, it's important to make your best impression on the first try. In this course you will learn: to identify the elements that influence a first impression, to build rapport, and establish credibility with others, and to build positive relationships. This Instructor's Edition of this course includes notes and suggestions to assist you in presenting the material, whether in an in-person classroom setting or as an instructor-led online or distance-learning course. It also provides you with the answers to questions found in mid-lesson activities, as well as in the quiz that concludes the course.
Effective Presentations: Fundamentals of Persuasion (Instructor Guide) 1.17 Although all presentations are persuasive to some extent, a true persuasive presentation attempts to influence the way audience members think about something or influence the way they behave. This Instructor's Edition of this course includes notes and suggestions to assist you in presenting the material, whether in an in-person classroom setting, or as an instructor-led online or distance-learning course. It also provides you with the answers to questions found in mid-lesson activities, as well as in the quiz that concludes the course.
Cognitive Awareness 1.00 All people have had specific experiences during their life that have shaped the way they think. This course is geared toward people dealing with faulty thinking and self-destructive behaviors due to past experiences. It is designed to help people learn how and why they think the way they do. It is also to teach cognitive skills to help with self-development.
Social-Emotional Learning and Enhancing Quality 0.75 All children and youth need social- emotional and character skills in order to thrive in school, work, and life. By their design and structure, high-quality expanded learning and out-of-school time programs provide valuable opportunities for children and youth to develop such social-emotional and character skills. This course will introduce participants to social-emotional and character skills and their relationship to the California Quality Standards for Expanded Learning Programs.
Math Skills: Number Sense and Basic Algebra 2.50 Algebra is a branch of mathematics dealing with symbols and the rules for manipulating those symbols. In this course, you will evaluate basic expressions, learn about common mathematical terms, use basic mathematical operations, solve word problems, and understand the basic properties of different types of numbers.
Shared Space 101 2.00 Afterschool programs share space and facilities that are used by other people and for other purposes during the school day. Learning how to accomplish this in a positive way is essential for effective programming. This course offers participants the opportunity to examine some common issues that can occur when sharing space, as well as strategies to effectively share space with a variety of people.
"" Customer Service: Responding 1.00 After the greeting, listening, and questioning phases, the next phase is responding to a customer. Once you clearly understand a situation, your response will set the tone for the interaction. Without handling situations properly and without the right level of care, you can upset customers and ultimately drive them away. Responses must be timely and within expectations. If a customer is discussing a problem with you, then you know that at least one of that person’s expectations has not been met.
Strategic Decision Making: Decision Results 0.84 After implementing a decision, you should review the process you followed to reach it, regardless of the outcome. There are guidelines that you can use to review and learn from your decisions. You also need to be aware of the various pitfalls to avoid when learning from your decisions. You can improve your decision making skills by examining a variety of other sources, such as the experience of people in your company and the decisions of other companies. You should not overlook these opportunities, because they will improve your decision-making skills, and help you to avoid similar mistakes in the future. In this course you will learn to: identify the guidelines to follow and pitfalls to avoid when reviewing your decisions, and identify actions you can take to learn from the experience of others.
