Image Title Duration (hours) Descriptionsort ascending
What's Bugging You? Communicable Diseases 0.17 This course covers common communicable diseases, how they enter the body, and how certain policies can aid in lowering the likelihood of transmission.
Medication Safety Basics 0.50 This course covers common adverse drug events (ADEs) and their causes in adults and children, and ADEs associated with some specific common medications. It includes safety precautions and suggestions for reducing or preventing ADEs and the emergency department visits, and sometimes hospitalizations, that result from them.
Collaboration with Team Members for Paraprofessionals 1.00 This course covers collaboration with team members for paraprofessionals. You will learn what collaboration looks like in the school setting and what it means to use effective collaboration strategies. This course will also dive into what it means to be an effective communicator in the professional setting.
"" Collaboration with Team Members for Teachers 0.50 This course covers collaboration with team members for K-12 educators. You will learn what collaboration looks like in the school setting and what it means to use effective collaboration strategies. This course will also dive into what it means to be an effective communicator in a professional setting.
"" Child Abuse Prevention and Awareness for K-12 1.50 This course covers child abuse and prevention awareness. This course will help you develop new knowledge about students and will help you understand how children who may be abused can be helped within schools.
Chainsaw Safety 0.50 This course covers Chainsaw Safety. You will learn the proper ways to start a chainsaw, what it can cut, and how to operate a chainsaw safely.
Safety Communication and Training Techniques 1.50 This course covers certain safety and logistics measures for the workplace. This includes topics like different types of safety training, creating safety programs with different learners in mind, and how to use various types of media to communicate objectives.
Basic First Aid 1.00 This course covers basic first aid for a variety of ailments, including, but not limited to, bleeding, fractures, wounds, checking for spinal injuries, bites and stings, and choking. Please note: This course is meant as a general overview of Basic First Aid and will not result in an official first aid certification.
Introduction to Assessment for Teachers 1.25 This course covers basic assessment information for teachers. It will be a refresher for basic concepts generally covered in a teacher preparation program. Educators must understand the reasons for assessment and its importance in supporting appropriately designed instruction for students. This course will help you develop new knowledge and review prior knowledge regarding the impact of assessment on teaching and learning.
"" Introduction to American Sign Language 0.50 This course covers basic American Sign Language also known as ASL. This course will help you develop new knowledge about what American Sign Language is, where it comes from, and who benefits from it. You will also learn how ASL is used and some common signs for the classroom.
