Image Title Duration (hours)sort descending Description
Employee Performance: Communication 1.00 Communication is effective when a listener clearly understands a speaker’s message. Good communication fosters a productive exchange of ideas while minimizing the possibility of confusion or misunderstanding. When trying to communicate with a difficult employee, you must be willing to work with that person to correct the problematic behavior. Openly discussing the behavior can help you find a mutually acceptable solution. In this course you will learn to: communicate clearly and effectively by using verbal and nonverbal communication, and improve your listening skills, and communicate with difficult supervisors and coworkers, take a proactive approach when dealing with difficult employees, and identify types of employee dismissals.
"" Business Finance: Portfolio Risk 0.75 This course will focus on how to use the diversification principle to invest in portfolios as well as how to use the Capital Asset Pricing Model. You will also learn how to calculate different types of financial ratios.
"" Budgeting: Reviewing Budgets 1.00 A typical budget contains information for a single year and is updated and revised periodically. Each company creates a budget that fits its unique needs. A budget can be used for many purposes, but its primary functions should be to support strategic goals and to help identify when actual results deviate from what was predicted.
"" Project Management - Advanced: Project Integration and Plan Development 0.50 This course will cover how to measure data during project integration and differentiate between project and product life cycles. You will also learn how to identify the importance of developing a project plan, the elements of a project plan, the key input required for project plan development, and methods used in project plan development.
Managerial Leadership: Defining Employee Roles and Priorities 1.50 A vision is created by an organization to inspire its members to work together to reach for an ideal of what the organization can become. The members of the organization should use the vision as the standard to determine the day-to-day functions of their individual roles. The vision is the guide to use every time an action is taken, a decision is made, or a plan is developed to improve the organization or the people in it. An organization’s vision should enable the members in every role to do what is in the best interest of the organization. In this course you will learn to: determine leader roles and strengthen employee roles, and align employee priorities and evaluate employee performance.
SIDS and Other Sleep-Related Infant Deaths: Keeping Babies Safe 1.50 This course will give participants a brief overview of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) and other sleep-related deaths. Participants will learn about recent research and statistics, the importance of child care providers, AAP SIDS Task Force recommendations, and how to implement polices in child care.
Advanced Interpersonal Communication: Customers and Vendors 0.50 Your customers include anyone who uses your company or organization to obtain goods and services. Customers might be internal or external. An internal customer is a member of your organization and can be a supervisor, colleague, or subordinate. An external customer is someone from outside your organization. Each customer is of equal importance, regardless of the amount of business that customer provides to your organization. You should provide the same level of quality goods and services all your customers, and all are equally deserving of efficient and effective communication. In this course you will learn: to respond to customers’ complaints, and to reject a vendor’s contract without rejecting the vendor, and address a complaint to a vendor.
"" Project Management Essentials: Activities and Dependencies 0.75 This course will focus on how to identify project activities and recognize the types of project activities and the categories of dependencies and dependency relationships, analyze activities by creating an activity analysis form, and estimate the time duration and cost of project activities.
"" Change Management: Obstacles to Change 0.75 This course will cover how to identify the causes of resistance and the negative reactions to change and the methods for managing them. You will also learn how to identify the causes of complacency and prepare for crisis.
School-Age Care as a Family Service: Emphasis on Planning Opportunities for Family Involvement 2.00 The foundation for getting parents involved in school-age programs is to keep parents well informed about what is happening in the program. Quality programs also provide parents with opportunities to make suggestions and give feedback on program services through suggestion boxes, feedback forms, and surveys. When parents are encouraged to have input in the program, they develop trust and confidence in the program, and feel a sense of pride and ownership. They are more likely to participate as resourceful partners with program staff when they know their ideas are welcome and valued. Finally, because parents are all different from each other, it's important to provide many different opportunities for them to connect with the program. Staff in quality school-age programs recognize that all parents don't have to be involved in the same way.
