Image Title Duration (hours)sort ascending Description
Business Problem Solving: Critical Thinking and Information Analysis (Instructor Guide) 1.34 Critical thinking is the ability to understand how others think as well as how your own thinking process works. It also includes the ability to objectively evaluate the evidence used to support beliefs or arguments that lead to conclusions. It is an important business and problem-solving skill. Critical thinking helps you to evaluate various methods of reasoning that can be used in problem solving. In this course you will learn to: use reasoning and logic to think critically, define and use quantitative analysis techniques, and define and use qualitative analysis techniques. This Instructor's Edition of this course includes notes and suggestions to assist you in presenting the material, whether in an in-person classroom setting or as an instructor-led online or distance-learning course. It also provides you with the answers to questions found in mid-lesson activities, as well as in the quiz that concludes the course.
Business Problem Solving: Problem Solving in the Corporate World (Instructor Guide) 0.84 Problem-solving cultures greatly influence the problem-solving process in organizations. Recognizing the culture that exists in your organization will permit you to develop effective solutions. This approach needs employees with a wide variety of skills and talents. In this course you will learn to: identify the types of problem solvers and the skills they must possess, and identify different corporate cultures. This Instructor's Edition of this course includes notes and suggestions to assist you in presenting the material, whether in an in-person classroom setting or as an instructor-led online or distance-learning course. It also provides you with the answers to questions found in mid-lesson activities, as well as in the quiz that concludes the course.
Business Problem Solving: Problem-Solving Basics (Instructor Guide) 1.25 Problem-solving is aimed at eliminating problems. The problem-solving process involves identifying a problem, gathering information, generating and evaluating options, and implementing solutions. Effective problem-solving needs the coordination of knowledge, experience, attitude, intuition, and the abilities of an individual or team. By successfully eliminating problems the first time, you will save your company’s resources and improve its operation. In this course you will learn to: define the fundamentals of problem-solving, and identify effective problem-solving approaches. This Instructor's Edition of this course includes notes and suggestions to assist you in presenting the material, whether in an in-person classroom setting or as an instructor-led online or distance-learning course. It also provides you with the answers to questions found in mid-lesson activities, as well as in the quiz that concludes the course.
Business Problem Solving: Problem-Solving Process (Instructor Guide) 1.67 You need highly developed problem-solving skills to manage employees and achieve organizational goals. Understanding the problem-solving process is the first step in solving problems effectively. In this course you will learn to: identify the problem by analyzing the situation, gathering information, and identifying solution criteria, commit to a solution by generating, choosing, and implementing one, confirm that the problem has been eliminated by evaluating the solution. This Instructor's Edition of this course includes notes and suggestions to assist you in presenting the material, whether in an in-person classroom setting or as an instructor-led online or distance-learning course. It also provides you with the answers to questions found in mid-lesson activities, as well as in the quiz that concludes the course.
Business Problem Solving: Problem-Solving Teams (Instructor Guide) 1.00 Problem-solving teams are created to solve a specific business problem. Ideally, such a team should have members from different departments of your organization. However, you need to develop skills to focus team members on a common goal. As a team leader, you might be expected to create a team, rather than simply manage a group of people assigned to complete a task. You will play a central role in helping team members interact, communicate, and work together. You will also be expected to plan and execute team meetings. Meetings can be an effective way to communicate information to the group, to decide on an action, to set goals, and to motivate and support team members. In this course you will learn to: build and manage problem-solving teams and conduct effective meetings, and motivate team members and effectively communicate with them. This Instructor's Edition of this course includes notes and suggestions to assist you in presenting the material, whether in an in-person classroom setting or as an instructor-led online or distance-learning course. It also provides you with the answers to questions found in mid-lesson activities, as well as in the quiz that concludes the course.
Coaching: Coaching Diverse Employees (Instructor Guide) 1.34 People are different. Beliefs, behavior, learning pace, and personality vary from person to person. Some employees require extensive support to complete a project, while others perform better with fewer guidelines and more control. Still other employees need constant motivation to keep them focused on achieving goals. As a coach, you must assess each employee’s situation, and determine the most effective coaching approach to implement. This versatility will help you recognize your employees’ needs, improve your communication skills, and make you a better coach. In this course you will learn to: motivate employees by identifying their individual personality types, and build trusting relationships between employees and their coaches. This Instructor's Edition of this course includes notes and suggestions to assist you in presenting the material, whether in an in-person classroom setting or as an instructor-led online or distance-learning course. It also provides you with the answers to questions found in mid-lesson activities, as well as in the quiz that concludes the course.
Coaching: Communication (Instructor Guide) 1.00 Language is an important coaching tool. The use of suitable words during coaching will help you create relationships, repair employee confidence, and establish plans for employee success. As a coach, you must select words that directly influence your employees’ attitude, behavior, and performance. The use of appropriate language during your coaching sessions will help you convey your messages in a clear and encouraging manner. In this course you will learn to: clearly express your message by using appropriate language, identify and use nonverbal methods of communication, and receive the desired information by asking effective questions. This Instructor's Edition of this course includes notes and suggestions to assist you in presenting the material, whether in an in-person classroom setting or as an instructor-led online or distance-learning course. It also provides you with the answers to questions found in mid-lesson activities, as well as in the quiz that concludes the course.
Coaching: Fundamentals of Coaching (Instructor Guide) 1.00 Coaching is the continuous effort to help employees maximize their abilities through personalized counseling and advice. The coaching process not only trains employees to become familiar with business procedures and expectations, but also motivates them to reach both individual and company goals. Coaching is beneficial to employees because it encourages them to discover their worth and potential. Through proper coaching sessions, employees build confidence, improve their work habits, and increase their productivity. In this course you will learn to: 1. Define coaching and identify the qualities of an effective coach 2. Build a coaching foundation and plan a coaching strategy. This Instructor's Edition of this course includes notes and suggestions to assist you in presenting the material, whether in an in-person classroom setting or as an instructor-led online or distance-learning course. It also provides you with the answers to questions found in mid-lesson activities, as well as in the quiz that concludes the course.
Coaching: Interpersonal Meetings (Instructor Guide) 0.75 As a coach, your communication skills are critical to your success and the employees you are coaching. In many office environments, it can be tempting to get through the day without much personal contact by relying on technology. However, nothing can replace the benefits of personal interaction, or face-to-face communication. This Instructor's Edition of this course includes notes and suggestions to assist you in presenting the material, whether in an in-person classroom setting or as an instructor-led online or distance-learning course. It also provides you with the answers to questions found in mid-lesson activities, as well as in the quiz that concludes the course.
Coaching: The Coaching Process (Instructor Guide) 1.50 In this course you will learn to: establish a solid coaching foundation by creating and maintaining healthy coach-employee relationships, be an effective coach by understanding your coaching objectives and communicating the expectations and goals to employees, and provide employees with positive and constructive feedback by monitoring and evaluating their performance. This Instructor's Edition of this course includes notes and suggestions to assist you in presenting the material, whether in an in-person classroom setting or as an instructor-led online or distance-learning course. It also provides you with the answers to questions found in mid-lesson activities, as well as in the quiz that concludes the course.
