Image Title Duration (hours)sort descending Description
Effectively Managing an Employee Engagement and Satisfaction Survey 1.00 There is much scientific evidence that clearly shows a direct correlation between employee engagement/satisfaction and organizational performance. Engaged employees are more productive, profitable and customer service oriented. Engaged employees drive company innovation and have increased tenure. Learn how to conduct a World Famous Employee Satisfaction Survey, and incorporate the right questions to ask to also measure Employee Engagement - which will definitely benefit your organization by showing employees that you have a genuine interest in their feedback.
"" E-Mail Etiquette: E-Mail Messages 0.50 In this course, you will learn how to take advantage of the headers in e-mail messages. You will learn about the “To” field, in which you should type the recipient’s e-mail address. You will also learn when to send carbon copies and blind carbon copies of messages. You will learn the importance of writing a proper subject field for e-mail messages and that the header also includes the date and time of sending messages. Finally, you will learn how to construct the body of an e-mail message, add a personal touch to your messages by including a proper greeting, relay information by placing it in the appropriate order, and use different types of lists effectively. You learned the correct way to write long e-mail messages to keep recipients interested in the information and how to effectively close e-mail messages.
Presentation Methods and Debriefing Activities 2.00 There is no "one size fits all" approach to working with children and youth, and this is especially true when it comes to how we present and debrief activities. During this course, participants will understand the importance of the delivery and debriefing of an activity to help children and youth make meaning, as well as some specific methods that can be incorporated into the program right away.
Making Plans and Developing Policies 2.00 Planning and policy-making are closely linked to the development of quality school-age care programs. When school-age staff are skilled as planners and policy-makers, they can use these skills to design and implement high quality programs that benefit children, youth, and families. It is essential for school-age care professionals to recognize that it is important for policies to grow out of a vision of quality, and a mission that supports that vision. Therefore, creating a vision for quality, developing a program philosophy, and writing a clear mission statement are the first steps in program planning. It is also important for school-age care professionals to use a systematic process to develop goals and objectives, set priorities for accomplishing goals and objectives, and develop goal-based action plans that will help the school-age program achieve its mission. High quality school-age programs are led by professionals who understand how to use effective strategies for creating a continuous cycle of planning and evaluation that supports ongoing program improvement.
School-Age Care as a Family Service: Emphasis on Planning Opportunities for Family Involvement 2.00 The foundation for getting parents involved in school-age programs is to keep parents well informed about what is happening in the program. Quality programs also provide parents with opportunities to make suggestions and give feedback on program services through suggestion boxes, feedback forms, and surveys. When parents are encouraged to have input in the program, they develop trust and confidence in the program, and feel a sense of pride and ownership. They are more likely to participate as resourceful partners with program staff when they know their ideas are welcome and valued. Finally, because parents are all different from each other, it's important to provide many different opportunities for them to connect with the program. Staff in quality school-age programs recognize that all parents don't have to be involved in the same way.
Creativity and Innovation: Personal Creativity 1.34 Creativity is often considered a talent that some people have. Actually, creativity's a skill that everyone can nurture through exercise and practice. You can prepare yourself both mentally and physically to be creative. In this course you will learn to: prepare yourself mentally and physically to be creative, and use your experiences, innocence, intuition, and sense of adventure to increase your creativity.
A Student Guide to Fire Safety 0.50 Between January 2000 and May 2015, 85 fatal fires in dorms, fraternities, sororities, and off-campus housing took the lives of 118 people. This course offers students a refresher about fire safety, including the main causes of campus fires, the actions students can take to prevent fires, and the importance of working smoke alarms and knowing two ways out.
Advanced Interpersonal Communication: Customers and Vendors 0.50 Your customers include anyone who uses your company or organization to obtain goods and services. Customers might be internal or external. An internal customer is a member of your organization and can be a supervisor, colleague, or subordinate. An external customer is someone from outside your organization. Each customer is of equal importance, regardless of the amount of business that customer provides to your organization. You should provide the same level of quality goods and services all your customers, and all are equally deserving of efficient and effective communication. In this course you will learn: to respond to customers’ complaints, and to reject a vendor’s contract without rejecting the vendor, and address a complaint to a vendor.
Creating a World Famous Employee Communications Strategy 1.00 In recent years, San Diego Zoo Global's Internal Communications programs have been nationally recognized for excellence in outstanding employee communications. During this webinar, you will hear best practices from a seasoned pro at employee communications - covering latest trends, social media, employee forums, electronic newsletters, and creation of a cutting edge intranet for your organization. You will not want to miss this one...
"" Customer Service: Customer Service Skills 1.00 A great customer service representative should have skills in three key areas: organization (time and stress management), motivation (letting customers know you care), and communication (vocal, verbal, and visual). The core strength of a good customer service rep is sound knowledge of the organization’s products and services.
