Image Titlesort descending Duration (hours) Description
"" Business Writing: Understanding Proposals 0.75 This course will focus on how to write various types of proposals. You will also learn how to focus on the client when writing proposals.
"" Business Writing: Writing Skills 1.00 This course will focus on how to improve your writing skills by avoiding common pitfalls, adhering to specified guidelines, and following a standard writing process. You will also learn how to write effective sentences and paragraphs.
"" Business Writing: Writing Specific Messages 0.75 This course will focus on how to write effective business messages, including reports, letters, and e-mail. You will also learn how to write opinionated messages, including apologies, negative messages, and persuasive messages.
Bystander Intervention Training 1.00 This course covers the basic concepts of bystander intervention, including the “Four Ds” that describe different methods of intervention.
Caidas en la Construccion (Spanish) Falls in Construction 1.50 Este curso es en español. En este curso, usted verá videos sobre varios tipos de caídas que pueden ocurrir mientras se trabaja en la construcción. Usted aprenderá sobre aberturas en el suelo, andamios fijos, entabladas de puentes, reparación de techos, claraboyas, y trabajo en cornisa.
California Condor Conservation 1.00 In 1987, California condors were an extinct species in the wild when the last birds were trapped and placed in the protective custody of the Los Angeles and San Diego zoos. Using experience with Andean condors to breed them in captivity, the small population of just 27 birds was successfully grown, considering genetics and behavior, to the point where they could be released back in the wild. Now, with nearly 200 individuals in captivity and as many flying free in the wild, the species is well on its way to full recovery. This webinar will focus on the methods and strategies used and the trials and tribulations encountered by organizations and individuals that saved this species.
California Condors 1.00 This course provides an introduction to California condors, including an overview of physical characteristics, habitat, behavior, reproduction, and conservation.
California Harassment Prevention Training for Managers, Supervisors, and Salaried Employees 2.00 This course provides comprehensive, online training to prevent harassment in the workplace. It offers strategies to achieve more appropriate employee conduct and reduce your company’s liability. In addition to promoting a harassment-free work environment, this course will also bring your organization into compliance with state laws, such as California's sexual harassment training requirement, AB 1825.
California Harassment Prevention Training for Managers, Supervisors, and Salaried Employees (Corrections) 2.00 This course provides comprehensive online training to prevent harassment in the workplace. It offers strategies to achieve more appropriate employee conduct and reduce your company’s liability. In addition to promoting a harassment-free work environment, this course will also bring your organization into compliance with state laws, such as California's sexual harassment training requirement, AB 1825.
California Harassment Prevention Training for Team Members 1.00 Harassment cases have resulted in organizations being liable for hundreds of millions of dollars in legal fees and lost revenue annually. The information presented here enables employees in the organization to create a harassment-free culture.
