Image Titlesort descending Duration (hours) Description
Tigers 2.00 This course will provide an introduction to tigers, including an overview of physical characteristics, habitat, behavior, reproduction and the conservation efforts dedicated to protecting this species.
"" Time Management: Information Overload 1.00 This course will focus on how to identify the causes of information overload and overcome it by screening information, control paperwork by organizing your office and filing system, and communicate effectively to increase productivity.
"" Time Management: Productivity 0.75 This course will focus on how to increase productivity by controlling interruptions and meetings and recognize and overcome factors that adversely affect productivity.
"" Time Management: Technology and Time Management 1.00 This course will focus on how to use computer and telephone technologies to save time instead of wasting time and maintain a reasonable workload by saying “no” when appropriate.
"" Time Management: Time Management Overview 1.00 This course will focus on how to identify the benefits of time management and the relationship between personality types; evaluate your productivity by calculating the cost of your time and performing a time audit; and organize your time by creating a to-do list, identifying goals, and setting priorities.
"" Time Management: Time Management Plans 1.00 This course will focus on how to develop a time management plan to help identify and achieve goals and organize your day by creating a daily plan and avoiding obstacles.
Title IX 1.00 Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 prohibits sexual discrimination in educational institutions that receive federal funding. It applies to the vast majority of colleges and universities—public, private, and parochial—and has a broad scope. Under Title IX, discrimination on the basis of sex can include sexual harassment or sexual violence, such as rape, sexual assault, sexual battery, and sexual coercion. A school that fails to respond to and remedy the situation risks losing federal funding.
Title IX Guidance Changes - September 2017 0.17 In September 207, United States Department of Education Secretary Betsy DeVos rescinded Obama-era guidelines related to how colleges and universities investigate campus assaults. This course reviews the background of those changes, its criticism and responses, as well as new interim measures and timelines to make those changes.
Train-the-Trainer: Training Methods 0.25 The purpose of this course is to provide the education and tools needed so that participants will be able to effectively deliver safety and health training to their workers. By the end of this course participants will be able to explain the different titles of a teacher, determine positive classroom control measures, examine diversity and stereotypes, describe training delivery methods, analyze questioning types and techniques, demonstrate the use of training aids, define how to empower the adult learner, and illustrate the proper use of assessments and critiques.
Train-the-Trainer: Training Methods (Corrections) 0.25 The purpose of this course is to provide the education and tools needed so that participants will be able to effectively deliver safety and health training to their workers. By the end of this course participants will be able to explain the different titles of a teacher, determine positive classroom control measures, examine diversity and stereotypes, describe training delivery methods, analyze questioning types and techniques, demonstrate the use of training aids, define how to empower the adult learner, and illustrate the proper use of assessments and critiques.
