Image Titlesort descending Duration (hours) Description
"" Understanding the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) in Schools 1.25 This course includes comprehensive information about the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and its implications in educational institutions. It includes FOIA basics, compliance requirements, best practices, and case studies relevant to schools. This is just one of the many K-12 Education courses we offer.
Understanding the Immigration Process 1.00 This course is designed to provide information about the immigration experience and process children, youth, and their families have gone through to come to the United States. Strategies for supporting the emotional well-being and academic success of immigrant students will be provided. We hope this course will help you understand your immigrant English learners and their families a little better.
Universal Design: Providing Accessibility to All (Webinar) 1.00 The intent of Universal Design is to provide what is considered “Life Span” or “Barrier Free” designs. That means that products and the built environment are designed in a way that everyone is able to use it, no matter a person’s age or ability. The design is not only intended for a person with a disability but also for a child or shorter adult to easily use and provided in an inclusive way. This session will review the history of Universal Design, what makes it different and more effective than present accessibility codes and examples of how these can be included into zoo, aquarium and museum designs.
"" Use Information Correctly 0.75 This course covers the basics of using online information. We will go over copyrights, Creative Commons, and public domain work, as well as the rules associated with using these forms of media.
Utility Pole Incidents (NYS05) 1.00 This is a basic lesson for the introduction or review of the utility pole for the firefighter. The lesson defines types of utility poles and identifies the risks and hazards associated with operating at incidents that involve them. The lesson is evaluated with a final multiple-choice quiz. A grade of 80% or better is required to pass this course.
Utilizing the Quick CASP Assessment Tool 2.00 CalSAC partnered with the Summer Matters campaign to create our Quality Summer Program training series. Summer months bring unique opportunities for learning outside the traditional school year and walls. High quality summer learning programs change students’ lives for the better with an opportunity to improve their academic achievement and readiness to learn. Developing quality programs requires intentional, ongoing development. Engage in activities that will help identify and strengthen the quality of your summer learning program. Utilizing the Quick CASP Assessment Tool is the second module in the Quality Summer Programming Training series. Creating a high quality summer learning program first starts with assessing the program at every level from the planning stages to the implementation of the program. In this module, participants will understand the language used in the Quick CASP Assessment Tool to describe quality summer programming and learn about the Quick CASP Assessment Tool to guide program quality improvement.
VAD Educational Updates for the Prehospital Care Provider 1.00 Ventricular Assist Devices (VADs) are not new devices. In fact, the first successful use of such a device was described in 1966. Since then, and particularly in the past few years, VAD design and safety has improved significantly and are now commonly implanted devices. This course strives to bring prehospital providers current with the most commonly implanted devices at the time - this course will not cover every device that a prehospital provider may encounter. Following successful completion of the material, the provider should feel comfortable recognizing the VAD patient when encountered in the community, have an understanding of the basic VAD components, be able to assess the VAD patient's hemodynamic status, and be able to deliver care in the prehospital setting.
Vehicle Fire Operations (NYS05) 1.00 This course is a general overview of safe firefighting operations at vehicle fires. The lesson discusses proper risk management of a vehicle fire through the identification of hazards and application of safe, effective, and efficient operations. Several types of vehicle fires are described and hazards associated with each are identified. The tactical needs and priorities of vehicle fire operation are reviewed. Finally, a safe procedure for performing suppression tasks at a vehicle fire is introduced. The course is evaluated with a multiple-choice quiz. The firefighter must achieve a score of 80% or better to pass the course.
Vertebrate Ethology Series: Team Building and Collaborative Research 1.00 Do you want to collect behavioral data to aid in decision-making about animal husbandry, but are not sure where to start? Listen in as a research team invites graduate students to join in the collaborative effort. In this webinar, you will learn more about the inquiry cycle and how it will be simplified into 8 steps that the team will complete together over the next 2 months. This team is investigating a "bull switching" treatment for managing big herds of African antelope. However, the inquiry process would be applicable for any research topic.
Video Analysis: Activities and Events 1.00 The video-data for your inquiry project has been collected, now what? Testing your hypothesis is usually a dance, back and forth between the "ideal" and "reality-check". Listen to a research team decide how they will analyze video-data to extract just the information needed to focus on the inquiry questions. The first step is to sort video clips by activity categories, then score each clip using a recording protocol defined in terms of counting behavioral events and/or time sampling of activity states.
