Image Titlesort descending Duration (hours) Description
"" Virtual Teams: Alternative Office Arrangements 0.50 This course will focus on how to identify the types of alternative office arrangements and the benefits of telecommuting and the skills and challenges of telecommuters.
"" Virtual Teams: Communication 1.50 This course will focus on how to identify the importance of effective communication, the purpose of a communication design process, the technological and cultural barriers in communication, and the technological innovations in communication and the guidelines for using these technologies.
"" Virtual Teams: Effectiveness, Social Dynamics, and Decision-Making 0.75 This course will focus on how to identify the factors influencing effectiveness and the indications revealing ineffectiveness, identify the social dynamics stages and factors, and identify the steps in the decision-making process, methods of making decisions, and the challenges while making decisions.
"" Virtual Teams: Fundamentals of Virtual Teams 0.50 This course will focuse on how to identify the purpose and types of virtual teams, identify the benefits of serving in virtual teams and types of work and meetings carried out by virtual teams, and identify the schedule of a session, and the agenda of a session.
"" Virtual Teams: Obstacles and Success Factors 0.50 This course will focus on how to identify the obstacles in the progress of a virtual team and identify the factors that influence the success of a virtual team.
Volunteer Recognition on a Next-to-Nothing Budget 1.00 A mere 'Thank you' is not enough, and when budgets are tight how do we ensure volunteers feel appreciated, and are recognized for their service? Investigate several cost-effective strategies for recognizing volunteers for service milestones or going the extra mile. Explore spontaneous recognition ideas that may provide a fun new surge of energy with your volunteers and throughout your organization. It doesn’t have to cost a lot to be effective, heartwarming and/or fun
Volunteers and Change Management 1.00 'Nothing is as permanent as change' - change is constant, change is life, but some changes are really difficult to navigate. This webinar will tackle how to build a strong and successful bridge to change using strategies for successful change management. Learn the best ways to use both your head and your heart to support others through change.
Water and Energy 2.00 CalSAC has partnered with the Pacific Gas & Electric Company (PG&E) to bring the Energenius® Out-of-School Time Program to our online training platform. This FREE environmental stewardship curriculum is designed to engage children and youth to think about how they use energy, how energy is measured, paid for, and ways to save energy. Children and youth will understand how they can help reduce the impacts of energy use and production on the environment, and also practice influencing others to take energy-saving actions. Additionally, the curriculum is uniquely and intentionally designed to engage families in energy and water conservation habits. Water and Energy is Activity Guide #3 in 4-part Energenius® Out-of-School Time Program. The curriculum and activities are designed to engage children and youth to think about water – where it comes from, how it’s used, and how to conserve this natural resource. This course will prepare participants to deliver the activities from the Water and Energy Activity Guide as well as help children and youth bring water saving resources home.
Water Supply Evolutions #1210 (Instructor Guide) 1.00 This is the instructor guide for the Water Supply Evolution lesson #1210. This lesson will review municipal water supply operations and includes three skills evolutions for performing routine water supply tasks.
We Are: Supporting Self-Awareness and Self-Management 0.75 As staff, our understanding of how youth’s negative responses affect emotions and behaviors is a key lever in how we create opportunities for young people to develop social-emotional and character skills such as self-awareness and self-management. During this course, participants will learn about how young people’s responses affect personal emotion and behavior, and how group agreements can support safe environments. Participants will reflect on current strategies and will learn about resources to support the development of young people’s self-awareness and self-management skills.
